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I am a Geography specialist who has also been teaching GCSE history for the past few years. I have uploaded some lessons for History and Geography. I hope people find them useful.




I am a Geography specialist who has also been teaching GCSE history for the past few years. I have uploaded some lessons for History and Geography. I hope people find them useful.
The National Health Service

The National Health Service

A Key Stage 3 lesson, used as part of a Welfare State unit of work on the establishment of the National Health Service in 1948. We complete quick retrieval starter on the discovery of penicillin to begin with. We then discuss what happened to people when they got ill before the NHS. We look at the Beveridge Report and the pupils complete a reading text analysis by reading the text and answering the questions around the outside of the template. We then look at the changes made by the Labour government. The pupils rate these changes in terms of how useful they were to ordinary people and explain their impacts. We then move onto the formation of the NHS, we watch a public information video created in 1948 and the pupils answer questions about this. We then look at a further clip on the NHS beofre asking the question ‘Is the NHS Britain’s greatest ever achievement?’. I hope that this proves useful and saves you some time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Women's Roles in WWII

Women's Roles in WWII

This is an hour long lesson for AQA History GCSE or Key Stage 3 on women;s roles in WWII. The lesson begins with a starter using a recruitment poster as a discussion point. From there we look at two examples of women’s roles during WWII, the pupils will answer questions on a video notes sheet. We then use a source extract to create a diagram on the varied roles women undertook at both home and abroad before completing a 4 mark source interpretation question. Included in the lesson is: Recruitment poster starter Video clips and video notes sheet Written extract exercise Source interpretation exercise around a 4 mark question. Plenary. Hope this helps. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Extending the Franchise: Early 1800's Elections & The Radicals

Extending the Franchise: Early 1800's Elections & The Radicals

Reform and Reformers Power & the People Lesson for AQA GCSE History. First lesson on this unit. The lesson introduces why so many people felt there were problems with elections during these years with several activities around this, The pupils then go on to learn who the Radicals were and what protests were undertaken and by whom. There is also a source interpretation question with guidance included and video clips. Lesson features:- Video clips All resources needed and photocopying files. GCSE style source interpretation question with guidance. Hope this helps. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Communism: How Did The Communists Change Russia?

Communism: How Did The Communists Change Russia?

Key Stage 3 lesson for a scheme of work on The Rise of The Dictators. In this lesson we recap on the causes of the Russian Revolution. We then introduce the idea of Communism and Karl Marx’s beliefs. The pupils look at the scenario he envisaged may result in Communism and summarise the stages and draw symbols to represent each stage. We then look at Lenin’s actions to change Russia. The pupils divide his changes into good ideas and bad ideas and explain why. We then look at how much the West feared communism in a ‘thermometer’ analyis. The pupils have to justify how much the governments of Western democracies feared communism at that time. We finish with a ‘to what extent’ question. I hope this proves useful and saves you some time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Power & The People: The New Model Army and Events of The Civil War

Power & The People: The New Model Army and Events of The Civil War

AQA GCSE history lesson for The Power & The People thematic unit. In this lesson we look at the New Model Army and events of the English Civil War. We start with a simple retrieval practice quiz ‘whose graves are these?’. We have a brief recap of the short and long term causes of the Civil War using picture prompts. We then look at the outbreak of war and Cromwell’s changes to the army. The pupils are asked to explain why each of the changes Cromwell introduced made them a more effective fighting force. We then look at the differences in the soldiers of both forces and the pupils label the diagrams. We then move onto the events of the war and the pupils complete a ‘Swingometer’, by marking on the dial who they think the war is going in favour of. After briefly looking at tjhe second Civil War the pupils then complete a ‘How useful is this source?’ question on the Soldiers Catchisme. I hope that this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Power & The People: The Impacts of the American Revolution

