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Feed The Penguin Subitising

Feed The Penguin Subitising

Simple subitisng resource. All you need is a dice! Cut the hole out of the penguins mouth, roll the dice and then find a matching fish (using subitisng skills) then feed it to the penguin You could use a dot or numeral dice. tens frame, dice, numicon, fingers and numerals on the fish
Winter Fine Motor

Winter Fine Motor

5 wintery images with dots on to add loose parts and work on fine motor skills mitten, hat, scarf, snowflake and hot chocolate Inspiration for this resource from @miss_e_early_years
Tree Decoration Subitising

Tree Decoration Subitising

Christmas trees with different amounts of dot patterns on. Stick the correct numbered bauble ontop of the matching quantity of dots. 2 trees with 1-5 dots (in different patterns) 1 tree with 6-10 dots on.
Feed The Birds CVC Words

Feed The Birds CVC Words

2 birds (robin and blackbird). Cut out the holes to make a mouth. Read the words on the worms and then feed them to the birds. 42 CVC words on the worms.
Tree Decorating CVC Words

Tree Decorating CVC Words

3 trees with CVC words written on them. Baubles with the matching CVC word pictures on. Children have to stick the correct picture with the matching word. There is also a blank tree for children to write the words on themselves.
Lunar New Year Fine Motor

Lunar New Year Fine Motor

Lunar New Year fine motor images. Add loose parts to the dots to work on fine motor skills 6 images- lantern, fan, dragon, envelope, coin, fortune cookie Inspiration for this resource from @Miss_e_early_years