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AQA GCSE Spanish - Reading Sections A, B, C (Foundation) answer strategy

AQA GCSE Spanish - Reading Sections A, B, C (Foundation) answer strategy

3 Resources
These are the templates that I prepared for my higher year 8 Spanish students and early KS4 in relation to answering Reading Foundation Sections A, B and C. They include different sets of reading activities and games to answer the questions of the Reading AQA exam. The tasks are set for my Foundation tier but might as well work for Higher if mildly redacted. Please let me know how it goes!
KS3/GCSE Spanish-MAT-La serpiente del habla (Jobs)-independent Speaking/Writing (differentiated)

KS3/GCSE Spanish-MAT-La serpiente del habla (Jobs)-independent Speaking/Writing (differentiated)

This is a differentiated Speaking / Writing exercise that I tend to use every half-term to encourage spontaneous speaking / writing. It is a variation of a trap door exercise that can be adapted for every topic as only topic specific vocabulary changes (not connectives / frequencies / opinions). This particular mat is to speak / write on the topic of (Future) Jobs / Employment plans. Enjoy!
Spanish Trailer of Secret Life of Pets

Spanish Trailer of Secret Life of Pets

Hi everyone! I realised that some things disappear from Youtube, including trailers which are very useful to engage students. I have therefore downloaded this trailer to use for educational purposes only.