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Snow letter to use for persuasive writing.
I’ve written a letter from government telling them they have to work Saturdays for the next 4 weeks. To be used for persuasive writing.
Salty Seas - topic year 2
I am including a selection of plans/work I did with year 2 about 3 years ago. I hope it is useful for you and saves some time. I have included medium term plans too.
Year 6 Grammar revision - nouns, adjectives, subject and object
I am including two sheets of revision for year 6. One covers nouns, noun phrases and expanded noun phrases and the other talks about the object and subject in a sentence.
NPQSL assignment and feedback. Improving writing across KS2
I am including my NPQSL assignment with the feed back sheet . This was completed 3 years ago and I imagine the format is the same. My focus is on improving writing across KS2.
Figurative Language Powerpoint
A powerpoint which I made for a year 5/6 class as part of my interview.
P.S. I got the job
Year 2 - Fiery Dragons and The Fire of London Planning
Medium and short term plans on Fiery Dragons and Fire of London which we covered in a term. There are literacy ideas and various worksheets.