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Diary entry - The Blitz

Diary entry - The Blitz

A diary entry containing a range of language features - conjunctions to extend clauses, semi colons (Year 5 objective), relative clauses (Year 5 objective), first person, apostrophe for contraction. This diary entry is written from the persepctive of a child living in London during 1941. It is a recount of a typical day during the Blitz.
Fiction -  fantasy story -Megan and The Magical Land

Fiction - fantasy story -Megan and The Magical Land

This is a fantasy story that follows the following structure: Beginning, build up, problem, resolution, ending. An ordinary girl called Megan discovers a new, magical world. Dancing elves are having a party when Megan decides to help herself to a delicious cupcake. But this leads to an unwanted fate and a whole lot of regret. She now has a serious problem, and in order to solve it, she needs some help. Of course, like every fantasy story, she meets a few mysterious creatures along the way. However, not everyone is helpful and Megan will soon come to realise this. She needs to decide herself for she is the only one who holds the key to her fate. It contains various language features - fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases, similes, a range of conjunctions and relative clauses. it is pitched to a Year 5 class, but it could also be used in Year 4.
Setting description

Setting description

A setting description of a beach setting - this contains expanded noun phrases, semi colons, relative clauses and use of brackets. Year 5. Children can continue writing the setting description …
Newspaper report

Newspaper report

An example of a Newspaper report - BRUTAL LION SAVAGES BABY ZEBRA Newspaper report follows the structure of orientation, main body and re-orientation. Orientation contains the w questions - when it happened, what happened and where it happened. Main body contains more information about the main story. The use of quotes are used in this section. Re-orientation - concludes news story and offers advice to reader. Follows a very clear structure.
A short story - suspense, description

A short story - suspense, description

A short story containing suspense and description. A young girl finds herself mesmerised by an object in a shop. Once she sees the object, she knows she must have it. She takes the object when no one is looking and runs. Character feeling is portrayed throughout the story along with descriptive devices - expanded noun phrases, relative clauses and characterisation through dialogue. It also contains the use of semi colons and a range of conjunctions to extend clauses.
Suspense extract - If Only

Suspense extract - If Only

This is a suspense story containing lots of description. It contains expanded noun phrases, relative clauses and semi colons. It also follows a very clear structure - my class enjoyed this story very much.
Explanation Text

Explanation Text

An explanation text - Year 5 / 6. Why you should clean your home regularly It contains use of causal language, commas to separate clauses, relative clauses, dashes and technical vocabulary.
Rhyming poetry

Rhyming poetry

This is a rhyming poem about a child who has lost their cuddly cat. It contains a simple rhyming scheme and precise verbs.