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Rubyranger's Shop

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I teach 5th grade and middle school level subjects. I am also a published and produced playwright and co-author of three YA detective novels. (Curtain Call Caper, The Disappearig Dog Dilemma and Bungled Bike Burglaries)




I teach 5th grade and middle school level subjects. I am also a published and produced playwright and co-author of three YA detective novels. (Curtain Call Caper, The Disappearig Dog Dilemma and Bungled Bike Burglaries)
Force, Motion, Energy & Work bingo

Force, Motion, Energy & Work bingo

Force, energy, motion and work bingo contains directions, markers, 3 levels of clues and cards. (65 total unique cards) Card sets are color coded for the teacher to make it easier to differentiate instruction. Additional variation makes it less obvious to students.
Light and Sound bingo

Light and Sound bingo

Save time, increase student interest and review related vocabulary with this bingo game. Full version includes multiple clues for each concept and 25 total bingo cards. No two bingo cards are alike. Each card contains a statement, definition, example, graphic or fill-in-the-blank which corresponds to a clue. Includes transverse and compression waves, telescopes, microscopes, refraction, reflection, opaque, transparent, translucent, ultrasound, sonar, electromagnetic spectrum, amplitude, wavelength, frequency, concave/convex lenses and more. Markers include graphics which help students visualize concepts. To make long lasting cards, run on card stock and laminate. It is easy to add in your own clues or even use student generated clues, worksheets or workbooks for additional clues. Teacher can choose which cards and clues for specific topics or use all the cards for review or introducing a unit to assess student background knowledge. DIFFERENTIATION NOTE: Card titles vary slightly so the teacher can differentiate instruction by level of difficulty. See directions for a full explanation. Teaching suggestion: Have students silently or with a partner read over their cards before beginning and allow them to ask questions before starting. Teacher reads the marker chip and students must find their corresponding marker and place it on the appropriate spot. Allow students to mark any square/spot/answer that fits the marker. Some cards contain pictures which might fit multiple concepts. Base your acceptance on their rationale. (The pictures match is not a good rationale.) When a student has 4 in a row and calls bingo, they must read aloud the marker and square chosen. If they are correct, they win. Clear cards, trade cards (teacher's choice) and play again. If they are incorrect, the first student who raises their hand and corrects the mistake gets to cover any square of their choice as a bonus (promotes listening). Game continues.
Halloween Periodic Table unscramble

Halloween Periodic Table unscramble

Easy and fun way to teach or review the Periodic Table. Students learn atomic number, mass, calculation of neutrons, groups and periods while discovering holiday themed words and phrases. Includes directions and samples to scaffold students to group or independent work, Contains: *21 sets of clues for 21 Halloween words with separate answer key. Can be used as enrichment, bell ringers or exit tickets (.PDF) *BONUS 9 other holiday clues (3 each) for review later on (Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter) Ideas for using this product: 1. Place one per day as a warm up, exit ticket, homework or anchor activity. 2. Place students in teams of 2-3 to complete the worksheet, deliberately pairing a student familiar with the Periodic Table with one who may be linguistically inclined. If you are awarding points, give 1 point for being the first person or team done, 1 point for each correct symbol and 1-2 points for unscrambling the word(s). 4. Eliminate hints such as number of words for an extra challenge.
Football Periodic Table unscramble

Football Periodic Table unscramble

A fun way to teach or review the Periodic Table. Students learn atomic symbols, number, mass, calculation of neutrons, groups and periods while practicing rounding decimals. Students must determine the symbol of the element based on clues, then unscramble the letters to discover a football related word. Included Directions to introduce the Periodic Table, how the unscramble works and links to review games, online Periodic Tables. .PDF Student copy of 22 sets of clues for 22 words and NFL teams. Can be used as warm ups, anchor activities, exit tickets, homework or a solo or group activity A second student copy with more support in included (student tiered) .PDF teacher answer key
Simple Machine card game, bulletin board and graphic organizers

Simple Machine card game, bulletin board and graphic organizers

Simple machines made simple! Full-color graphics make these cards appealing and their versatility makes them useful over and over again. (.PDFs in a ZIP folder) Included • Set of 52 playing cards • Set of six 8”x11” posters for bulletin board and/or vocabulary gallery walk • Set of eight 8”x11” science writing prompts (RAFT writing) • Rules for card game This colorful card game is aligned with the Next Generation Life Science standards and the Virginia SOLs pkus includes Marzano strategy for vocabulary development. . The graphics on each card will help ESL and struggling readers. These card games provide an excellent anchor activity for students who finish early or need a challenge and additional materials such as links to online games, energy burst games and writing prompts based on research based strategies to improve student learning are included. These games can be used to differentiate instruction or provide tiering (cards can also be used as a sort rather than a game for struggling students.) Games are motivating and engage students in higher level strategy thinking and promote interaction with others while remaining focused on topic. Check out other science card games including weather, water cycle, food chains and adaptations, mitosis, digestion, the circulatory system and Germ Warfare.