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KS1/KS2 - Summer Holidays Assembly

KS1/KS2 - Summer Holidays Assembly

KS1/KS2 - Summer Holidays Assembly An assembly all about being thankful for rest, recreation and holidays. Complete script with 30 characters. All you have to do is choose your own songs and the rest has been done for you.
KS1/KS2 - Healthy Eating Assembly

KS1/KS2 - Healthy Eating Assembly

KS1/KS2 - Healthy Eating Assembly An assembly all about how to stay healthy. Complete script with 26 characters. All you have to do is choose your own song and the rest has been done for you.
KS2 - Advent Assembly

KS2 - Advent Assembly

KS2 - Advent Assembly An assembly all about the meaning of advent. Complete script with 30 characters. All you have to do is choose your own song and prayer and the rest has been done for you.
Simple Behaviour Charts (2 versions)

Simple Behaviour Charts (2 versions)

Simple Behaviour Charts (2 versions) Charts can be displayed in your room and easily completed. Version 1: morning and afternoon face to colour (green= good, orange/yellow = OK, red = needs improved) Version 2: morning, break to lunch and afternoon (tick = good, cross = needs improved) then colour face for the day (green= good, orange/yellow = OK, red = needs improved)
KS2 Worksheet - Classifying Vertebrates/Invertebrates

KS2 Worksheet - Classifying Vertebrates/Invertebrates

KS2 Worksheet - Classifying Vertebrates/Invertebrates Main activity - answer the questions in the key to find out which group the animals belong too - invertebrate or vertebrate (mammal/bird/fish/reptile/amphibian). Pictures of animals provided. Answers provided on the final page.
KS2 Worksheet - Christmas Punctuation (2 versions)

KS2 Worksheet - Christmas Punctuation (2 versions)

KS2 Worksheet - Christmas Punctuation (2 versions) Version 1: Activity - copy both paragraphs filling in the missing capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, apostrophes and speech marks. Version 2 (easier): Activity - copy each sentence filling in the missing capital letters, full stops, question marks and speech marks. Answers provided on the last page.
KS2 Worksheet - Punctuation Test 1 (2 versions)

KS2 Worksheet - Punctuation Test 1 (2 versions)

KS2 Worksheet - Punctuation Test 1 (2 versions) Version 1: Section A - insert correct punctuation (capital letters, full stops and exclamation marks) Section B - insert punctuation and speech marks Section C - insert correct punctuation/speech marks and fix spelling mistakes Version 2 (easier): Section A - insert correct punctuation (capital letters, full stops and question marks) Section B - insert capital letters and speech marks Section C - insert correct punctuation and fix spelling mistakes Answers provided on the last page.
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Book Reviews (4 versions)

KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Book Reviews (4 versions)

KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Book Reviews (4 versions) Version 1: Character study - identify words that describe the main character, describe what you like most/least about the character Version 2: Critic review - write a review from the perspective of a critic including details about the story, its strengths and weaknesses and what age group it is suited to. Version 3: Non-fiction - list details about the book and some facts learnt Version 4: Poetry - list details about the book and your favourite poet/poem giving reasons for the answers given.
KS2 Worksheet - Homophones - There/Their/They're (2 worksheets)

KS2 Worksheet - Homophones - There/Their/They're (2 worksheets)

KS2 Worksheet - Homophones - There/Their/They’re (2 worksheets) Activity 1 - Define the homophones there, their and they’re. Fill in the missing homophone in each sentence. Activity 2 - Read through the passage identifying the homophones there, their and they’re. Re-write the passage changing the spelling of each homophone to the correct form. Answers provided on the last page.
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Story Plan (2 versions)

KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Story Plan (2 versions)

KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Story Plan (2 versions) Version 1: Activity - plan a story using the following headings: Opening, Setting, Characters, Build up - Journey, Events, Dilemma and Resolution Version 2 (easier): Activity - plan a story using the following headings: Setting, Characters, Beginning, Middle and End
KS2 Worksheet - Verbs  (2 worksheets)

KS2 Worksheet - Verbs (2 worksheets)

KS2 Worksheet - Verbs (2 worksheets) Activity 1 - Identify the verbs in each sentence. Activity 2 - Read through the story identifying the verbs. Replace each one with a new appropriate verb from the table provided. Answers provided on the last page.