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Gold Resonance Resources

We provide Literacy, Literature, History and Humanities worksheets. Many of the sheets have a video with our voice-over specialist explaining the tasks. Feel free to use.

We provide Literacy, Literature, History and Humanities worksheets. Many of the sheets have a video with our voice-over specialist explaining the tasks. Feel free to use.
The Hindenburg - Sample sheet from Disaster Scheme of Work.

The Hindenburg - Sample sheet from Disaster Scheme of Work.

This booklet contains two worksheets. The first provides reading and summary skills practice. The second worksheet is a diary task. It is part of a larger scheme of work, which will be available soon. There is also a youtube video with a teacher’s voice explaining and narrating the task. Overall, a great piece of work for a pupil who is missing lessons, or a decent resource to base a full lesson on. The tasks include: Dictionary definition task. Reading a range of sources. Summarising key details. Selecting appropriate language.
Macbeth Worksheets

Macbeth Worksheets

Two sample worksheets from a booklet. Reading/comprehension: tasks looking at resources on the topic of witches and the historical context of King James, culminating in a synthesis task. Writing Worksheet: War reporting. Writing an article about the battle from the start of the play.