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This resource takes you through each of the questions on the AQA German GCSE paper and gives you tips for how to answer each section. It is ideal for cover work for a Y10 or Y11 class. It is also great practise for before a writing exam or mock.

Madrid Workbook
I made this resource before a trip to Madrid that we are taking next week. I have taken some ideas from another workbook I have found on here, but made them specific to Madrid. I hope it can help someone!

GCSE Spanish How to get a top grade in GCSE writing
A sheet that I have laminated and put on desks in my classroom to boost GCSE writing skills of all abilities.

A verb table for key verbs/tenses for students of Spanish in KS3.
Any feedback would be gladly received.
Thank you

German Body Parts
A lesson to teach German body parts - with head shoulders knees and toes song being the outcome!

Statistics for Internet Use in Germany
A starter for the topic of internet use in Germany in the topic of freetime/media. Worked really well to engage students and also to introduce some new vocabulary.
Freizeit. Technologie. Das Internet.
Please leave feedback :)

KS3 Hobbies Spanish
A lesson introducing hobbies in Spanish and then a consolidation lesson. Used for y8. Has three differentiated worksheets.
Please leave me some feedback :)