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STAR method - Interviews
This resource can help you plan for interviews. It’s useful for medicine and oxbridge style interviews
UCAT Abstract Reasoning Triggers
This guide gives you a step-by-step process to approach UCAT AR questions. This resource helped me to score a score of 750+ and helped me to secure a place at a top UK medical school.
Cells Model Answers (A-Level)
The A-Level Biology markscheme can be really tough. This resource was made using past markschemes to help you get full marks in your exam as it helped me to get an A*
GCSE Bonding and Structure Worksheet
This worksheet has a variety of activities for students to complete to consolidate their knowledge.
GCSE Geography Case Studies Paper 1
This resource has been made to aid your revision as it has been condensed so you only have the information essential. This resource aided me to get an A*.
Medicine Interview Booklet
This booklet is designed so you can plan your answers in a bullet point format.