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Physics Equations Practice Questions

Physics Equations Practice Questions

5 Resources
These worksheets are a series of resources to help pupils practice the use of the equations in physics. The worksheet makes an ideal homework activity or could be used as part of a revision / review lesson. The questions are broadly speaking tiered. So they start with fairly simple recall and substitution and become more complex by introducing unit conversions and rearranging. The final question is typically one that requires two equations to be used to solve a problem which will stretch those pupils aiming for a Grade 7 or above. Answers are provided for each work sheet with full worked solutions.
W = mg practice questions and answers

W = mg practice questions and answers

Introduce and develop your pupils’ understanding of the equation W = mg. The worksheet begins with some general questions to consolidate understanding of the structure of the equation and reviews common unit conversions that may be needed. Each variable is considered in turn with simple substitution followed by unit conversions and examples that require standard index form. The final section mixes the ideas together to help consolidate the understanding of pupils. The resource can be used in a number of different ways to suit your needs. For example: You could introduce each section through a worked example modeling how the equation should be used then allow pupils to practice. You could copy and paste the questions on to a PowerPoint presentation to minimise photocopying. If revising, then pupils could be asked to complete the mixed section first to identify gaps and then practice one of the more focused sections.
Waves (AQA) Revision Questions

Waves (AQA) Revision Questions

Knowledge based and then application revision questions for the Physics AQA module on “Waves”. The answers for the knowledge based questions can be found in the specification, whereas the answers for the application questions are provided. These questions can be used to review the essential knowledge and then to practise the application of this knowledge to examination style questions. The structure of the knowledge questions is such that once completed and checked pupils can cover the answers and practice recalling the answers. The application questions require pupils to think about and use the knowledge within the context of questions within this topic. They are in the style of examination questions but slightly simpler to support pupils with building their confidence. There are questions which cover the whole topic and therefore make it excellent as a revision activity that could be completed in class as a review lesson, as a homework activity, or as a resource available for pupils to revise independently
Part 5 Phyiscs Equation Practice Questions (and answers)

Part 5 Phyiscs Equation Practice Questions (and answers)

This worksheet is part of a series of resources to help pupils practice the use of the equations in physics. The worksheet makes an ideal homework activity or could be used as part of a revision / review lesson. The questions are broadly speaking tiered. They start with fairly simple recall and substitution and become more complex by introducing unit conversions and rearranging. The final question is typically one that requires two equations to be used to solve a problem which will stretch those pupils aiming for a Grade 7 or above. Answers are provided for each work sheet with full worked solutions.
Part 4 Physics Equation Practice Questions (and answers)

Part 4 Physics Equation Practice Questions (and answers)

This worksheet is part of a series of resources to help pupils practice the use of the equations in physics. The worksheet makes an ideal homework activity or could be used as part of a revision / review lesson. The questions are tiered. So they start with fairly simple recall and substitution and become more complex by introducing unit conversions and rearranging. The final question is typically one that requires two equations to be used to solve a problem which will stretch those pupils aiming for a Grade 7 or above. Answers are provided for each work sheet with full worked solutions.
Part 3 Physics Equation Practice Questions (and answers)

Part 3 Physics Equation Practice Questions (and answers)

This worksheet is part of a series of resources to help pupils practice the use of the equations in physics. The questions are broadly speaking tiered. So they start with fairly simple recall and substitution and become more complex by introducing unit conversions and rearranging. The final question is typically one that requires two equations to be used to solve a problem which will stretch those pupils aiming for a Grade 7 or above. Answers are provided for each work sheet with full worked solutions.
Kinetic energy practice questions and answers

Kinetic energy practice questions and answers

Progressively build understanding of using the equation for kinetic energy with lots and lots of practice questions for students. Start with simple substitution, practice using unit prefixes and build to rearranging the equation. The work sheet finishes with some mixed and linked problems which test the ability to apply the kinetic energy equation and to make links to other parts of the course.
Part 1 Physics Equations Practice Questions (and answers)

Part 1 Physics Equations Practice Questions (and answers)

This worksheet is part of a series of resources to help pupils practice the use of the equations in physics. The worksheet makes an ideal homework activity or could be used as part of a revision / review lesson. The questions are broadly speaking tiered. So they start with fairly simple recall and substitution and become more complex by introducing unit conversions and rearranging. The final question is typically one that requires two equations to be used to solve a problem which will stretch those pupils aiming for a Grade 7 or above. Answers are provided for each work sheet with full worked solutions.
Part 2 Physics Equation Practice Questions (and answers)

