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6 generic plenary mats using dice

6 generic plenary mats using dice

This is a 6 page power point with each slide being a mat that can be printed or shown in lessons to sum up the learning. You will need a dice per group/pair. 6 tasks on each slide. slide one - summary/knowledge tasks slide two -number tasks based on consolidating the learning Slide 3 - drawing tasks slide 4 - writing tasks slide 5 - creating a learning task for the lesson slide 6 - helping others task
The big bang introduction - evidence lesson

The big bang introduction - evidence lesson

A full lesson with plan on the big bang, what it is and the evidence behind it. All the resources are there - some have been taken from here and adapted to create a full hours lesson. I used the collins set of textbook for the market place style activity. The questions for quick on the draw were 1-8 from the poster question sheet
12 ideas to create engagement

12 ideas to create engagement

a set of generic ideas to get engagement from your class. some do require a lot of planning and some require very little. There is a template with some of the scaffolds to help with differentiation and time saving.
general activities that can be used for most subjects

general activities that can be used for most subjects

a collection of ideas and templates to make lessons more engaging and interesting. most require little planning and have slides or documents that can be adapted and added into different material. some require a little more planning but really are great.
secondary task pot for early finishers

secondary task pot for early finishers

A set of tasks that can be placed in a pot for students to pick from when finishing before others. They are all generic secondary tasks which can be laminated and placed in a pot ( mine are in a colourfully decorated old baby milk tin). My students are now in the routine of collecting one as and when they are finished the main learning task. I have tried to make them challenging and engaging to stretch students.
Comparing blood slides

Comparing blood slides

A work sheet which students have 3 blood sample pictures and they have to identify the components in the normal slide, explain differences in two other slides. Similar to an exam question from 2008
the doppler effect lesson  - indepedent learning

the doppler effect lesson - indepedent learning

An independent learning lesson on the Doppler effect, what it is and how it relates to sound. the power point contains the basic lesson and links to YouTube for the big bang theory and a little explanation clip. I printed out the information cards and placed them around the room for students to collect the information from. The students then were responsible for their learning and collecting the information from around the room.
a lesson on mitosis

a lesson on mitosis

a complete lesson on a power point. video clip from you tube to answer questions from and then students model the process in modelling clay on a sheet. an exam question to finish which can be peer assessed or self assessed. very straightforward. students could be given the choice to draw or make the pictures.
Lesson based on transmission of infection

Lesson based on transmission of infection

a lesson based on how microbes are transfered. The lesson is based around Semmelweiss and what he discovered. you will need the glow bug powder and a uv light. make sure you sprinkle it on worksheets first to show how its transmitted. it shows what surfaces it gets on to and how one person not washing their hands has a big effect. you can also use the gel to demonstrate how well hand washing needs to be done to remove any traces of microbes.
nuclear radiation types independant learning

nuclear radiation types independant learning

an hour lesson on types of radiation, properties and introduction to uses - more about applying what they have learnt to situations. you will need to find a quiz off here for the types but there are lots to choose from. The summary sheet was a table off the board with column headings: particle type, stucture, penetration power, ionisation power.
Le Blanc and Chlorine production - C3 21st century

Le Blanc and Chlorine production - C3 21st century

A lesson based around the higher teir on the Le Blanc Process and chlorine production. More based around evaluating the process and envrionmental impact. Full lesson plans and resources are there. Was intended for a double lesson but could be split into two
 differentiated activies related to blooms

differentiated activies related to blooms

a set of slides that can be added into your own lessons to aid differentiation in lessons The six updated areas have six tasks attached to them. These slides can be slightly adapted in a minimal amount of time to fit to the lesson. A few require a little forward planning but nothing more than a quick five minutes.
AQA Chemistry year 1/AS unit 1 flipped learning approach SOW

AQA Chemistry year 1/AS unit 1 flipped learning approach SOW

Complete unit 1 - atomic structure for AQA but could be used for other exam boards. Based on the flipped learning approach - the students do the learning before the lesson and then perform consolidation in the lesson along with exam style questions to assess progress. Includes the lesson plan for each lesson, links and video links, suggested activities for before and during the lesson and then exam style questions for each lesson. Suitable for y1 A level or the AS course. There is no prescribed practical as there is none in unit 1. There are textbook references to advanced chemistry for you with questions given from the textbook that fit with the lesson subject.
secondary generic lesson activities

secondary generic lesson activities

slides that can be used to add into your own files with generic activities. different sections such as starters, bell activities, class activities, paired activities, differentiation, extension, afl and quick mini plenaries. There is also power point slides with countdown timers for 1-5min, 10, 15, 20, 25 min timers. Over 100 slides. **All are hyperlinked together so you can navigate between different activities. 90 simple activities included in the slides. Most require no planning and a few require a little editing to put your own topic or questions in. ** hyperlinks don't require control + click, you need to be in slideshow mode and just click on the word to move to the appropriate page - in response to the first review**
Hearing ranges and mosquito device

Hearing ranges and mosquito device

a lesson based around hearing ranges relevent to the 'mosquito' device and how it works. You need a signal generator and a speaker or download a free app on the iphone/pod/pad. if you have clip bank there are some good news clips about it you can use. It is based for a btec lesson but the outcomes on the plan and exit ticket can be changed to GCSE grades.
Spelling sheet for student books; template

Spelling sheet for student books; template

A basic sheet that can be photocopied and stick in the front of books for the words the student often mispelled when you mark books. Get the student to refer back to the list and use it as a personailsed spelling dictionary to help them corect their spelling.
research for level 3  unit 2 btec science

research for level 3 unit 2 btec science

A lesson based on how to use research and form hypothesis for the unit 2 btec applied science project. could be used for other types of research too. The only additional resource needed are some printouts of websites that can be used for planning an experiment. I have added the follow on list of stuff that we used to check off what was required for the write up in the next lesson - it may be useful to adapt to fit the assignment written in your school
Immune system - new style 6 mark qu for higher

Immune system - new style 6 mark qu for higher

a question based on the white blood cells and how it proctects against illness. the image file is how i presented it to the students and looked at the banding of the marks. we went through what was required and i explained that 6 points were not enough and that it was more about the structure of the answer. the model answer sheet shows the students what is required to gain the full 6 and an A*. hope you find it useful.