This resource contains x7 A4 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
For more History essay plans, please visit my profile.
Religious inaction led to the establishment of the major generals. Do you agree?
Religious persecution and ethnic cleansing - how accurate is this as a view to Cromwell’s actions in Ireland?
The rule of the Major Generals failed because they were widely resented for usurping power from local gentry. How valid is this view?
The Rump was dissolved because it failed to act disicively and the Nominated Assembly failed because it was too radical. Do you agree?
To what extent did the Civil War cause a revolution in religion?
To what extent was Cromwell successful during the Protectorate?
To what extent was the Rump successful 1649-1653?
This resource contains x7 A4 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
For more Government & Politics essay plans, please visit my profile.
To what extent to the three strands of Liberalism disagree about the economy?
To what extent to the three strands of Liberalism disagree about equality?
To what extent to the three strands of Liberalism disagree about freedom?
To what extent to the three strands of Liberalism disagree about human nature?
To what extent to the three strands of Liberalism disagree about social justice?
To what extent to the three strands of Liberalism disagree about society?
To what extent to the three strands of Liberalism disagree about the state?
This resource contains x5 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
For more History essay plans, please visit my profile.
How successful was the Terror in responding to counter revolution within France by July 1794?
The coming of the Terror in September 1793 was the result of the pressures of external war, agree or disagree?
The expulsion of the Girondins in May 1793 was the main reason for the breakdown of law and order in France between June and September 1793. Agree or disagree?
The sans-culottes were able to increase their influence over French government in September 1792 due to the declaration of war?
To what extent did Robespierre dominate French government in 1793?
This resource contains x9 A4 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
For more History essay plans, please visit my profile.
How effective was Charles II at dealing with Parliament in comparison to other monarchs?
How effective was government in the years 1660 to 1667?
How far did Charles II restore the power of the monarchy?
How important were divisions in religion 1660-1678?
The actions of Charles II undermined stability in Britain 1660-1678. How convincing is this view?
The restoration was the result of a craving by the political nation for a return to stable, ordered government. How valid is this view?
To what extent did parties emerge in 1660-1678?
To what extent was Charles II driven by religious toleration?
To what extent was the CABAL and Danby working to establish a pro French, Catholic, absolutist policy?
This resource contains x6 A4 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
For more Government & Politics essay plans, please visit my profile.
How far is the theory of party decline accurate?
To what extent are the two major parties ideologically distinct?
To what extent do interest groups dominate US politics?
To what extent do parties still have the ability to control candidates?
To what extent do US pressure groups concentrate, rather than disperse, political power?
To what extent have the two main parties become ideologically distinct from one another?
This resource contains x10 A4 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
Evaluate the extent to which national party conventions still play a meaningful role in presidential elections.
Evaluate the view that the Electoral College should be abolished.
Evaluate the view that the method for nominating presidential candidates is in need of reform.
How far do the televised debates during the campaign continue to have a significant role?
How far is incumbency the most important factor in determining the outcome of Presidential elections?
To what extent does public participation in the presidential nomination process hinder democracy?
To what extent should the Electoral College be replaced with a national vote?
To what extent to the strengths of the Electoral College outweigh its weaknesses?
To what extent to the strengths outweigh the weaknesses of the primary process?
To what extent was the economy the most important factor in the outcome of the 2012 and 2016 elections?
This resource contains x11 A4 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
For more Government & Politics essay plans, please visit my profile.
Assess the significance of the Executive Office of the President.
Evaluate the extent to which the label imperial presidency is an appropriate description of the executive branch under Bush and Obama.
Evaluate the extent to which the power of the president is affected by the strength of his electoral mandate.
Evaluate the extent to which the President can get his way in Congress.
Presidential careers can never live up to expectations. Do you agree?
There are no effective checks on Presidential power. Do you agree?
To what extent can the President control foreign policy.
To what extent is the cabinet significant in the Executive branch.
To what extent is the modern presidency an imperial presidency.
To what extent is the power to persuade the president’s most important power?
Weak at home, strong abroad. Discuss this view of the power of the president.
This resource contains x6 A4 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
For more Government & Politics essay plans, please visit my profile.
Evaluate the extent to which the checks and balances of the US Constitution are still effective today.
Evaluate the extent to which the process of amendment works well.
Evaluate the extent to which the US constitution is past its use by date.
How far was New Federalism successful in achieving its objectives?
The three branches of government have failed to protect constitutional rights in recent years. How far do you agree?
To what extent has the federal government’s influence over the states increased since 2008?
This resource contains x7 A4 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
For more Government & Politics essay plans, please visit my profile.
Analyse the difference in the way legislation is passed in the US Congress and the UK Parliament.
Cambridge Evaluate the extent to which Congress is significantly less effective when different parties control its two chambers.
Congress has become the least powerful branch of government. Discuss.
Does the House of Representatives carry out its representative role more effectively than the Senate?
Evaluate the extent to which Congress is significantly less effective when different parties control its two chambers.
Evaluate the extent to which members of Congress are more concerned with local issues than national or international issues.
Evaluate the extent to which the exclusive powers of the Senate are significant.
This resource contains x6 A4 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
For more History essay plans, please visit my profile.
Belief in a republic was the only thing that held the government of the National Convention together between Sept 1792 and January 1793. Do you agree?
How far was Robespierre’s unpopularity responsible for the collapse of the Terror after Spring 1794?
How far was the development of the Terror in France due to counter-revolution?
How important was Robespierre in the development of the Terror 1793-1794?
How important was the war against its external enemies in dividing France 1792-1794?
How important were religious issues in dividing France 1790-1794?
This resource contains x5 A4 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
For more History essay plans, please visit my profile.
