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Quiz quiz trade activity
Year 7 German quiz-quiz-trade activity. Great for getting them out of their seats and moving around the classroom.
Range of revision sentences to practice speaking skills. Themes cover describing own and others physical appearance and character, pets, ich habe einen/eine/ein, colours, basic additional vocab, e.g. die Flagge, etc.
Fold the A4 sheet down the centre line, glue the blank reverse sides together so as to have German sentences on one side and English on the other. Cut into individual strips. Distribute the strips one to each pupil.
Pupils show one side to the partner who has to translate it back to them. To differentiate the partner can ask to be shown the German or the English version. Each pupil has one set of statements, once they’ve both shown their statements and translated, they exchange the slips pf paper/card and move off to find another partner, and so on.