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Spanish Alphabet (Abecedario) & Spelling Activities

Spanish Alphabet (Abecedario) & Spelling Activities

These activities were created to give students the practice they need learning and pronouncing the letters of the Spanish alphabet. With these activities, students will be able to begin building interpretive listening and presentational speaking skills while becoming comfortable with partner work. This Product Includes: -Guide For Educators -Phonetic Alphabet Handout -5 Alphabet/Spelling Partner Activities -2 Partner Interview Activities
Las Posadas Activities

Las Posadas Activities

This series of 11 activities are designed to give students an accurate cultural view of the celebration of Las Posadas while acquiring new vocabulary and using reading skills in the target language. Students will explore the traditions and celebrations of Las Posadas with cultural information provided on each page. Students will also learn the lyrics to the popular villancico "Pidiendo Posada" and complete activities to demonstrate comprehension and understanding of various cultural, grammatical, and vocabulary related aspects of this song. The final summative activity asks students to synthesize all of the information they have learned to create an invitation to their own Posada party, create a to do list with things they must do or buy in preparation for the celebration, and complete a drawing of the inside and outside of their house all decorated for the holiday! This Product Includes: -Educator's Guide -Vocabulary Activity -9 pages that each contain cultural information about the holiday and pertinent vocabulary, a verse of the villancico "Pidiendo Posada", and accompanying questions/activity -Closing Activity or Assessment Note: Although some religious beliefs are referenced in the information provided, this activity is appropriate for public school students as well as private. As a public school teacher myself, I am careful with my presentation of religious information so as not to offend any of my students or their families.
"Creo en Mi" & The Present Perfect Tense

"Creo en Mi" & The Present Perfect Tense

These activities are meant to help students learn how to use the present perfect tense in Spanish. These activities go along with the song "Creo en mi" by Natalia Jiménez, former vocalist of the well-known group "5ta Estación". This song is readily available on YouTube and iTunes and a link to the song is referenced. After reviewing a biography of the artist, students are asked to listen to the song several times and fill in the lyrics that have been removed. Then, students are given an overview of the concept of the Present Perfect tense and asked to locate and observe it's use in the lyrics of the song. Students then are asked to find and copy certain lyrics frin within the song. Students then apply their new understanding of the present perfect tense to manipulate those lyrics and create new ones. Included in this download: -Artist Biography -Link to the song on YouTube -Clozeline Activity -Present Perfect Tense Tutorial -Inductive Grammar Activity -Lyric Identification Activity -Lyric Manipulation Activity -Answer Keys for all objective activities
"Vivir la Vida" & The Immediate Future Tense (IR + A + Infinitive)

"Vivir la Vida" & The Immediate Future Tense (IR + A + Infinitive)

These activities go along with the song "Vivir la Vida" by Marc Anthony which is readily available on YouTube and iTunes. In these activities, students listen to the song and complete the missing lyrics. They are instructed on the formation of the immediate future tense and asked to locate it as well as some infinitive verbs in the lyrics of the song. Then, they are asked to locate certain lines of the song, copy them, and manipulate them. The manipulation of the lyrics requires them to use the Immediate Future Tense. There is a reading activity to help them internalize the new vocabulary learned with the song and 3 different exit tickets. The lesson also includes a short artist bio. Students will practice listening, reading, and writing in this lesson. This Product Includes: 1. Artist Biography (in Spanish) 2. Clozeline Activity 3. Immediate Future Tense Tutorial & 2 Practice Activities 4. Lyric Identification Activity 5. Lyric Manipulation Activity 6. Vocabulary / Reading Activity 7. 3 Different Exit Tickets 8. Answer Keys
Spanish Inductive Grammar Lesson:  Preterite Tense of Ser & Ir

