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Turn In Tray Label Headers and Checklist
This download contains 3x rainbow-themed headers/labels:
1x Homework tray label
1x Finished work tray label
1x Unfinished work tray label
A checklist poster for children to read and check before handing their work in.
I have used these in a few classes now and it always seems to work well in helping keep the classroom organised. I usually mount the rainbow labels to the wall behind individual file trays as a header, with the checklist displayed beside for easy reading.
Rotational Symmetry Hands on Activities
Some activities to help children explore and understand rotational symmetry with familiar 2D shapes.
Included in this resource is:
Rotational Symmetry Worksheet featuring 2 circle protractors and a grid for children to complete the shape name, angle of rotation and order of rotational. Children will also need the Rotational Shapes Sheet to cut out and attach to their protractors with a split pin. We used black shapes and glued these to the sheets before using a coloured set to rotate on the pin. These sheets are available in white, black and coloured. If you don’t want to print these, children could trace around a set of shapes you have in the classroom. Children rotate the shape to measure the angle of rotation and work out how many rotations can be completed to bring the shape to its original position. To follow this, is the Blank Circle Template, which children can use to create their own circular rotational pattern.
Words Within Words - Literacy Starter Activity
A powerpoint presentation for the game Words Within Words for children to play as a starter or plenary activity.
Fractions On A Number Line
This worksheet is designed to help children understand the links between fractions that are written, pictorial and on a number line. Easy to read to maths rotations and independent work. The worksheet contains an additional extension challenge at the end encouraging children to think of equivalences and design a poster to show what they know.
Label a house at Skara Brae
Use this worksheet to support your teaching about the Neolithic site, Skara Brae. Pupils need to use the word bank at the bottom to correctly label the features of one of the houses.
Pizza Fractions - Design a Pizza
Have a pizza party in the classroom! This worksheet will help children become more familiar with fractions as they work to design their perfect pizza!
Children can draw their desired toppings and decide how much of the fraction will be covered by each ingredient.
You can then encourage them to write their recipe on the back of the sheet (e.g My Pizza has 2/8 mushrooms…)
Skara Brae Artefacts
A worksheet to help children utilise their research skills to find out some key facts about some of the many artefacts found at Skara Brae. I had my class find out what the items were made of as a priority, plus any other details they might find.
World War II - Fact or Opinion Worksheet
A simple worksheet requiring children to consider whether each statement is indeed a Fact, or an Opinion.
A cloze passage worksheet requiring children to fill in the missing words.
Wild About Reading Colouring Bookmarks
A set of 4 jungle themed bookmarks for children to colour in. Print on cardstock and laminate for durability.
End of Term Review Sheet
I have used this worksheet as an end of term review to help give me insight into pupils experiences at school. The second sheet also allows children to reflect upon their own learning behaviours.
Multiplication and Division Inverses 2, 5 and 10
A single worksheet covering multiplication by 2, 5 and 10, linking these tables to their division counterparts.
Figure Me Out - Start of year activity - Getting To Know You
A fun maths activity to start the year. Students fill in each frame to answer the statement with an maths equation. Students can then swap with someone in the class to work out the answers.
Talking and Listening Role Cards Groups
Print and laminate these role cards to help guide you pupils facilitate effective discussions with peers. Based on the Oracy framework, these cards each relate to a role the child can take in the discussion, providing useful sentence stems to help structure conversation.
Skara Brae Word Search
A useful word search to help children identify different vocabulary associated with Skara Brae.
End of Week Review
A quick and easy to do end of week review sheet. I have used these with all ages as an end-of-week activity to prompt discussion and reflection on the activities that week. Children would fill in one side and decorated the other with a picture of what they had done or achieved. This provided a nice school-home link as children would take their completed cards home to their parents.
Literacy Circle Role Bookmark
This is a bookmark I created to help students remember the different roles they have during their weekly Literacy Circle meeting. The bookmark details the role of the: Discussion Director, Artist, Word Finder, Highlighter and the Summarizer.
To use these, I would cut each side, glue together and laminate so they could be used year on year.
This resource is fully editable for you to change the requirements or names of each role if you wish.
Scapa Flow in World War II
A simple powerpoint presentation to support the learning of events during WWII. The presentation focuses on the events in Orkney’s Scapa Flow.
Paying with Coins - Exact Amounts Up To £1
A worksheet to practice identifying coins to pay the exact amount needed to buy items, up to £1. Children are asked to colour in the required coins, with an additional challenge to find the best way (least amount of coins) to pay.
This worksheet uses British currency - please do not buy if using other currencies.
Phonics Read, Write and Draw - or sound
A worksheet aimed to assist children in their learning about the phonics sound ‘or’. Children need to first read the word before rewriting it on the blue line. A small picture can then be drawn to illustrate the word. The last section asks children to choose one of the or words to write into a sentence.