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Non-fiction text feature and purpose matching activity

Non-fiction text feature and purpose matching activity

A 4 way differentiated text feature and purpose matching activity. For SEN they have a whole list of text features and purpose definitions to cut out and match The BA have a couple of names of features and purposes missing, so they have to match the rest and work out which are the missing features and what are the missing purposes For A they have the same activity with a few more blanks to fill For the HA they have just a blank table with all the features listed and have to come up with a purpose for each. Features listed include; sub-heading, glossaries, captions, indexes, labels, table of contents, bullet points, photographs and titles
Weather graphs comprehension exercise comparing the UK and France

Weather graphs comprehension exercise comparing the UK and France

A 3 way differentiated set of graphs and questions looking at comparing the weather in France and the UK For the BA they have to read and answer simple questions based on a bar chart For the A they have to read and answer slightly more challenging questions based on a comparative bar chart For the MA they have to read a line graph and answer more challenging questions
Christmas word orienteering cards

Christmas word orienteering cards

3 Sets of orienteering cards spelling out, Frankincense Good Tidings we bring and Happy Christmas Kept my Year 4 occupied for nearly an hour searching round to find which number leads to the next to spell out different Christmas word. Each card contains its number, a letter and then the next number to find. If printed on different coloured paper the three games can run consecutively and children move from one to the other
Blackpool timeline activity, 4 differentiated worksheets and a information PowerPoint

Blackpool timeline activity, 4 differentiated worksheets and a information PowerPoint

A detailed information PowerPoint about Blackpool and how it has changed and developed over time from the 1700's to modern day discussing changes in technology and the economy to fit in with the change over time of a locality strand of the Geography national curriculum Also included are 4 timeline worksheets to accompany the PowerPoint For the SEN they can cut and stick the events and order with answer sheet provided BA they have a blank timeline to write the key events on A a table to complete adding information about Transport, tourism and jobs in pre 1700's Blackpool, Victorian Blackpool and modern day Blackpool AA/G&T a similarities and differences table to complete about Blackpool in the past and Blackpool now
Haiku, Tanka and Cinquain comprehension activity

Haiku, Tanka and Cinquain comprehension activity

A comprehension questions and text based around the three types of poetry above. The resource contains 3 poems with a series of questions based around the number of syllables in each line, it also checks childrens understanding of the poetry rules and authorial intent
4 way differentiated division worded problems

4 way differentiated division worded problems

4 sets of differentiated division worded problems used with Year 4. For the BA the questions only ask children to divide by 2, 5 and 10 For the A they have to divide 2 digits by 1 And for the HA 3 digits by 1 digit division The Blue group questions provided a real challenge asking children to divide 3 digits by 2 and some 4 digits by 2 Children can use their multiplication facts, bus stop division or short division methods to help them