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AQA Computer Science Revision Worksheets
These work lovely as A3 worksheets, students to complete and fill with as much data as possible.
Topics included from the AQA spec:
Broad paper 1+2 Revision (one task is vb.NET but this can be easily changed to python/c#)
Data representation
Computer Systems
Ethical and Legal impacts
Cyber Security
Computer Networks
Answer sheets for data representation and also computer systems.

Scratch Programming - 10 Green Bottles
Definite Iteration
Using a repeat loop, students will create a program where the 10 green bottles nursery rhyme is sung.
Variables and Iteration are used to do this.
Two versions:
Partially premade version with background provided (in the form of a link, students will need to click see inside on Scratch website) students can program directly on example.
Full worksheet which demonstrates how to draw background as well as how to program