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Everything English

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(based on 36 reviews)

Most of my resources are for KS4 and KS5. I am a Head of English and use all my resources with my own classes so I hope that you find them useful too!




Most of my resources are for KS4 and KS5. I am a Head of English and use all my resources with my own classes so I hope that you find them useful too!
English Language Paper 2 (AQA) mock paper

English Language Paper 2 (AQA) mock paper

A mock paper which was designed as a pre-mock mock for use with year 11. The source material is based on lidos and the modern text is extremely current, having only been published 13.11.17. Created from scratch so your students will not have used this before! If you have found this resource useful, please do leave me a review!
'Island Man' by Grace Nichols

'Island Man' by Grace Nichols

Resourced lesson on the poem 'Island Man' by Grace Nichols. Includes a working sheet for pupils to complete the activities on within the lesson as well as a support sheet for differentiation purposes.
'Skellig' by David Almond - Reading and Writing Assessment

'Skellig' by David Almond - Reading and Writing Assessment

A resource that allows you to assess the reading and writing capacities of your year 7 or 8 pupils. *Pupils do not have to have read or studied 'Skellig' to be able to undertake this assessment* Reading comprehension questions followed by writing tasks in a GCSE style to start preparing students for the exam format early.
32 Quick Win Revision Questions for 'An Inspector Calls'

32 Quick Win Revision Questions for 'An Inspector Calls'

A quick starter activity with 32 questions included on one sheet with space to write the answers. Pupils move from left to right as they progress across the acts and finish with some questions on structure. A QUICK WIN as pupils quickly assess what they know and can gain instant feedback.
AQA GCSE 9-1 English Literature Section C Comparison Question

AQA GCSE 9-1 English Literature Section C Comparison Question

A sheet with a practice question for the comparison unseen poetry question for the AQA GCSE English Literature exams. Uses ‘Poem’ by Simon Armitage with ‘My Grandfather’s Garden’ by Owen Sheers. Has space to plan brief ideas about the methods to be compared at the bottom.
'About His Person' by Simon Armitage - fully resourced poetry lesson. Observation friendly.

'About His Person' by Simon Armitage - fully resourced poetry lesson. Observation friendly.

This is a fully resourced lesson on the poem 'About His Person' by Simon Armitage. The resources include a powerpoint, a working sheet for pupils to use within the lesson alongside three different differentiated resources to support your pupils from levels 4 to 7. This lesson is very observation friendly and will show your ability to differentiate effectively, provide pupils with an interesting take on a poem and allow them to be creative and engaged. You will need to provide pupils with a copy of the poem.
New AQA GCSE 9-1 19th Century Novel SOW - 'Great Expectations'

New AQA GCSE 9-1 19th Century Novel SOW - 'Great Expectations'

This is a six week teaching sequence for lessons for AQA GCSE English Literature paper 1 on the 19th century novel, 'Great Expectations' written by a current Head of English. The powerpoints are designed to go over a full teaching week each and include relevant objectives all linked to AOs and skills required for the exam. There are assessment points, with relevant resources, included within the resources. The resources are easy to use and designed to be used with minimal photocopying, assuming that pupils have access to copies of the text. This resource has been written for me to teach to my own class and is relevant and up-to-date.
Unseen Poetry for AQA (9-1) Literature Paper 2, Section C

Unseen Poetry for AQA (9-1) Literature Paper 2, Section C

Powerpoint for a lesson to introduce students to a way to answer the unseen poetry question worth 24 marks for the new AQA (9-1) literature course which comes on paper 2. The lesson uses the AQA specimen question paper and the poem 'To a daughter leaving home'.
AQA GCSE (9-1 spec) English Language Revision Powerpoint for Paper 2

AQA GCSE (9-1 spec) English Language Revision Powerpoint for Paper 2

Powerpoint takes them through the questions using the Jay Rayner specimen paper from the board to allow you to discuss the requirements of each question. It also has information on the writing question 5 for discursive writing and then breaks down the requirements of how to approach a Q5 question.
Introduction to Crime Writing for AQA GCE Literature B

Introduction to Crime Writing for AQA GCE Literature B

An introductory powerpoint to the elements of crime that pupils will need to successfully embark on the crime strand of AQA GCE Literature B specification. The first slide will need to be adapted to state the texts that you have chosen for your setting. Pupils can make notes and discuss, in depth, what characterises crime writing.
Narrative Interest - linguistic and stuctural analysis. Perfect for AQA GCSE Language Paper 1.

Narrative Interest - linguistic and stuctural analysis. Perfect for AQA GCSE Language Paper 1.

Planned this lesson for use with my GCSE group to look at linguistic and structural features in preparation for AQA GCSE English Language paper 1 questions 2 and 3. The extracts to use are from the openings of 'Room' by Emma Donoghue, 'The Lovely Bones' by Alice Sebold and 'Notes on a Scandal' by Zoe Heller. Differentiated and allows pupils to work for a more extended period of time on their responses. Used for an observation.
'Charge of the Light Brigade' by Tennyson. Fully resourced poetry lesson.

'Charge of the Light Brigade' by Tennyson. Fully resourced poetry lesson.

This is a fully resourced lesson to allow you to deliver an interesting and engaging lesson on Tennyson's 'Charge of the Light Brigade' to students from year 9-11. Featured on the new AQA GCSE poetry cluster for power and conflict, this would provide an ideal starting point. The resources include a powerpoint, a working sheet and support sheets as the lesson is designed as a carousel where pupils move around accessing questions on all of the stanzas before completing a peer assessment.
Creating a Character - Creative Writing Lesson

Creating a Character - Creative Writing Lesson

Fully resourced lesson on creating a character to support creative writing lessons. Literacy focus is on temporal connectives here. There is a working sheet for pupils to use throughout which shows assessment levels and indicates to pupils how they can be successful in their work. 5 resources included in this bundle.
GCSE Creative Writing Display

GCSE Creative Writing Display

Resources to get you started making a creative writing for GCSE display. Includes a title and information for the display alongside examples and an exemplar so that pupils can see what you're looking for.