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mark making mini project

mark making mini project

This PowerPoint is planned to deliver a mini mark making project. It include four do now tasks, starters, two main tasks, home works and plenaries. The project also include graded examples of the main tasks. The project looks at making marks with different objects, media experimentation, line and shape. The project is planned to last four weeks (based on two lessons a week), it is aimed at year 9 with the intention of developing skills for GCSE.
Tim Burton artist research page (KS4)

Tim Burton artist research page (KS4)

This work is planned to deliver a more in depth understanding of the work of Tim Burton, how he creates his characters and why, as well as looking at Burton gothic artistic style. The purpose behind the lesson is deliver a detailed artist research page for a GCSE project. The work is planned to last for two weeks (based on 5-6 lessons). The work includes, do now tasks, starters, one main drawing task and artist page layout with assessment criteria and homework tasks. Students are expected to use their homework task, to help them structure and develop their artist research and evaluation.
Anna Debrowska inspired artist research page

Anna Debrowska inspired artist research page

Anna Debrowska is a steampunk/cyberpunk mixed media artist, who uses recycled and found objects to collage/incorporate into her work. Her style is very modern and uses a very interesting dry brush painting technique. These lessons concentrate on the artist and the style and techniques used in her work. Her work could be used as part of a mixed media, steampunk or human figures/portraits project. I have planned the work as part of a KS4 mixed media project. The powerpoint includes starter tasks, information about the artist, examples of work/tasks, how to create them, an assessment criteria and homework task. The resources needed to create the work have been included.
Mixed media/steampunk project - research page KS4

Mixed media/steampunk project - research page KS4

This task is planned as the starting point for a GCSE mixed media project, with a steampunk theme running through it. The piece of work focuses on the process of mixed media, what it looks like, examples of mixed media work and allows students to explore the idea of mixed media work before developing the project further. The PowerPoint includes, starter tasks, an example of each task, an assessment criteria and a breakdown of how it was created and homework task. The resources to complete the page have also been included.
First hand drawing (food) - mini project

First hand drawing (food) - mini project

This PowerPoint looks at drawing from first hand resources, looking at drawing from food like biscuits, sweets, chocolate etc. The lesson is planned to help students understand the importance of line work and accuracy. As well as experimenting with a range of media. The PowerPoint includes four do now tasks, starters, five main tasks, graded examples, extension task and plenaries. The work is planned to last for four weeks (based on two lessons a week), it is aimed at year 9 students with the view to preparing them for GCSE and fine tuning skills.
mixed media mini project

mixed media mini project

The PowerPoint looks different way of experimenting with media, to create a finished outcome. The PowerPoint includes four do now tasks, starters, four experimental tasks, extension tasks, graded examples and plenaries. The main tasks look at creating teabag frames, glue experiments, printed and collaged houses and textural pieces. The project is planned to last four weeks (based on two lessons a week), it is aimed at year 9 as preparation for GCSE.
Collage mini project

Collage mini project

PowerPoint presentation based on different collage techniques. Looking at mixed media collages, themed collages and comic book collages. The PowerPoint includes, do now tasks, starters, two main collage tasks, homework, two extension tasks and plenaries. The work is planned to last for four weeks (based on two lessons a week), it is aimed at year 9 to help develop GCSE skills.
Second hand drawing (food) mini project

Second hand drawing (food) mini project

This PowerPoint is based on drawing from second hand resources, looking at food as a stimulus for the projects. The mini project looks at the importance of drawing with accuracy and experimenting with different media. The PowerPoint includes four do now tasks, starters, three main drawing tasks, graded examples, 2 homework tasks, extensions task and plenaries. The project is planned to last for four weeks (based on two lessons a week). It has been planned for Year 9, as a way of preparing them for GCSE standards and presentation.
Tim Burton research page (KS3)

Tim Burton research page (KS3)

A fully planned lesson (planned to last four weeks) looking at the artwork of Tim Burton. The work has been planned for KS3 (year 8) to get them used to working in sketchbooks and researching artists like they would at GCSE. The lesson looks at Burton’s art style, his techniques and some basic information about Tim Burton himself. The planning consists of two drawings, one in lead pencil and one in felt tip pen and water or water colour. As well as presenting their work with images and information, like a GCSE research page. The PowerPoint consists of four do now tasks, starters, two main drawing tasks with graded examples, research page task (layout), evaluation task, extension task, two homeworks and plenaries. Students are expected to complete more independent research on Tim Burton for one of their homeworks, which can then be used to inform their research page and evaluation task.
Printing techniques (microbiology) mini project

