
The decline of the Liberal Party - AQA A Level
A full lesson on the decline of the liberal party after WW1.
Part of AQA's Britain challenge and transformation a level

How democratic was Britain in 1851
Lesson looking at the nature of democracy in britain in 1851.
Part of Britain; challenge and transformation AQA A Level.

Vietnam War - Intro 1945-1954 - Whole lesson
A whole lesson (presentation and worksheets) covering early history of the Vietnam War. Communism vs Capitalism
Dien Bien Phu

The impact of WW1 on British Political Parties - AQA A Level
A full lesson on the impact of WW1 on british political parties.
Part of AQA Britain Challenge and transformation

Intro to the Vietnam War - Communism vs Capitalism - GCSE
An introduction to the Vietnam war, looking at the key differences between communism and capitalism. This is suitable for an hour lesson at GCSE level or below.

The 1945 General Election - AQA A Level 2 lessons
Two lessons on the 1945 general election and why labour won.
From the AQA A Level Britain challenge and transformation

The Aftermath of the Easter Rising
Whole lesson on the aftermath of the Easter Rising. Includes lesson activities, exam technique. Part of the AQA A Level Britain, challenge and transformation.

19th century parliamentary reform 2 lessons and assessment
2 lessons on Parliamentary reform in the mid 19th century. Includes full lessons, wider reading, exemplar essay, essay planning and assessment support. Part of the A level AQA Britain challenge and transformation.

Gladstone and the Liberal Party 2 lessons
2 lessons to William Gladstone and the Liberal Party. Includes historians interpretations and assessment support. Part of the A Level from AQA; Britain challenge and transformation.

Media, movements, protest songs and Veterans – what can they tell us of opposition? GCSE Vietnam
A full lesson on the impact of the media on the protest movement in America. Covers a wide range of sources for evaluation.

How did the protest against the war grow? GCSE Vietnam
Two lessons on the development of the protest movement in America. Includes a Power-point and worksheets.
Lesson 1 covers the various reasons for the growth of the protest movement.
Lesson 2 looks at a wide range of popular anti-war music.

Which factors influenced the US opposition to the Vietnam war? GCSE
A full lesson on factors influencing opposition to the Vietnam War in America. Includes a complete PowerPoint presentation and worksheet with differentiation.

Interwar Working Class A Level History AQA
A lesson on the Conditions of the Working class in interwar britain. For the new AQA A Level. Includes exam practice.

British politics during WW1 - AQA A Level
a full lesson on british politics during ww1. Includes a range of tasks and sources.

4 Lessons on Post WW2 Economy AQA A Level
4 lessons on the british economy post ww2.
For the AQA history a level britain challenge and transformation

The British Economy after WW1
Whole lesson on the state of the economy after ww1. Part of the Britain AQA A Level; challenge and transformation.

Who were the different opposition groups against the war in Vietnam? GCSE
A full lesson on the different groups opposing the war in Vietnam. Includes a complete PowerPoint presentation and worksheet which has a challenging and differentiated option.

Vietnam War - 1960s Why did America get involved in Vietnam - whole lesson
Whole lesson (presentation and worksheets) on America getting more involved in Vietnam.
Covers; the Golf of Tonkin, Strategic Hamlets policy and assessment.

Vietnam War - Why did America lose - whole lesson
Powerpoint and worksheet for lesson focused on why America lost the Vietnam War.

Understanding and analysing representations of the Vietnam War - GCSE Coursework
A full lesson looking at representations of the Vietnam war. the lessons introduces the idea of representations and how to evaluate them. Then introduces representations of the protest movement and guides students through evaluating them.