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Mr H's RE Shop

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(based on 13 reviews)

I am a subject leader for Relgiious Studies from the UK, consistently the highest performing in our school in terms of progress and residuals.




I am a subject leader for Relgiious Studies from the UK, consistently the highest performing in our school in terms of progress and residuals.
Ummah (community) - Islam

Ummah (community) - Islam

Ummah (community) - Islam. A 2+ lessons cycle of learning exploring student beliefs about community before looking at Muslim beliefs about the Ummah and why it is important. Contextualised within the concept of Hajj.
Jesus - Incarnation

Jesus - Incarnation

A 2-3 lesson cycle looking at the incarnation of Jesus. Intended for KS3 but could easily be adapted for KS4 (Eduqas, Edexcel, OCR and WJEC specs). Looks at what incarnation means for Christians, what evidence there is that Jesus is both human and God, historical evidence for the existence of Jesus, what is the impact of the incarnation for Christians before then evaluating the concepts importance and then considering the views of the students.
Issues of Human Rights Eduqas Religious Studies - Workbook and Lesson PowerPoint

Issues of Human Rights Eduqas Religious Studies - Workbook and Lesson PowerPoint

Human Rights GCSE Religious Studies (designed for Eduqas)/Wjec). This is a work pack and PowerPoint which we use for the whole unit, including human rights, prejudice and discrimination and wealth and poverty. It is designed for use by our trained RE teachers and non-specialists. Can also be used for long term cover. As the booklet/work pack is a PowerPoint the resource is adaptable to suit individuals, or to add/remove content. The unit contains Human Rights, Social Justice, Personal Conviction, Censorship, Extremism, Prejudice, Discrimination, Wealth and Poverty. It has been designed to be taught from a Christian and Muslim perspective.
Evangelism and Mission - Eduqas Religious Studies

Evangelism and Mission - Eduqas Religious Studies

1-2 lessons (more if using documentary) on Worldwide Church, Evangelism and Mission for Christianity practices Eduqas Religious Studies. Students explore the concepts of evangelism and mission looking at why some Christians believe these are important elements of their faith.
Issues of Good and Evil - Eduqas Religious Studies

Issues of Good and Evil - Eduqas Religious Studies

5 Resources
All of my cycles of learning for Issues of Good and Evil with Eduqas. Contains Intro Cycle, Crime and Sin (including theories of punishment), Capital Punishment, Forgiveness and The Problem of Evil/responses.


A minimum of 3 lessons cycle of learning looking at justice. It explores justice for children, the parable of the sheep and the goats, a few other Christian ideas, as well as Nicholas Winton and what he did in the build up to WW2.