How successful were the new forms of government set up between 1795 and 1804 in restoring stability to France?
Successful in all he did. To what extent is this an accurate view of Napoleon Bonaparte 1795-1799?
The survival of the Directory of four years proves its weaknesses were outweighed by its strengths?
The French Constitution of Year VIII established autocratic rule and ignored the aspiraions of the revolutionaires of 1789. Do you agree?
The sans-culottes risings of 12 Germinal and 1 Prairial 1795 failed because the sans-culottes were a spent force. Do you agree?
This resource contains x5 A4 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
For more History essay plans, please visit my profile.
To what extent did the Enlightenment challenge the existing order in France?
To what extent was France’s financial crisis 1786-1788 due to the failure of controller generals?
To what extent was the Paris Parlement important in forcing Louis XVI to agree to summon an Estate’s General?
To what extent were Enlightenment ideas influential in France 1788?
To what extent were Louis XVI’s ministers responsible for the failure to solve France’s financial problems 1774-1787?
This resource contains x6 A4 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
For more Government & Politics essay plans, please visit my profile.
Evaluate the extent to which democratic rights are effectively protected by the UK’s constitutional arrangements.
Evaluate the extent to which reforms to the political system have improved the UK.
Evaluate the extent to which rights are effectively protected by the UK’s constitutional arrangements.
Evaluate the various ways in which rights are protected in the UK.
Evaluate the view that the UK is suffering from a participation crisis.
The UK Parliament is no longer a truly representative body. How fare do you agree with this statement?
This resource contains x9 A4 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
For more History essay plans, please visit my profile.
How effectively did Charles deal with the Exclusion Crisis?
How far did the gradual emergence of political parties undermine power of monarch 1660-1678?
How far was the Exclusion Crisis due to religious reasons?
How far was the Glorious Revolution the result of long term fears?
How far were Ireland and Scotland a threat to the Glorious Revolution?
How far were William and Mary successful monarchs?
To what extent did the Glorious Revolution settle the problems of earlier Stuart rule?
To what extent was there a “rage of party” in 1678-1702?
To what extent were Catholics threatening in 1679?
This resource contains x12 A4 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
For more Government & Politics essay plans, please visit my profile.
Evaluate the extent to which race-based affirmative action has failed.
Evaluate the extent to which racial equality has been advanced in the 21st Century.
Evaluate the extent to which the Roberts court has witnessed a revival of Conservative activism.
Evaluate the extent to which the Supreme Court is a political rather than a judicial institution.
Evaluate the extent to which the Supreme Court is now an imperial judiciary.
Evaluate the extent to which the Supreme Court should interpret the Constitution and its amendments by establishing their original meaning.
Evaluate the view that the US constitution ensures Civil Rights are effectively protected by the Supreme Court.
Judicial activism cannot be justified. Discuss.
To what extent does the Supreme Court have too much power as an unelected body?
To what extent have Supreme Court justices reflected the political views of the presidents who nominated them?
To what extent is “post-racial America” true?
To what extent is race an important issue in US politics?
This resource contains x3 A4 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
For more Government & Politics essay plans, please visit my profile.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the House of Lords.
The House of Commons is a more effective institution than the House of Lords. Do you agree?
To what extent does UK Parliament fulfil its functions?
This resource contains x7 A4 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
For more Government & Politics essay plans, please visit my profile.
Examine the methods of oversight of the executive in US Congress and UK Parliament.
Members of Congress are out of touch with the people who elect them. Do you agree?
“The broken branch,” to what extent is this a fair assessment of Congress.
The main problem with Congress is the lack of effective leadership. Do you agree?
To what extent are the Senate and the House of Representatives equal in power?
To what extent does Congress have a meaningful foreign policy role?
To what extent does the Speaker of the House of Representatives remain a powerful political figure?
This resource contains x6 A4 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
For more Government & Politics essay plans, please visit my profile.
Evaluate the view that the aims of the social conservatives have been achieved in recent years.
Evaluate the view that the Democrat Party is currently ideologically divided.
Evaluate the view that the Republican party is ideologically divided.
How far are third parties still able to impact US politics?
How far is moderate conservatism declining in the Republican party?
How far is the left influential within the Democratic party?
This resource contains x9 A4 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
For more Government & Politics essay plans, please visit my profile.
To what extent to the three strands of Socialism disagree about collectivism/cooperation?
To what extent to the three strands of Socialism disagree about common humanity?
To what extent to the three strands of Socialism disagree about equality?
To what extent to the three strands of Socialism disagree about social class?
To what extent to the three strands of Socialism disagree about human nature?
To what extent to the three strands of Socialism disagree about society?
To what extent to the three strands of Socialism disagree about the state?
To what extent to the three strands of Socialism disagree about the economy?
To what extent to the three strands of Socialism disagree about common ownership?
This resource contains x9 A4 essay plan templates. This includes 5-6 full points with Point, Evidence, Analysis and counter arguments, and space to fill in introduction and conclusions.
Essay plans are a fantastic way to put your learned knowledge into practice. Familiarising yourself with essay titles is a great way to approach revision.
For more Government & Politics essay plans, please visit my profile.
To what extent to the three strands of Conservatism disagree about the economy?
To what extent to the three strands of Conservatism disagree about hierarchy and authority?
To what extent to the three strands of Conservatism disagree about human nature?
To what extent to the three strands of Conservatism disagree about libertarianism?
To what extent to the three strands of Conservatism disagree about paternalism?
To what extent to the three strands of Conservatism disagree about pragmatism?
To what extent to the three strands of Conservatism disagree about society?
To what extent to the three strands of Conservatism disagree about the state?
To what extent to the three strands of Conservatism disagree about tradition and organicism?