Information, Hints and Tips on how to answer an A level Business exam question using PeCan Pie + AJIM.
Proven to be successful and increase the number of high grades.
A sheet on answering questions with hints tips and examples of specific questions
a powerpoint to accompany the resources above
Exam technique lesson goes through exactly how to answers, number of marks and structure and signposting analysis and evaluation for higher marks.
This resource can be printed and annotated to help students prepare and revise all the models and theories for the AQA A level business examination.
Could be used as a summer task to prepare Year 1 students for year 2 models.
Has a slight business focus. 11 rounds in total should last full hour. Rounds include:
Round 1 - 2024 Christmas Adverts
Round 2 - Name the slogan
Round 3 - Logo quiz
Round 4 - Im a celebrity 2024
Round 5 - Christmas Films
Round 6 - Guess the Entrepreneur
Round 7 - Name the politician
Round 8 - Name the 2024 top music albums
Round 9 -11 - Guess the 2024 Film revealed behind hidden squares.
The resources cover all learning objectives for topic A and topic B for BTEC Business unit 3 personal and Business finance.
They include lesson powerpoints, activities, exam questions.
Full resources covering most if not all of the criteria for the BTEC Unit 4 Managing an Event Unit.
Includes lesson powerpoint and activity sheets.
We have had this unit moderated this year and have been approved using these resources.
This unit of work for Unit 2 Creating a Marketing Campaign has been created for this academic year (19/20) and the ressources are based on the Jan 2020 controlled assessment for Cryptic Adventures.
It includes:
Well planned lesson powerpoints in order of delivery (the order in which students will layout their controlled assessment)
Examples of students notes (for Pop up cinemas)
Examples of a candidates distinction work
A completed controlled assessment for Cryptic Adventures to Distinction level
A RAG rated assessment sheet
and lots of other resources and activities to take you through the full unit.
A whole unit of work for the new BTEC Level 3 Business Studies Marketing Unit.
Lessons include all learning outcomes A,B & C, full resources and activities/links for each lesson.
Includes practice assessments and revision
Every thing you need to teach this unit and lesson match the writing frame given in the controlled assessment.
Mini Mock Paper with case study 1 and Non case study questions on Topic 3,5 & 9
Mini Mock mark scheme
Sample answer
Powerpoint walkthrough
BTEC Business Level 3
Unit 3 Persoanl and Business Finance
Topic A Borrowing
Resources include one full lesson (could be spread over 2 lessons) on types of borrowing with individual activities for each type of borrowing. Also includes an exam question.
BTEC Business Level 3
Personal and Business Finance
Topic A
Included are two lessons on types of insurance with activities including two exam questions for students to answer.