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Christmas Cryptogram Puzzle

Christmas Cryptogram Puzzle

A fun engaging way to solve a Christmas Puzzle using Spanish Vocabulary Answers are also included in the file Cryptogram Made using: Puzzle Maker from Discovery Education
Spanish Phonics Cards

Spanish Phonics Cards

Phonics cards which can be printed out, suitable for both KS3 and KS2 to learn the basic Spanish sounds. Examples provided on the same slide so can be used just as a teaching tool or a match up exercise Attribution: Icon made by Freepik from flaticon.com
German: Introductions and Greetings

German: Introductions and Greetings

This is a short lesson designed for Beginner’s or a Key stage 3 German class on introductions and conversation starters. For example greetings, stating your name and where you come from. This has a focus on verbs such as heissen and kommen Slides made using canva