Spanish Inductive Grammar Lesson: Preterite Tense of Ser & Ir

This inductive grammar lesson leads students to discover the rules behind using the verbs SER and IR in the preterite tense in Spanish. Students will follow a 4 step inductive process to make learning grammar more meaningful. Step 1: Students will see examples of correct usage and create rules based on what they observe. Step 2: Students will test those rules against additional examples of correct language usage. Step 3: Students will make adjustments and additions to their rules based on more observations. Step 4: Students will apply the rules while producing their own language. These scaffolded activities promote higher order thinking skills and represent the method of grammar instruction that is recommended by national organizations like ACTFL.
Spanish Clothing (Ropa) Task Cards & Drawing Activities

Spanish Clothing (Ropa) Task Cards & Drawing Activities

This set of activities will help your students learn to understand descriptions of clothing and learn to talk about what they and others are wearing. These activities serve as a basis for practicing clothing through listening, reading, speaking, and writing modes of communication. Students will begin by using the included charts to flip a coin to determine the clothing items that the included paper doll will wear. They will then use the included task cards to practice successfully identifying people with the articles of clothing described. A guide for educators is also included that gives ideas as to how to use these same drawings for simple, no prep activities, that cover all modes of communication. This product includes: -Guide for Educators with lesson ideas -Flip a Coin Drawing Charts (two versions) -Fabio Paper Doll Template -30 Task Cards -Task Card Response Sheet
Spanish Classroom Requests Bulletin Board Set

Spanish Classroom Requests Bulletin Board Set

This resource contains seventeen 8 1/2" x 11" signs based on common classroom requests and situations. They can be used as a bulletin board set, word wall, or displayed anywhere in your classroom. These signs contain many of the expressions that your students will need to operate in the target language from Day 1. Even beginning level classes can learn to make requests quickly and easily with these signs serving as a reference. Each sign has a phrase or question, in Spanish, as well as a visual to help students remember the meaning. Included Phrases & Questions: -¿Puedo ir al baño? -¿Puedo tomar agua? -¿Puedo ir a mi armario? -Necesito ir a la oficina -¿Me prestas un lápiz? -¿Puedo ir a la enfermera? -¿Puedo llamar a mi madre? -¿Cómo se dice _____? -¿Qué significa _____? -Repita, por favor. -¿Tienes una hoja de papel? -¿Cuándo es el exámen? -¿Puedo escuchar la música? -¿Cómo se escribe _____? -No entiendo -Explique de nuevo, por favor. -¿En qué página estámos?
Cortometraje Activities:  El Regalo

Cortometraje Activities: El Regalo

These listening, reading, writing, and speaking activities accompany the cortometraje (short) "El Regalo" (link included). Students are introduced to 8 key vocabulary words that will help them to talk about the story in Spanish. Prior to watching the animated short, they will consider a couple of questions which can then be discussed with a partner, as a whole class, or reflected on with a written response. After watching the cortometraje, students will engage in listening activities where they must match scenes of the short with description in Spanish, reading activities where they must apply new vocabulary, writing activities where they must describe scenes, and speaking activities where they must retell the events of the story. These are great anytime activities with a lot of comprehensible input that seek to develop all modes of communication. This resource includes: -Link to the Cortometraje -Key Vocabulary -Discussion Activity -Listening Activity -Listening Script for Teacher -Reading Activity -Writing Activity -Speaking Activity -Answer Keys for all Objective Activities
Cortometraje Activities:  Día de los Muertos

Cortometraje Activities: Día de los Muertos

These listening, reading, writing, and speaking activities accompany the cortometraje (short) "Día de los Muertos" (link included). Students are introduced to 8 key vocabulary words that will help them to talk about the story in Spanish. Prior to watching the animated short, they will consider a couple of questions which can then be discussed with a partner, as a whole class, or reflected on with a written response. After watching the cortometraje, students will engage in listening activities where they must match scenes of the short with description in Spanish, reading activities where they must apply new vocabulary, writing activities where they must describe scenes, and speaking activities where they must retell the events of the story. These are great anytime activities with a lot of comprehensible input that seek to develop all modes of communication. This resource includes: -Link to the Cortometraje -Key Vocabulary -Discussion Activity -Listening Activity -Listening Script for Teacher -Reading Activity -Writing Activity -Speaking Activity -Answer Keys for all Objective Activities
Cortometraje Activities:  Selfie Cat

