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AQA A-level Geography Human and Physical case studies
Includes multiple case studies for each of the following topics:
- Population and the Environment
- 1 x Overall population change - Bangladesh
- 1 x Relationship between place and health -
Knowsley, UK
- Coasts
- 1 x coastal landscape beyond the UK -
Sundarbans, Bangladesh
- 1 x local coastal environment - Holderness,
- Global systems and Global Governance
- 1 x a global common - Antarctica
- 1 x a TNC - Apple
- 1 x global food commodity - Coffee
- Hazards
- 1 x multi-hazardous environment - Haiti
- 1 x local hazardous setting - Port-au-
Prince, Haiti
- 1 x HIC recent tropic storm - Hurricane
Katrina 2005
- 1 x LIC recent tropical storm - Typhoon
Haiyan 2013
- Changing Places
- 1 x Local place study - Ladywood,
- 1 x Distant place study - Detroit, USA
- Water and Carbon cycles
- 1 x river catchment at a local scale - River
- 1 x a tropical rainforest setting - The
AQA A-level Geography Global systems and Governance case studies
1 x a global common - Antarctica
1 x a TNC - Apple
1 x global food commodity - Coffee
A3 posters in word document format, includes all relevant facts, figures and explanations
AQA A-level Geography Water and Carbon cycles case studies
1 x river catchment at a local scale - River Brock
1 x a tropical rainforest setting - The Amazon
A3 posters in word document format includes facts, figures and explanations
AQA A-level Geography Hazards case studies
1 x multi-hazardous environment - Haiti
1 x local hazardous setting - Port-au-Prince, Haiti
1 x HIC recent tropic storm - Hurricane Katrina 2005
1 x LIC recent tropical storm - Typhoon Haiyan 2013
1 x HIC recent seismic event - Christchurch 2011
1 x LIC recent seismic event - Haiti 2010
1 x LIC recent volcanic eruption - Mt. Nyirangongo 2002
1 x HIC recent volcanic eruption - Eyjafjallajökull 2010
1 x recent wilfire event - Victoria 2009
A3 posters in word document with relavent facts, figures and explanations.
AQA A-level Geography Physical case studies
All case studies for:
Water and Carbon cycle
AQA A-level Geography Changing places case studies
1 x Local place study - Ladywood, Birmingham
1 x Distant place study - Detroit, USA
A3 poster in word document format, include all relevant facts, figures and explanations
AQA A-level Geography Coasts case studies
1 x coastal landscape beyond the UK - Sundarbans, Bangladesh
1 x local coastal environment - Holderness, UK
A3 posters in a word document includes relevent facts, firgure and explanations.
AQA A-level Geography Population and the Environment case studies
1 x Overall population change - Bangladesh
1 x Relationship between place and health - Knowsley, UK
A3 poster in word document format includes all relevant facts, figures and explanations
AQA A-level Geography Human case studies
Changing places
Global systems and governance
Population and the environment