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Lower KS2 The Tudors

Lower KS2 The Tudors

This is the first of six lessons on the Tudors. The lesson focuses on the NC skills of putting dates and events in chronological order and acquiring knowledge on British monarchy The Tudors are put into a global time frame where they existed in comparison to other historical epochs and then more succinctly into British history and their own time frame The lesson begins by giving children the opportunity to show what they know and ask questions which can be gathered up and put on a history display. Each week they can work on their mind map adding more information as they gather it. There are opportunities for children to work collaboratively on group time lines and then independently on Tudor family trees all of which can be put onto a whole class display board
Year 4 Place value week 1

Year 4 Place value week 1

Following a WRM format this is the first 5 lessons of the topic PLace Value for year 4. It follows a fluency, reasoning, problem solving format and can incorporate the WRM worksheets or the authors own devised sheets. The flip chart encourages whole class and partner work and includes the development of mental maths strategies
Year 3 Science Animals including Humans - Lesson 1

Year 3 Science Animals including Humans - Lesson 1

This is the first lesson in a series of 6 on Animals including humans. The lesson begins with students completing a mind map of what they know about the topic. This first lesson will focus on nutrition and why animals need to eat. Each session begins with a big question and is fully resourced. A vocabulary list is included but meant to been written out by the teacher to promote handwriting. The lesson focus revolves around an enquiry which is clearly identified for the children. There are also opportunities for the pupils to work into a big book.