A selection of resources to set students outside of normal classroom settings. The booklet draws upon knowledge and content that is covered in the Tech Award Level 1/2 but does not require students to have covered the topics beforehand.
A resource designed to support last minute revision for the component 3 exam. Designed to support students who are taking a resit, those who have not revised or lower ability students aiming for level 1 criteria (secure the basics).
Contents include key terms, exam structure support, impact of factors, actions to improve health and obstacles to actions. This is a resource that includes information and some short revision tasks with answers.
I have created this resource to top up knowledge of students who are retaking the exam after their first set of results. If you have only just started teaching component three then my revision/homework booklets may be more suitable to ensure depth of understanding.
Full unit of work for unit 7: promoting safe practice.
This package includes all power points and structures required for students to complete the unit. Lessons include pre-planned differentiated questions to use as mini plenaries. The power points also include small sections of modeled work to demonstrate the criteria.
14 lesson power points in total.
Coursework structures are set out in a way that allow students to clearly see how the criteria for pass, merit and distinction is achieved.
Knowledge Organiser for Unit 1 of the BTEC National in Health and Social Care.
Over 80 pages of content including ‘powerful knowledge’ ‘practice pages’ and ‘revision tools’.
Lots of worked and model examples.
Past exam questions.
The important knowledge required for this unit presented in a way that can support the DTT approach.
Final revision lesson to use with your groups before their component 3 exam. This lesson focuses on securing their categories knowledge for section A. Many lower ability students can secure a level 1 pass/ merit on this exam by being effective in answering section A of the paper and therefore the focus of the lesson is on this. For many higher ability students their success is based on them achieving full marks in section A and therefore it is important that they know the different categories fluently.
A reduced price lesson to support all those who are wanting to give their students the last push.
Many schools are setting work for students to complete over the summer holidays. This workbook will introduce students starting their level 2 study to some key concepts. The workbook has three tasks; PIES development, life events and nature vs nurture.
For students who have already studied the course for a year, Homework Book 2 may be more suitable.
A pack of resources to be used for revision or as cover work. A range of different types of activity to support all abilities of students, there is something in here for all students.
Would also be suitable as a supporting revision resource for A Level to cover AO1 knowledge content.
Full bundle of lessons, activities, homework and writing frames for the BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care Level 1 / 2. This is the work for Component 1 Assignment 1.
Lessons are differentiated in line with the learning outcomes.
A 20 page homework or revision booklet for section A of component 3. Includes a variety of activities and practice exam questions.
2 ready made assessment style case studies with the questions at the back.
Revision lesson for the component three exam. This revision lesson is based on the different services available, how they help clients and the possible factors affecting individual access to health care services.
All lessons needed to cover the religion and social change chapter. The lessons interlink to support students in developing their agument of whether or not religion promotes social change. Bundle ends with an assessment lesson.
Religion as a conservative force and hegemony
Religion and social change inc. civil rights movement, calvinism and liberation theology
Assessment lesson
Lesson designed to be used as an introduction to unit 7 as part of a year 12 transition day. This is however relevant to and suitable for teaching the abuse section of unit 7 assignment 1.
The lesson focuses on the failures of multi-agency working and how this resulted in the death of Baby P, Victoria Climbie and Daniel Pelka.
Single lesson covering physical development in infancy and early childhood. Made for BTEC National Level 3 but could easily be adapted to suit BTEC Tech Award Component 1 Assignment 1.
Clear differentiation structure throughout and a range of activities to promote student based learning.
All of these lessons can be purchased as part of a bundle for a discounted price, please see my other listings.
Ethnicity and Education studies glossary. Revision aid that lists all relevant studies regarding ethnicity and education, some over laps with social class. Including theorist, examples and critique.
Research Methods quiz designed for revision lessons. Uses definition questions, critique questions and exam style questions (including mic questions) alongside some unrelated fun questions. Worls great as a reward and revision for the end of the research topic.