Part 2 Physics Equation Practice Questions (and answers)

This worksheet is part of a series of resources to help pupils practice the use of the equations in physics. The worksheet makes an ideal homework activity or could be used as part of a revision / review lesson. The questions are broadly speaking tiered. So they start with fairly simple recall and substitution and become more complex by introducing unit conversions and rearranging. The final question is typically one that requires two equations to be used to solve a problem which will stretch those pupils aiming for a Grade 7 or above.
Energy and Electricity (Physics AQA) Practice Questions (And Answers)

Energy and Electricity (Physics AQA) Practice Questions (And Answers)

845 practice questions on the AQA Physics topics of Energy (P1) and Electricity (P2). These questions are designed to support pupils in developing the fluency they require to achieve excellently in their GCSE examinations. They can be used in a variety of ways depending upon how the teacher wants to make the most effective use of them. For example, they could be used to: Support day to day teaching by cutting and pasting key questions into a PowerPoint presentation. As a question bank to supplement pre-existing work sheets or homework activities. As an extension booklet to develop fluency for pupils who finish more quickly. For revision lessons / for independent revision. For targeted intervention work. For instance, following an assessment which demonstrate pupils need more practice of say the equation for kinetic energy.
Atomic Structure (Physics AQA) Revision Questions

Atomic Structure (Physics AQA) Revision Questions

Knowledge based and then application revision questions for the Physics AQA module on “Atomic Structure” (radioactivity). The answers for the knowledge based questions can be found in the specification, whereas the answers for the application questions are provided. These questions can be used to review the essential knowledge and then to practise the application of this knowledge to examination style questions. The structure of the knowledge questions is such that once completed and checked pupils can cover the answers and practice recalling the answers. The application questions require pupils to think about and use the knowledge within the context of questions within this topic. They are in the style of examination questions but slightly simpler to support pupils with building their confidence. There are questions which cover the whole topic and therefore make it excellent as a revision activity that could be completed in class as a review lesson, as a homework activity, or as a resource available for pupils to revise independently.
Waves (AQA Physics) revision map and questions

Waves (AQA Physics) revision map and questions

Revision mind map and structured revision activities including exam style questions on the AQA topic of “Waves”. This resource is designed to be printed on A3 paper. The mind map could be completed as a class activity to review essential material and the remainder completed as a class activity with a frequent reviews of the content to check for understanding
Space Physics (AQA) Knowledge Organiser and Revision Tool

Space Physics (AQA) Knowledge Organiser and Revision Tool

A pupil knowledge organiser for the AQA Physics module on Space which covers all of the essential knowledge for this module. There is also a short “test” template which pupils can use to self assess their knowledge against the organiser to support independent revision of the topic.
Forces (AQA) - Revision Questions

Forces (AQA) - Revision Questions

Knowledge based and then application revision questions for the Physics AQA module on “Forces”. The answers for the knowledge based questions can be found in the specification, whereas the answers for the application questions are provided. These questions can be used to review the essential knowledge and then to practise the application of this knowledge to examination style questions. The structure of the knowledge questions is such that once completed and checked pupils can cover the answers and practice recalling the answers. The application questions require pupils to think about and use the knowledge within the context of questions within this topic. They are in the style of examination questions but slightly simpler to support pupils with building their confidence. There are questions which cover the whole topic and therefore make it excellent as a revision activity that could be completed in class as a review lesson, as a homework activity, or as a resource available for pupils to revise independently
Forces Revision Maps and Examination Questions

Forces Revision Maps and Examination Questions

Revision mind map and structured revision activities including exam style questions on the AQA topic of “Forces”. This resource is designed to be printed on A3 paper. The mind map could be completed as a class activity to review essential material and the remainder completed as a class activity with a frequent reviews of the content to check for understanding.
Electromagentism (AQA) Revision mind map and questions

Electromagentism (AQA) Revision mind map and questions

Revision mind map and structured revision activities including exam style questions on the AQA topic of “Electromagnetism”. This resource is designed to be printed on A3 paper. The mind map could be completed as a class activity to review essential material and the remainder completed as a class activity with a frequent reviews of the content to check for understanding