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Miss_tallulah's Shop

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Specialising in primary resources (mostly KS1 and EYFS) from across the curriculum and EYFS framework I hope you enjoy using them as much as I have making them!




Specialising in primary resources (mostly KS1 and EYFS) from across the curriculum and EYFS framework I hope you enjoy using them as much as I have making them!
Addition flowers colour by numbers

Addition flowers colour by numbers

flowers with addition sums on each part. The answers are in the title of the files, They are in photo files, I have not included a colour key but this can be written on depending on available colours. I found this a great morning activity or finished work task. could also be a homework challenge.
Estimation EYFS/ year 1  whiteboard activity

Estimation EYFS/ year 1 whiteboard activity

power point presentation to introduce estimation. There are speaking and listening opportunities for the children as well as a challenge to do in provision. Each slide has objects for the children to estimate and the answer jumps in when you click the mouse. give children maybe 10 seconds on each slide and ask them to write their ideas on individual whiteboards.
phase 4 phonics planning

phase 4 phonics planning

A 4 week plan for teaching Phonics phase 4. there is a lesson planned for each week as well as suggested resources included. This planning uses the 4 part lesson structure and includes space to add your own annotations or 'next steps'
who lives in your house?

who lives in your house?

A great way to get to know your new class during their first couple of days. Children can draw and label the people who live in their house. This can also be used as a baseline assessment tool to assess children's writing abilities.
Friendship worksheets

Friendship worksheets

This resource includes 2 worksheets one that asks questions about children's friends and another to promote making new friends within their class. This is a resource that can be used in a variety of ways: - As a PSHCE lesson - Start of the year activity - Transition day - Writing activity - RE -Special people lesson They can even be used as homework and would make a great display
new years resolution sheets

new years resolution sheets

New years resolution sheets to encourage children to make themselves targets and set goals for 2016. There are 2 different sheets one reads 'This year I will' and the other 'My New Years resolution is' and each comes with a thin and wide lined option depending on ability and writing style of the children. These are great for PSED, SEAL and citizenship work and make a great display!
valentines day resources  - writing frames and poetry

valentines day resources - writing frames and poetry

this pack includes; - Heart page boarders (with variety of line styles) - I love..... because.... worksheets inside a heart shape for children to write about their loved ones. - Love acrostic poem frame these make great valentines day activities as well as PSHCE lessons
2D shape game

2D shape game

Power Point presentation to assess children's knowledge of 2D shapes. Simply read out the clues and click to reveal the answer. Shapes included are circle, triangle, square, rectangle and pentagon. Perfect for EYFS.
fish friendship sheet

fish friendship sheet

PSHCE or literacy activity with a great link to The Rainbow Fish story. Children choose a friend to write about and discuss the reasons that their friend is special.
German days of the week power point and worksheet

German days of the week power point and worksheet

German days of the week PowerPoint, with both the English and German for each day, also includes a worksheet that can be used for a classroom activity, assessment or homework. Once downloaded the font is HfW precursive bold (it does not seam to show this on the preview) *only days of the week are included in this document
2015 year review

2015 year review

A sheet for children to evaluate their year, they can write about the things they are proud of, what they are still working on and what they will work on next year. A great way to evaluate their year! and would make a lovely display.
money addition sheets

money addition sheets

visual money addition sheets, target childrens coin recognition and addition skills. can easily be differentiated per ability as there are lots of combinations of coins per sheet. coins used are 1p, 2p , 5p and 10p.
Picture maths problems

Picture maths problems

maths problems using pictures, each picture has a value and the children need to use their knowledge of number to work out the value of each. This is a great challenge for children, especially for morning tasks, finished work task or even a lesson! all the sheets come with an answer sheet.
shape sorting and assessment sheet

shape sorting and assessment sheet

This activity sheet includes 3 activities for sorting shapes. Each one comes with a key and children have to count the sides on the shapes and colour them appropriately sheet 1 - 3,4 and 1 sided shapes sheet 2- 1 and 3 sided shapes sheet 3 - 3,4,5, and 6 sided shapes Also comes with a shape assessment sheet (also includes number assessment sheet too)
repeated colour pattern strips

repeated colour pattern strips

set of 54 colour pattern strips, these can be used with pegs, counters, anything with the matching colours! great for colour recognition and pattern work. There are also incomplete patterns for children to carry on and blank strips for children to make their own patterns. These can be laminated and used as a classroom resource or photocopied and used as a worksheet or homework.
end of year self evaluation

end of year self evaluation

An end of year evaluation for the children to fill in, maybe these could be sent home to parents or up to their next teacher. Children can have the chance to think about what they have enjoyed throughout the year and areas that they still need to improve on as well as targets for the following year.
Staff shout out sheets

Staff shout out sheets

A staff room display to thank staff, staff can display their messages of thanks on these sheets. They are a lovely way to show your appreciation for good deeds and hard work!