Power & The People: The Impacts of the American Revolution

AQA GCSE history lesson for The Power & The People thematic unit. In this lesson we look at the events and the Impacts of The American Revolution. We start with a retrieval practice instagram themed starter on the Pilgrimage of Grace, but works with any historical event. We begin we a recap using a source of the Boston Tea Party, the pupils have 10 mins to answer as many questions as possible on the source. We then look at how the war started and the events leading to Yorktown. We look at Yorktown in detail and the pupils complete some work on the events of the battle by summarising and answering questions. We then look at he impacts of the American Revolution for Britain, America and The World. there is a summary sheet to help with this but sometimes we spend longer conducting research on the impacts. We then compare Magna Carta with the American Revolution for similarities and differences. There are some examples, and we finish with a biographical poem on George Washington. I hope that this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Reform & Reformers: What Was the Impact of the Anti-Slavery Movement?

Reform & Reformers: What Was the Impact of the Anti-Slavery Movement?

AQA GCSE History Lesson from the Power & The People Unit. Reform & Reformers. The lesson is an hour long but can be extending or shortened. In the lesson we look at the other factors that led to the abolition of slavery such as rebellions, the anti-abolitionists and the economy. The pupils complete a wheel of life worksheet on the factors and then we look at what the impact of the abolition of slavery was? the pupils then evaluate how important each factor was before passing judgement on how influential William Wilberforce was in abolishing slavery. Included is: Starter Info sheet on the factors that led to abolition Worksheet activity & Wheel of Life Source practice question Exit ticket plenary. Hope this helps. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Reform and Reformers: The Anti-Corn Law League

Reform and Reformers: The Anti-Corn Law League

AQA GCSE History lesson as part of the Power & The People Unit. In this lesson we look at the Anti-Corn League. To start with we look at what the laws actually were and why they were created, we also consider who supported the laws. We the do look at the Anti-Corn Law League, what their main arguments were are who were the prominent members. We touch upon the Irish Potato Famine and its influence on the repeal before consider the impact of the repeal itself. Included is: Activities on the Corn Laws and who supported them. Activity on the arguments of the 'Leaguers’ Video Clip Activity on Irish Potato Famine Extract analysis on the impact of the repeal. Hope this helps. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Power & The People: Trade Union Reform & The Miners Strike

Power & The People: Trade Union Reform & The Miners Strike

AQA GCSE history lesson for The Power & The People thematic unit. In this lesson we look at the relative power balance between government and trade unions after General Strike and the events and outcomes of the Miners Strike. We start with a historabble retrieval practice starter, a bit like scrabble but pupils must find Power & The People related words. We then look at the nationalisation of industries after WWII. Pupils then complete a road timeline “The Road to Unrest” using information cards and also create a power balance line graph to show the shifting balance of power between the Government and trade unions. We then look at the Miners Strike in more detail. The pupils then compare the Miners Strike with The General Strike for similarities and differences using a Venn diagram. The pupils then create a bio poen for either Arthur Scargill or Margaret Thatcher. We also have an extentometer plenary. I hope that this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Conflict & Tension 1894 - 1918: The Balkans

Conflict & Tension 1894 - 1918: The Balkans

AQA GCSE history lesson on how the Moroccan crises increased political tension amongst the political powers in Europe. We start with a quick retrieval practice quiz. We than look at the location of the ?Balkans and how the declining power of the Ottoman Empire left some European Powers looking for opportunities for annexation. The pupils consider a source from the time and answer some questions. They then look at the events of the Balkan Wars and complete “The Road to War” diagram in their books, visually recording the increasing tension. We then consider the results of the conflict and the pupils consider how that might lead to further war. We then tackle a 16 mark question and the pupils have some guidance on how to complete that. Hope you find this useful and it saves you some planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
How Were The Nazis Resisted?

How Were The Nazis Resisted?

