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Homophone slides
PowerPoint slides which can be printed and used as posters showing the difference between to, too and two as well as their, they’re and there.

The Fisherman and the Whale Reading Comprehension (VIPERS)
VIPERS-style reading comprehension questions for The Fisherman and the Whale by Jessica Lanan. Ideal for an eco topic. I used with my Year 5/6 class, but this could be used with Year 3/4 with guidance.

Transition activity - 'Looking back, looking forward' PSHE
A3 sheet for children to write and draw reflections about the past in the rear view mirror and hopes and ambitions for the future in the distance. Can be used as an end-of-year of beginning-of-year activity. Ideal for Year 6-7 transition.

Reading Strategies Character Posters
6 posters based on key reading comprehension strategies linked to characters familiar to many children. Great for discussion of what it means to be an effective reader, a colourful addition to an English learning display or for a reading corner. They can be used to embed reading learning objectives in introductions and plenaries.

The Sneetches VIPERS Reading Comprehension With Answers
The Sneetches by Dr Seuss reading comprehension questions (VIPERS style) with answers.

Vikings - Lindisfarne monk diary entry WAGOLL
Feel free to use this WAGOLL I created for a diary entry from the perspective of an Anglo-Saxon monk at St Cuthbert’s church during the Lindisfarne raid. I have used this to develop historical empathy with my Year 3s.

Fractions SMART slides - Equivalent, simplifying, order and compare and reasoning
4 days of fractions SMART slides.
Day 1 - Equivalent fractions.
Day 2 - Simplifying fractions.
Day 3 - Order and compare fractions.
Day 4 - Reasoning and problem solving with fractions.

Fractions SMART slides - full week (mixed/improper, add and subtract)
5 days of fractions SMART slides for Year 5/6 maths.
Day 1 - Convert mixed number to improper fractions.
Day 2 - Add fractions (denominators are common factors)
Day 3 - Add fractions (denominators are not common factors and some converting mixed and improper fractions)
Day 4 - Subtract fractions (denominators and common factors)
Day 5 - Subtract fractions (denominators are not common factors and some converting mixed and improper fractions)

Homophone Slide Posters
PowerPoint slides which can be printed and used as posters. They show the difference between they’re, there and their as well as to, too and two.

Transition activity (return from lockdown)
I’ve made this worksheet to encourage children to reflect on their experiences during remote learning, and to encourage positive mindsets about the future. The idea is that they write or draw their past reflections in the rear view mirror, then draw or write about everything they’re looking forward to in the future along the road ahead.

Short multiplication SMART Notebook - Year 5/6
Smart Notebook used to teach Year 5/6 about short multiplication.

Long multiplication slides Year 5/6
A Smart Notebook used to teach my Year 5/6 class long multiplication.

Elizabethan Portrait Lesson
PowerPoint and worksheets used for a Year 5/6 art lesson. This would also be appropriate for Years 3 and 4.
Children completed the half-portraits using sketching pencils and colouring pencils, allowing them to focus on symmetry, proportion and colour matching.

Charles Coward Influential Person Study - History/PSHE
PowerPoint about the life and achievements of Charles Coward, a war hero from France. He made a clever and courageous plan to rescue Jews out of Auschwitz.

The Fisherman and the Whale Descriptive Writing Planning Challenges
3 descriptive writing challenges based on The Fisherman and the Whale.