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I teach general science and biology to 11-18 year olds and my focus in developing my resources has been to use co-operative learning techniques to engage pupils.




I teach general science and biology to 11-18 year olds and my focus in developing my resources has been to use co-operative learning techniques to engage pupils.
KS3 Physics Static electricity

KS3 Physics Static electricity

A Powerpoint containing teaching slides, questions, activities and markschemes for self assessment. Any worksheets are also included. There is a know it - show it slide for objectives and outcomes. The lesson is planned based on Rosenshines Principles of Practice and is lesson 1 of my Electricity and Magnetism scheme of work. The other lessons are available to download :)
Lesson 5 Extracting DNA from Kiwi

Lesson 5 Extracting DNA from Kiwi

Students recall the parts of a plant cell. Answers animated to appear. Slide displaying equipment and slides describing the method to extract DNA from kiwi (same method for strawberry and onion). I have made animations to help students to recall why the fruit is crushed, why detergent is needed, why heat is needed and why ice cold ethanol is used. Once students complete the practical there is a slide of questions (which focus on GCSE content) for students to answer. Answer for self assessment are included on the next slide.
Pre release article Preparation SNAB 2024

Pre release article Preparation SNAB 2024

Single sided sheet of key biological terms from the course and their definitions which relate to the article. I have predicted questions and written a markscheme for each question. I have identified the sentence in the article and the paragraph this content relates to. There are 9 pages of possible questions and detailed answers. There are 3 sets of exam questions and markschemes along with examiners comments relating to Classification and phylogeny, natural selection and Hardy Weinberg. Students can mark responses in the examiners comments paper and develop their exam technique by comparing their marking to the examiners.
Measuring Voltage

Measuring Voltage

This resources was created using the Principles of Practice to ensure good implementation of the lesson. There is recall of series and parallel circuits and recall of the use of an ammeter. This lesson assumes current has been taught in th previous lesson. The starter is a worksheet where students calculate current. Answers are in the Ppt for self assessment. The voltmeter is introduced and its use explained by a model. Students then are asked to create specific circuits in series and parallel in order to investigate voltage. Clear instructions and worksheets are provided.
Lesson 4 DNA, chromosomes and genes

Lesson 4 DNA, chromosomes and genes

Students learn the connection between DNA, chromosomes and genes. There is an activity where students explain the connection. Mark scheme for self assessment included. Students learn the structure of DNA. Key terms are included on a slide which students link together to write an extended answer describing the structure of DNA. A mark scheme is included for students to self assess their answer. There is a co operative learning activity called Sage and Scribe and a slide with instructions on how to carry it out. All worksheets included.
Punnet squares cystic fibrosis, polydactyl and gender

Punnet squares cystic fibrosis, polydactyl and gender

A complete lesson to assess the ability of your class to understand inheritance and complete punnett squares. Cystic fibrosis, polydactyl and gender are the three themes. I have included all worksheets and mark schemes are on the powerpoint. I have also included key terms for you to print out and display on the board.
What is electricity?

What is electricity?

A complete lesson. The Powerpoint inlcudes an animation to teach the role of the cell/battery, bulb and electrons. There is a literacy activity which focuses on the use of key terms and students self assess against a model answer. Students also recall circuit componenents from KS2. All worksheets are
Measuring current

Measuring current

Planned using the Principles of Practice to ensure good implementation. Begins with a recall quiz (to promote pupil discussion). Quiz questions included. The following slides are animations to recall what happens in an electrical circuit (flow of electrons and energy). Lesson introduces the use of an ammeter to measure current and series and parallel circuits. Students are then asked to create specific circuits, some of which are series and some are parallel. Students record the ammeter reading and make a conclusion about current in series and
Lesson 3 Cell calculations unit conversions and standard form

Lesson 3 Cell calculations unit conversions and standard form

Slides teach students step by step how to write units in standard form linking to cells. This lesson would be used after students have been taught and practiced IAM calculations. All answers are included. There is a co operative learning activity called ‘Sage and Scribe’ . Instruction slide is included plus all worksheets and answers for self
GCSE Lesson 2 Using a microscope to view plant cells

GCSE Lesson 2 Using a microscope to view plant cells

Students learn how to prepare a slide to view onion cells. Key terms are displayed and students write their own method and self assess. Answers included. Students use key terms to verbally recall how to use a microscope. Clear instructions with images are included to show how to prepare a slide and use a
GCSE Lesson 12 Cystic Fibrosis

GCSE Lesson 12 Cystic Fibrosis

The lesson begins with the reminder that genes give us our characteristics. Recall of cell, nucleus, genes and alleles using images. Explanation of alleles for a transmembrane protein and if these are faulty person has CF. Video clip link included to show students the severity of CF and impact it has on a sufferers life. Following slides recall the structure of the respiratory system and are animated to show ciliated cells and mucus accumulating. Students then complete a worksheet of recall questions. The following slides are used to teach the inheritance of CF with genetic diagrams including Punnett squares. Students then complete worksheets of diagrams and self assess their answers. All answers are included.
Open and Closed Circulatory systems

Open and Closed Circulatory systems

This is an A level lesson. Students learn about open and closed circulatory systems and then practice comparing the circulatory systems of mammals to fish and also amphibians. The focus is on presenting students with diagrams and teaching them how to analyse the different systems and explain why each is effective for that particular organism. Students complete a worksheet to show their understanding and self assess via a mark scheme (included in the presentation). Finally students compare the effectiveness of a frog’s circulatory system to a mammal. Again students self asses their answers against a mark scheme (provided)
Measuring current

Measuring current

This is a complete lesson. The PowerPoint contains teaching slides, question slides, activities and markschemes for self assessment. There is a ‘Know it Show it’ slide to introduce objectives and outcomes. The lesson is planned around Rosenshine’s Principles of Practice. The lesson includes recall activities and focuses on the use of key scientific terms to promote literacy. The activities use co-operative learning strategies to engage all students in your lesson. Any worksheets
Engaging plenary quiz

Engaging plenary quiz

The aim of this quiz was 'fun'. I made it to engage and motivate lower ability sets. I have used it as a plenary to assess progress at the end of the topic in Year 7 and as a starter to Year 9.
Controlling blood glucose levels

Controlling blood glucose levels

This Powerpoint is to be used alongside the 'learning mat' and worksheet that I've also uploaded. Since the emphasis of lesson observations has shifted so that teachers are expected to plan lessons that enable students to learn independently of the teacher, I've planned this lesson to enable group work whereby students learn how glucose levels are controlled by interperting a storyboard. I hope you find it useful.