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mrsdexterineyfs's Shop

Hello! I'm an EYFS & English Lead and EYFS trust specialist. I'm here to share some resources I have made and used in my EYFS classroom. You can see more over my own instagram page @mrsdexterineyfs

Hello! I'm an EYFS & English Lead and EYFS trust specialist. I'm here to share some resources I have made and used in my EYFS classroom. You can see more over my own instagram page @mrsdexterineyfs
On-entry assessment document

On-entry assessment document

A document that I have created for what we do at my school during the on-entry assessment window alongside completing the RBA. The document includes: Key On-entry Assessment: Focus Areas Key On-entry Assessment: Adult Led Activities for Literacy and Maths Key On-entry Assessment: Provision Opportunities Key On-entry Assessment ‘at a glance’ ticklists Wellbeing Tracking Involvement Tracking Characteristics of Effective Teaching & Learning Tracking Provision Engagement Mapping This includes, and, any printable resources needed: 7 adult led literacy activities 6 adult led maths activities 26 provision opportunity ideas
Promoting Listening & Attention Activities

Promoting Listening & Attention Activities

Set of 6 daily simple and quick 5 minute activities to promote Listening & Attention Name of activity alongside with a summary of how to run the activity and space to record any observations/notes. Space to add school name/logo at the top/in header Word document so it can be edited.
Weekly Overview Planning Format

Weekly Overview Planning Format

2 page per week A4 landscape weekly overview planning format. With a beautiful eucalyptus background and a calming green colour palette. Space for Monday - Friday as well as focus activities and to do list. Come as PDF format so font and design will be exactly as shown and as an editable version so it can be changed to suit your needs.
British Values - In this classroom..

British Values - In this classroom..

Statements linked to how we show we are learning about British Values in our classroom. 12 different ‘We…’ statements on a washed out Union Flag with map In PDF format so they’ll print as shown and also Publisher format so font can be edited.
EYFS on-track for ELGs tracking grids

EYFS on-track for ELGs tracking grids

**An absolute time saver for data collection and number crunching ** An excel document with 4 spreadsheets for on-entry, autumn, spring and summer data collection points. Each workbook is formatted to automatically calculate the number of children and % that are on track/not on track for ELG in each strand of the curriculum. It also calculates number of children and % on track/not on track for GLD and for RWM. There are also filter tabs for gender/term of birth/class/SEND/EAL and on-track/not on track
Play & Interaction activity planning

Play & Interaction activity planning

A set of 6 simple play & interaction activities Name of activity alongside with a summary of how to run the activity and space to record any observations/notes. Space to add school name/logo at the top/in header Word document so it can be edited.
Transition to Year 1

Transition to Year 1

Document detailing ways in which to help support/prepare children for their transition to Y1. JPG document so will be printed as seen as screen 1 document with sun logo and 1 without
Social Communication/Nurture Group Planning

Social Communication/Nurture Group Planning

Planning for EYFS Social Communication/Nurture Group 7 different focus areas: Confidence Turn Taking & Sharing Awareness & Needs of Others Developing Relationships Initiating Social Contact Risk Taking Self-esteem & Feeling Valued 6 10-15 minute activities for each focus area totaling in 42 different adult led activities Each activity on a simple recording sheet.
NPQML submission - Improving Phonics - 32/32

NPQML submission - Improving Phonics - 32/32

Full marks for NPQML submission in 2021 for project details below. Resource includes appendix. **Title of your school improvement project: ** Developing consistent teaching and learning strategies to enable improved progress and attainment in phonics throughout Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Key Stage One (KS1) **The area in which your school improvement project improved pupil progress and attainment: ** The project is to improve pupil progress and attainment in phonics with a long term aim of improving reading and writing across the school. **The team capability your school improvement project was designed to improve: ** To improve and adapt teaching strategies in phonics in order to develop staff understanding, skills and knowledge enabling delivery of consistently excellent teaching and learning in phonics.
Cultural Capital in EYFS

Cultural Capital in EYFS

JPG document detailing ways to support and promote Cultural Capital in EYFS JPG so will print as seen on screen 1 document with sun logo and 1 without
Affirmation Alphabet

Affirmation Alphabet

Affirmation alphabet in gorgeous pink, gold and brown tones. Letters A-Z with ‘I am…’ statement on each letter. PDF version so will print as seen on screen.
Our Gallery display lettering

Our Gallery display lettering

Our Gallery display lettering on a natural wooden look background with paint splat lettering. Comes as a PDF so the font will be as exactly as shown and as a an editable version so the font can be changed to whatever you like.