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Visual Timetable - lots of variety!
A small version of the visual timetable for your whiteboard or other display with lots of different options for you to choose from.
Includes all usual curriculum stuff but also; book talk, SEAL, maths and literacy activities, joke time, news time - all stuff I'm planning on squeezing in.
Lunch and break are in different colours to break up the display.
I mounted them on another colour and then laminated. They look really effective and don't take up too much room on the board.
Hope someone finds them useful as well.

TAKE 5! 25 ideas for using Explain Everything in the Classroom
5 ways to use the iPad App Explain Everything in your classroom across 5 areas of the curriculum!
A total of 25 teaching ideas for embedding iPads into your classroom.
Ideal for beginners or those more confident using iPads in the classroom the ideas get progressively more difficult so you can move from staring out to innovating with technology. No idea is exclusive to a particular subject area can can usually be adapted to any area of the curriculum.