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Anatomy and Physiology Y9-10

Anatomy and Physiology Y9-10

Covers the 5 areas of: 1- The Skeletal System 2- Joints and movements 3- The Muscular System 4- The Cardiovascular System 5- The Respiratory System 6- End of Unit Assessment Includes Retrieval, Instructional, Deliberate Practice and Consolidation Phases. Handouts and resources included
Sports Studies RO53 Sports Leadership

Sports Studies RO53 Sports Leadership

Powerpoint resource with built in Retrieval Questions, Instructional phase, Deliberate Practice Activities and Consolidation Tasks. Handouts and resources are built into the slides.
Sports Studies RO54 Sport in the media

Sports Studies RO54 Sport in the media

This is a Powerpoint presentation which follows the Rosenshine Structure of Lesson Delivery. It includes some resources, videos, newspaper links etc for students. There are 170+ slides covering all 5 LO’s, so you should be pretty set for the unit aside from some differentiation for your own classes.