Key Stage 3 lesson for a scheme of work on The Rise of The Dictators. In this lesson we look at how the Nazis were resisted. We start by introducing the types of resistance the Nazis encountered such as non-conforming, resistance and opposition. The pupils are then given several examples on a worksheet, they must classify the example into one of the three types, rate the example for seriousness to the Nazi regime and explain their rating. They then explain the most serious threat to the Nazi regime. We then look at a video clip and the pupils complete sentence starters and answer questions. We ten look at a written source on how opponents were watched and the pupils answer questions. We finish with the pupils writing a response to the statement “The main reason that resistance to the Nazis failed was the strength of the police state”. this can be done as an exam “To what extent” question, for which there is a slide with guidance and support, or a class discussion. There are retrieval practice starter and plenary quizzes. I hope this proves useful and saves you some time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
The Normans: Life in a Norman Village

The Normans: Life in a Norman Village

GCSE Anglo Saxon and Norman England 1060-87 for the new specification 2016. In this lesson we look at the medieval manor system. We start with a simple retrieval practice starter. We then introduce the Norman village by giving an overview of how it works. The pupils answer questions from an info strip. We then look at the types of houses found in the village and what the medieval manor was. The pupils describe the typical village house and manor. We then look at the peasants year and day with the pupils answer questions and recording potential hardships. We also briefly look at Wharram Percy as an example village. We finish with a source question. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
The Tolpuddle Martyrs

The Tolpuddle Martyrs

AQA GCSE History lesson as part of the Reform and Reformers Section of the Power and the People unit. The lesson is roughly one hour long. We start with a source question on the Copenhagen Fields Protest March. We then look at who the Tolpuddle Martyrs were and why they were transported. The pupils watch a video clip then read the information sheet. The main task is constructing a movie poster on the story of the Tolpuddle Martyrs. The poster is divided into sections and involves several skills such as summarising, describing and evaluating as well s being creative! There are some extension questions on the significance of the Tolpuddle Martyrs to finish the lesson off. Included is: Starter activity on Copenhagen Fields march Video clip on the Tolpuddle Martyrs Movie Poster Task using an Information sheet provided Extension questions on the siginifcance of the event hope this helps. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Conflict & Tension 1894 - 1918: The War at Sea, Naval Blockade & Jutland

Conflict & Tension 1894 - 1918: The War at Sea, Naval Blockade & Jutland

AQA GCSE history lesson on the war at sea, the naval blockade and the Battle of Jutland for the Conflict & Tension 1894-1918 unit. We start with a simple retrieval practice timeline quiz. We then have a recap on the naval arms race before looking at why a blockade was an effective tactic against Germany and the impact that the blockade had on Germany at home. Pupils explain each effect and try to explain how this would impact Germany. We then look at the early engagements in the Indian and Southern Atlantic Ocean before looking at the new German approach using ‘bait ships’. The pupils analyse the events of the Battle of Jutland using sources and an information strip and reach a reasoned conclusion as to who won the battle. Hope you find this useful and it saves you some planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Power & The People: The Provisions of Oxford

Power & The People: The Provisions of Oxford

AQA GCSE history lesson for The Power & The People Thematic Unit. In this lesson we look at the events surrounding the Provisions of Oxford and the Great Council of 1258. We start with a simple retrieval practice starter “Whose Graves are These?”. There are two graves with a little limerick on for the pupils to solve. We then move onto a short retrieval practice exercise regarding the actions of King Henry II and what he had done to upset the Barons. Following that, we then look at the Great Council and the contents of the Provisions of Oxford. The pupils have some of the provisions on a worksheet, they need to explain why the barons included that provision and they colour in Henry a shade of angry for each one, based on how much he would dislike the clause. We then look at a video fo the provisions and the events following the Great Council. The pupils summarise the events and answer questions using the events strip. We then look at a source on the Great Council which the pupils annotate using heads and tails. We finish with a countdown plenary on content from the unit. I hope that this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Power & The People: How Did Henry VIII Change The Church?

Power & The People: How Did Henry VIII Change The Church?

