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Tarsia Puzzle Creator

Tarsia Puzzle Creator

An Excel spreadsheet which creates a Tarsia puzzle from the questions and answers you enter on the first tab.
OCR SHP-B GCSE History, The Elizabethans Revision Work Booklet

OCR SHP-B GCSE History, The Elizabethans Revision Work Booklet

This is a comprehensive 26 page booklet with 88 key questions to cover the content for each of the five topics in the OCR SHP-B History Elizabethans GCSE course. The booklet covers the four topics of the course, Government, Catholics, Daily Lives, Popular Culture and the Wider World. The key questions are on event cards with a relevant image to support visual learners. I use this to consolidate understanding of the course content, students fill in each section for home learning, thereby making their own revision resource which comprehensively covers the key information.
OCR SHP-B GCSE History, Living Under Nazi Rule, Revision Work Booklet

OCR SHP-B GCSE History, Living Under Nazi Rule, Revision Work Booklet

This is a comprehensive 21 page booklet with 69 key questions to cover the content for each of the five topics in the OCR SHP-B History Living Under Nazi Rule GCSE course. The booklet covers the five topics of the course, Establishing the Dictatorship, Control and Opposition, Changing Lives, Germany in War and Occupation. The key questions are on event cards with a relevant image to support visual learners. I use this to consolidate understanding of the course content, students fill in each section for home learning, thereby making their own revision resource which comprehensively covers the key information.
OCR B GCSE History Living Under Nazi Rule Blockbusters Revision

OCR B GCSE History Living Under Nazi Rule Blockbusters Revision

Blockbusters revision resource to support the OCR-B GCSE Living Under Nazi Rule course. I use these as a revision activity by printing two slides to an A4 sheet and students work in pairs to work out the answers. This works well as a recall activity and the slides support class discussion and questioning.
OCR B GCSE Living Under Nazi Rule Dual Coding Knowledge Organisers

OCR B GCSE Living Under Nazi Rule Dual Coding Knowledge Organisers

26 printable slides to support teaching / revision of the whole OCR-B GCSE Living Under Nazi Rule course. I use these in lessons to support teaching of the content, usually by printing 4 slides to an A3 sheet which students complete in lessons. I usually start the next lesson with the blank slides on the whiteboard as the basis of a retrieval quiz. I’ve based these on contemporary discussion around dual coding and cognitive load theory, feedback from my students has been very positive.
AQA A-Level History The Cold War Option C Y12 Essential Knowledge Booklet

AQA A-Level History The Cold War Option C Y12 Essential Knowledge Booklet

This is a comprehensive 30 page essential knowledge booklet to cover the core content for each of the topics from the AS section of the new AQA Cold War spec. The booklet covers: 1.1 US, British and USSR relations in 1945 1.2 Developing tensions: the Soviet Union occupation/control of eastern and Southern Europe 1.3 The USA’s involvement in Europe 1.4 Conflict over Germany 2.1 US containment in action in Asia 2.2 The Korean War 2.3 Increasing Cold War tensions 2.4 Alliances and shifts 3.1 Khrushchev and East-West relations 3.2 Cold War rivalries 3.3 Conflict in Asia 3.4 Confrontation between the superpowers:
AQA A-Level History The Cold War Option C Y12 Key Questions, Terms and Individuals Work Booklet

AQA A-Level History The Cold War Option C Y12 Key Questions, Terms and Individuals Work Booklet

This is a comprehensive 49 page work booklet with key questions to cover the content for each of the topics from the AS section of the new AQA Cold War spec. The booklet covers: 1.1 US, British and USSR relations in 1945 1.2 Developing tensions: the Soviet Union occupation/control of eastern and Southern Europe 1.3 The USA's involvement in Europe 1.4 Conflict over Germany 2.1 US containment in action in Asia 2.2 The Korean War 2.3 Increasing Cold War tensions 2.4 Alliances and shifts 3.1 Khrushchev and East-West relations 3.2 Cold War rivalries 3.3 Conflict in Asia 3.4 Confrontation between the superpowers: The key questions are on event cards with a relevant image as well as key individuals and key terms from each unit. I use this to consolidate understanding of the course content, students fill in each section for home learning, thereby making their own revision resource which comprehensively covers the key information.
AQA A-Level History The Cold War Option C Y13 Key Questions, Terms and Individuals Work Booklet

AQA A-Level History The Cold War Option C Y13 Key Questions, Terms and Individuals Work Booklet

This is a comprehensive 47 page work booklet with key questions to cover the content for each of the topics from the AS section of the new AQA Cold War spec. The booklet covers: 4.1 Confrontation in the Vietnam War 4.2 Nixon's policies in Vietnam 4.3 Cooperation 4.4 Pressure on the USSR 5.1 The USA and SE Asia 5.2 The extent of Detente up to 1979 5.3 The Second Cold War 5.4 Developments in Africa and the Americas 6.1 Gorbachev and the ending of the Cold War 6.2 The summits between the USA and USSR, including Geneva, Reykjavic, Washington and Moscow 6.3 The collapse of Communism in Eastern European satellite states 6.4 The ending of Cold War tensions The key questions are on event cards with a relevant image as well as key individuals and key terms from each unit. I use this to consolidate understanding of the course content, students fill in each section for home learning, thereby making their own revision resource which comprehensively covers the key information.
AQA A-Level History The Cold War Option C Y13 Essential Knowledge Booklet

AQA A-Level History The Cold War Option C Y13 Essential Knowledge Booklet

This is a comprehensive 38 page essential knowledge booklet to cover the core content for each of the topics from the AS section of the new AQA Cold War spec. The booklet covers: 4.1 Confrontation in the Vietnam War 4.2 Nixon’s policies in Vietnam 4.3 Cooperation 4.4 Pressure on the USSR 5.1 The USA and SE Asia 5.2 The extent of Detente up to 1979 5.3 The Second Cold War 5.4 Developments in Africa and the Americas 6.1 Gorbachev and the ending of the Cold War 6.2 The summits between the USA and USSR, including Geneva, Reykjavic, Washington and Moscow 6.3 The collapse of Communism in Eastern European satellite states 6.4 The ending of Cold War tensions