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Coronavirus Task

Coronavirus Task

“Coronavirus” is a book for children about Covid-19. For me, it is important that all children have an understanding of the pandemic they are living through. To combat worries and stress I have begun to do some planning on explanations of “Coronavirus” to my class. I bought the brilliant book “Coronavirus” by the consultant: Graham Medley in Easons (bookmark) for only €2.99 and I have begun to base all my information and work around this book. It is brilliant because although it is very detailed it is very easy to read and to be honest I learnt a lot from reading it! Here’s a wee work task I put together to lead the children’s learning on the content I will be presenting to them on the virus! with illustrations by Axel Scheffler and a £1 donation of the book going towards charity you can’t go wrong if you need something easy and cheap to educate yourself and your little class!
Times-Tables Word Problems

Times-Tables Word Problems

I have been putting together this times tables word problem resource recently. I grabbed word problems from all over the internet, for each times table (2-12). This is in an attempt to grow my student’s confidence when they cross numbers with words in assessments and to consolidate their tables. • My class are often more than able for the questions they are posed with but as soon as they see words they freak out. This is super common! • These word problems are all multiplication, so although they don’t need to consider the operation to choose they do have to filter through the words to gain an understanding of what figures to manage and manipulate. I colour coordinated each set for so I know exactly what’s what.
Helping a grieving child

Helping a grieving child

This resource I have put together for the child in my class is composed of: -14-page prompt book -QR codes to books explaining death to children (read aloud on youtube) -Helpful websites for teachers/support staff to access. (this is for me to refer to)
Time Out

Time Out

I need to take 5, my head needs a break, when I come back inside, I am sure I’ll feel great!