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Resources that support the implementation of the UDL Guidelines to ensure all learners are successful in your lessons.

Resources that support the implementation of the UDL Guidelines to ensure all learners are successful in your lessons.
Independent Practice Routine

Independent Practice Routine

This independent practice routine supports learners to monitor and make choices about their own learning. This resource can be used in any lesson or subject area. Learners are given an opportunity to reflect on their progress in the lesson and make a choice about how they will proceed for the independent practice. The choices include working independently at their desks or working with the teacher. A simple yet effective way to provide autonomy for your learners. This resource consists of: A reference guide that explains the purpose, steps for implementation of the routine as well as identified Universal Design for Learning Guidelines that the routine supports. A reflection slide that consists of an emoji scale for learners to reflect on their progress in the lesson. Slides that can be modified to add your task for independent practice as well as the choices with expectations.
One Minute Pause Review and Reflection Routine Slides

One Minute Pause Review and Reflection Routine Slides

This routine can be used for any subject. A one minute pause routine supports learners to reflect on and review the content they have just been taught in a lesson. Each slide consists of three options that learners can select to engage in the one minute pause. This resources provides two different levels of options that can be used for primary and secondary learners. It also provides a reference card for how to use the routine and how it aligns to the current Universal Design for Learning Guidelines.
Vocabulary Choice Board

Vocabulary Choice Board

This template is to support your vocabulary instruction routines. The purpose of this routine is for learners to review and revise the focus vocabulary words previously taught. There are four options that learners can select from. Each option allows the learner to apply the focus word different ways. Once a learner has completed one option, they can select another and so on until the time is up. This template is easily adaptable for your learners and their needs. The PowerPoint also includes a reference guide as how to use this resource and it’s alignment to the current Universal Design for Learning Guidelines.