Printing techniques (microbiology) mini project

This PowerPoint looks at three different printing techniques - stencil prints, monoprints and relief prints. Each technique is based on the theme of cells and microbiology. The PowerPoint includes: do now tasks, starter tasks, three different printing tasks, graded examples of each task, homework, plenaries and extension task. The mini project has been planned to last for four weeks (based on two hours a week). Aimed at year 9 to introduce them to GCSE level work.
Experimental self portrait (KS4)

Experimental self portrait (KS4)

These lessons are planned to help students develop three self portraits, creating a Pop Art style painting, a stencil print and a line and pattern based piece using the sgfraffito technique. The PowerPoint includes, do now tasks, starters and the three main tasks, including an example of each task and an assessment criteria. The work could either be completed as part of an identity/portrait project or as a mini project, it works as a good task to help build on media experimentation and techniques. I have also included the instructions on how to develop the students photo(s) on Adobe Photoshop, these are student friendly and include screen shots of the steps taken, so that students can work independently on Photoshop. They explain how to create a Pop Art style outcome, that students can then draw out and paint. As well as creating a basic stencil design of their faces, which can then be cut out and used to print with.
second hand drawing (food) - mini project (fully resourced)

second hand drawing (food) - mini project (fully resourced)

This lesson is based on drawing from second hand resources, looking at food as a stimulus for the projects. The mini project looks at the importance of drawing with accuracy and experimenting with different media. Students are expected to independently research and explore the work of Ron Magnes and Burton Morris, to inform their work. The PowerPoint includes four do now tasks, starters, three main drawing tasks, graded examples, 2 homework tasks, extensions task and plenaries. The images for the project have been included, along with images of the work of Georgina Luck for the extension task. The work is planned to last for four weeks (based on 2 hours a week), it is aimed at year 9 to help develop GCSE skills. Our students complete the work in a sketchbook, but the tasks can be completed separately or as a whole.
My identity page

My identity page

This is the starting lesson for my GCSE identity project.Before starting the lesson I set students homework to bring in photos of friends and family that they would like to include on their page, as well as any items that they would like photocopying that relate to their interests e.g. ticket stubs, football programs, autographs etc. The lesson is planned to a give students the opportunity to think about what their interests are and what they like/dislike, what is important to them etc. I usually give students one lesson to research and print out images that relate to their hobbies/interests etc. I ask them to print six images that they will stick down and six images that they will draw from. The PowerPoint includes, do now tasks, starters, the main task with an example of what it could look like, an assessment criteria and plenaries. The lesson is planned to last for two weeks (5 lessons).
Art Keywords - Latvian

Art Keywords - Latvian

A basic Art keywords sheet for Latvian students. The sheet covers the basic Art keywords that they may need to know or to help support students who speak little English. The sheet includes the English words and Latvian translation.
Peer assessment - what to write

Peer assessment - what to write

A PowerPoint presentation on how to peer assess students work, including examples of what they could write for different tasks/media e.g. drawing/painting/coloured pencil etc. Can be used to support KS3 and lower ability students, who are learning how to peer assess each others work or need support with what to write.
Target setting powerpoint - Art

Target setting powerpoint - Art

The PowerPoint includes examples of targets that students could use to help them set personal targets in Art. The PowerPoint includes examples of targets that they could set for different subjects. Ideal for KS3 and lower ability classes, who struggle to set their own targets or write in full sentences.
Ruth Piper mini project

Ruth Piper mini project

A fully planned mini project on PowerPoint, based on the artist Ruth Piper. The PowerPoint includes, do now tasks, starters, a research sheet example, two drawing/painting/collage tasks, homework, plenaries and extension task. The PowerPoint and tasks have been planned to last for four weeks (with two lessons a week). The PowerPoint includes graded examples of what the tasks should look like, along with an assessment criteria for each task. I have planned the work with year 9 in mind, to help prepare them for GCSE.
Art peer assessment

Art peer assessment

A really good peer assessment starter/plenary task to complete with KS3 students, use the sheet to help students peer assess each other work. The idea is that students leave the sheet on the desk next to their work, all students then get up and aim to evaluate at least five students work. For each piece of work that they look at they write a positive comment (WWW) and an area for improvement (EBI) on the worksheet. You may find it useful to give students some examples of what they could write. At the end of the task students go back to their work, read the comments that others have left for them and set themselves a personal target for the lesson.
Art crib sheet

Art crib sheet

I created this crib sheet, based on an example of one that I had seen on the internet. Crib sheets are fab for giving whole class feedback and a quick marking method. Fill in each section for the appropriate class, I like to personalise mine by adding students names. It can also work really well as a reward/competition strategy, as students are usually eager to appear in the WWW area.