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Miss Paskin's Shop

I am a Year 3 teacher creating resources for my classroom. I hope you find something useful!




I am a Year 3 teacher creating resources for my classroom. I hope you find something useful!
Time Conjunctions

Time Conjunctions

It is a year 3 National Curriculum aim that children should be able to use time conjunctions within their writing. This resource is intended as a display to support children with the use of conjunctions to represent time within their writing.
Causal conjunctions

Causal conjunctions

This resource is a causal conjunctions display which acts as a point of reference within the classroom.
Year 4 Spelling Leaves and Bees

Year 4 Spelling Leaves and Bees

The spelling leaves cover all 110 spellings that children are required to learn by the end of year 4. The purpose of the spelling bees is to allow the children to add ‘Wow’ words to the spelling tree to promote the development and retention of vocabulary.
Place Conjunctions

Place Conjunctions

This is a display intended to encourage children to use conjunctions to describe where something happened. It is a national curriculum aim for year 3 for children to be able to use conjunctions to describe place and this will hopefully help the children to meet this criteria.