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Rachiepoos's Shop

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I have a number of different resources for English - they include KS3 and KS4 resources for AQA, creative writing, travel writing and poetry. Most of resources are free, but there are a few I have put on here that are priced from £1.00 - £4.00. The more expensive lessons are full schemes of work. I would really appreciate any feedback on the resources.




I have a number of different resources for English - they include KS3 and KS4 resources for AQA, creative writing, travel writing and poetry. Most of resources are free, but there are a few I have put on here that are priced from £1.00 - £4.00. The more expensive lessons are full schemes of work. I would really appreciate any feedback on the resources.
Lockdown KS4 English Language paper 2

Lockdown KS4 English Language paper 2

This is a coplete short scheme, teaching paper2 AQA language. I made this for a year 10 group of low ability students, but it should work for any students. It is broken down in order for students to be able to individually access the work at home. There is a main focus on the comparison questions. There are 2 sets of practice papers.
Travel writing

Travel writing

I created this for my year 8 class, but you could use this with different year groups as well. I have used different resources from other people and my own, to create this into a scheme of work. I have included all the powerpoints and resources for the scheme.
An Inspector Calls quote sheet

An Inspector Calls quote sheet

Two A3 sides of character quotes. I have broken them down into different acts for each character and then put them into different categories if necessary. These are great revision resources and could be printed and then laminated and used as a classroom resource.
Christmas English Persuasive writing

Christmas English Persuasive writing

I made this and it can last for a few lessons. It gets students to create speeches and pieces of writing that are persuasive. It also gets students reading and annotating persuasive appeals.
Viewpoints and perspectives writing

Viewpoints and perspectives writing

This was made for year 9 to encourage viewpoint writing for the AQA paper 2 language exam for question 5. It focuses around anuimals cruelty and could be used at any point with any year group.
Persuasive writing using The Apprentice

Persuasive writing using The Apprentice

I made this as a way to teach persuasive writing. You can get the students to create a product and then sell it. You can be really creative with this and create a letter to Lord Sugar and a debate in the boardroom.
Macbeth quotations sheets

Macbeth quotations sheets

I made this to use with my KS4 classes. It has quotes for each character in the play and then has which act and scene each quotation is from. I print it out and laminate it for my classes.
A Christmas Carol quotation sheets

A Christmas Carol quotation sheets

This is a resource, mainly for revision of A Christmas Carol, but could be used in a lesson as well. There are two A3 sheets with quotations for characters and themes. I have also attached copies of the resource in A4, in case this is more useful. I printed the sheets and laminated them for my classes and can use them all year round.
Lockdown dystopia and Sci-Fi introduction

Lockdown dystopia and Sci-Fi introduction

This resource covers reading and writing skills and looks at different sub-genres of Sci-Fi literature. There are reading and writing skills integrated throughout. There are a number of independent tasks for students to complete. The idea is to give studnets a grounding in both genres in order for them to be able to apply these ideas to the literature they study.
Persuade and argue

Persuade and argue

Here are 5 lessons that focus on different arguments and persuasive appeals. There are ones about war and the justification for it, poverty and animal cruelty.
Creative writing - Narrative and Descriptive

Creative writing - Narrative and Descriptive

These are a series of lessons, using different resources and genres to teach the basics of creative writing. The lessons aim to teach students to say a lot about a little and create atmosphere and tension in their writing.
Jekyll and Hyde booklet for GCSE

Jekyll and Hyde booklet for GCSE

A booklet for Jekyll and Hyde for GCSE - there are resources in here about context and the more difficult vocabulary is broken down, using crosswords and mix and match activities.
Poetry introduction

Poetry introduction

These are a few lessons to introduce students to poetry and get them thinking about what poetry is and how to enjoy it.
Lockdown unseen poetry bundle 25 lessons

Lockdown unseen poetry bundle 25 lessons

This is a scheme of work with over 17 lessons on unseen poetry. There are lots of creative ideas in the scheme and differentiated materials. This is a full scheme of work and could be used for year 9, 10 or 11. It does cover a huge number of poems and skills. There are some poems The idea of the scheme is to give a wide view on poetry and hoe students can look at imagery, language and structure - this is tailored towards skills for the AQA seen and unseen poetry sections and is skill based.


These are the first two lessons of a scheme of work for year 9 on poetry. I will be selling the rest of the scheme for £2 for 18 more lessons with an anthology as well. The lessons are planned to engage students with poetry at the same time as teaching them key skills they’ll need for GCSE seen and unseen poetry. I have tried to use poems for imagery, language, structure and form, so that they can really develop their skills in discussing the different aspects of poetry. You could use the scheme for older and younger students as well and it could be used to teach unseen poetry to GCSE. This might not work if you are using the power and conflict poems for AQA as some of them are in the scheme. Please feel free to leave comments about the lessons I have uploaded.
Creative writing based on The Impossible

Creative writing based on The Impossible

This is a resource I made based on the film 'The Impossible&'. There is a clip you can use and pictures which are on the PPT but could also be printed for the students. There are some great moments in the film and students enjoyed describing the peace and tranquillity at the beginning of the film and then the drama of the Tsunami wave.