AQA GCSE history lesson for The Power & The People thematic unit. In this lesson we look at the causes of the reformation and the dissolution of the monasteries. We start with a game of Historabble. The pupils need to come up with a wining historical term or person from the unit of study. Highest scoring word wins! We then look at Martin Luther’s protest before looking at the various problems that henry faced in 1530. The pupils rate the significance of Henry’s problems and explain why they have scored them that way. We then look at Thomas Cromwell as a key person before looking at the road to the reformation where the pupils create a diagram in their books with annotations explaining how the reformation started. We then look at the dissolution of the monasteries. the pupils complete an angry scale on the different events of the dissolution from the perspective of the catholic clergy. We then tackle a 16 mark question. There is some guidance for the pupils on how to tackle the question too. I hope that this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Power & The People: King John and The Barons War

Power & The People: King John and The Barons War

AQA GCSE history lesson for The Power & The People Thematic Unit. In this lesson we look at what happened after King John had signed the Magna Carta in 1215. We start with a quiz ‘Magna Carta or Not?’. The pupils have to spot the genuine clauses of the Magna Carta and which ones are fake. We begin by looking at John’s siege or Rochester Castle, why he chose to assault it and what happened during the siege. The pupils complete several activities including a labeled diagram of the castle defences and a timeline of events. We then look at John’s movements and the actions of the rebels afterwards by creating a ‘control graph’ to show how much control John had over England at various points. We finish by asking the question ‘To what extent was the Magna Carta a success at limiting t he power of the king?’. The pupils complete this as a visual scale in their books with explanation. I hope that this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Power & The People: Simon de Montfort & Henry III

Power & The People: Simon de Montfort & Henry III

AQA GCSE history lesson for The Power & The People Thematic Unit. In this lesson we look at what the relationship between Simon de Montfort and Henry III, including Henry’s actions to upset the barons. We start with a perfect paragraph quiz. In the paragraph are a number of errors in spelling, specific facts, syntax and context. It is a from of retrieval practice but meant to spark debate about how to improve writing as well. We begin by looking at the Angevin family tree and Henry III’s accession to the throne. The first activity is a character profile of Simon de Montfort, the pupils use an information slide to make notes on potential strengths, weaknesses and background information and sum him up in 5 words. We then move onto Henry III’s actions to anger his barons. The pupils will have a table with the actions detailed, they will then rate the actions using a “How angry were the barons?” emoji scale. They will then use this information to write a letter to Henry detailing their concern as a baron about Henry’s conduct. they will establish which of Henry’s actions are the most troublesome to them. We finish with a summarising pyramid plenary. I hope that this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Conflict & Tension 1894 - 1918: The Ludendorff Offensive

Conflict & Tension 1894 - 1918: The Ludendorff Offensive

AQA GCSE history lesson on the reasons for the offensive, the events of the offensive and its ultimate failure. We start with a simple multiple choice retrieval practice quiz. We then have a brief recap of the situation for all sides at the beginning of 1918 and the reasons why Ludendorff felt a major offensive was the only option. After a brief look at Ludendorff’s backstory we watch a video clip whilst the pupils answer questions on the plan itself. We then look step by step at the events of the offensive and the pupils summarise and answer questions. We then record Ludendorff’s reaction as the news of problems with the offensive reaches him. The pupils need to justify why he would react in that manner. We then look at the reasons for the failure of the offensive by using a source and complete some exam practice using a 16 mark ‘to what extent do you agree’ question with guidance. Hope you find this useful and it saves you some planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Conflict & Tension 1894 - 1918: The End of The War

Conflict & Tension 1894 - 1918: The End of The War

AQA GCSE history lesson on the actions taken to end WWI. We start with a simple true or false retrieval practice quiz. We then have a recap of the Hundred Days Offensive with some questions. We then use a thermometer analysis to look at increasing problems for Germany and the pupils explain why they have given the ratings that they have and explain what the most serious issues for Germany were. We then look at the events of the signing of the armistice and the pupils look at the terms of the agreement. They record how the German public would react to the terms of the armistice and explain why. We then compare two sources from General Hindenburg and the pupils look for and explain differences. We then finish the lesson with a video clip and a task to see to what extent the terms of the armistice were too harsh on Germany. This could be done as a simple show of hands or a full written task. Hope you find this useful and it saves you some planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer