A power point which provides detailed information on the NEA assessment for practical and the written coursework - analysis and evaluation. The power point takes students through the break down of each area, includes worksheets to start planning for their analysis and evaluation and includes activities to help students complete their coursework, with the detail required from the exam board.
Derived from the AQA command word guidance, this worksheet provides a pupil friendly explanation of what is required for questions using these words.
It also includes exact examples from AQA specimen and past papers and mark schemes.
This tool ensures that pupils of all ability know what is expected from them when answering questions.
This power point cover all the criteria in the specification for Technology in Sport, involves lesson activities, exam questions, notes and key terms. Information taken from the AQA PE endorsed textbook.
Powerpoint presentation and word resource that guides the pupils through the process of answering long or extended answer questions. Includes the teachers powerpoint presentation which guides the pupils through the worksheet. It breaks the question down into A01 Knowledge, AO2 Application and AO3 Evaluation/ Analysis. Also includes model answers.
Excellent lesson that ensures pupils have a better understand of the requirements of these questions.
8 End of Unit Tests for the new AQA GCSE PE Specification. They are created using the suggested 2 year scheme of work by AQA and all answers are written using both the AQA specification and the endorsed text book.
Each test starts with 3 multiple choice questions and is followed by a mixture of short and longer answer questions.
Each test is out of 30 and fits on 2 pages. They all have the option for diagnostic marking to highlight weak areas. These are set out so that follow up work on weak areas can be done. I use the zigzag education topic tests for this.
This is a fantastic resource that will save you and your team hours of preparation time and not only assess your pupils, but highlight the weak areas for further intervention.
Both power points summarise the unit Sport and Society, these can be used a quiz in lessons for a revision tool for homework. Contain questions and answers. Information endorsed by AQA specification.
Each assessment contains activities/tasks or exam questions with mark schemes or model answers. Topics include Cardiovascular system, Neuromuscular and Analysis of Movement, Skill Acquisition (Theories of Learning) Sport and Society and Technology in Sport
A2 PE - Exam questions from the last 6 years covering all questions from Section A, B and C. Including Long and short answer questions. Mark scheme answers included.
Questions and answers to check understanding of knowledge across all of the areas of the specification. Great to use as a whole class, quiz or individual worksheets.
Tracking document that allows you to record pupils scores in tests and retests as well as implement a traffic light system to highlight weak areas. Covers all of the specification topics and allows the classroom teacher to easily identify individual and whole group gaps in knowledge.