Cortometraje Activities: Selfie Cat

These listening, reading, writing, and speaking activities accompany the cortometraje "Selfie Cat". Similar to MovieTalk, these lessons focus not only on speaking, but on all communicative skills. Students are introduced to 8 key vocabulary words that will help them to talk about the story in Spanish. Prior to watching the animated short, they will consider a couple of questions which can then be discussed with a partner, as a whole class, or reflected on with a written response. After watching the cortometraje, students will engage in listening activities where they must match scenes of the short with description in Spanish, reading activities where they must apply new vocabulary, writing activities where they must describe scenes, and speaking activities where they must retell the events of the story. These are great anytime activities with a lot of comprehensible input that seek to develop all modes of communication. This resource includes: -Link to the Cortometraje -Key Vocabulary -Discussion Activity -Listening Activity -Listening Script for Teacher -Reading Activity -Writing Activity -Speaking Activity -Answer Keys for all Objective Activities
Latin Music Webquest

Latin Music Webquest

This webquest is perfect for introducing students to popular music in the Latino culture. It can be used with any level of language student as it has a cultural focus rather than being strictly focused on the target language. It also makes a great sub plan if students have internet access or if your classroom has 1:1 devices. In this webquest, students begin by finding out the top 10 latin songs for the current week, recording the information they find, and responding to some simple questions. Next, they choose three of the top 10 artists and give some basic biographical information (name, origin, age, musical style) about each one in Spanish. Finally, students delve deeper into these three artists by finding information about their current tour, ticket prices, and cities they will be visiting. This webquest raises student awareness of the increased role of Spanish language music in our own culture and country. If you like this product, you may be interested in some of the many song activities that I have created to accompany popular music in the target language.
Spanish Time (La Hora) Activities

Spanish Time (La Hora) Activities

Are you looking for ways to have your students practice telling at what time things are scheduled in real life situations? This group of activities focuses on just that with the use of authentic materials and real world situations. The power point notes explain the process of telling time in Spanish and allow students scaffolded, guided practice as they learn. In the first activity, students will read sentences that describe at what time a students has each class and label that student's schedule accordingly. In the second activity, students will send written "text messages" to a friend discussing their class times. In the third activity, students will use real movie listings to decide and explain when the next showing that they can attend will be. In the fourth activity, students take on the role of an employee at a bus station in Mexico. They must inform customers of the next bus departure for various cities using a real bus schedule. There are also two sets of clock fold-it clocks (digital and analog) for you to use in practice activities in your own classroom or as part of an interactive notebook. This product includes: -Complete notes on telling time with guided practice (power point) -School schedule time reading activity -Class time texting activity -Movie times activity -Bus schedule activity -Answer keys for all activities -Clock fold its
Vocabulary Sorting Activities (English Version)

Vocabulary Sorting Activities (English Version)

30 different sorting activities (enough to use roughly once a week during the school year) to help students studying a foreign language or learning English as a second language make connections between words, brainstorm for writing, or practice new vocabulary. Their versatility, ease of use, and the fact that they differentiate themselves make them one of my favorite things to use in my own classroom! Each activity contains 4 different categories which students must complete with words that they know and fit each category. These are a quick, easy way for students to recycle vocabulary that they have previously learned or integrate vocabulary they are currently studying. They can also be used to gauge a student's progress in acquiring language when compared over the school year and they differentiate themselves! These work well as a class starter or closing activity. Once students have completed an activity, it is easy to use their work as a jumping off point for writing tasks or inspiration for oral drill and conversation. Use them when you need a sub plan and ask students to write a paragraph or sentences as a follow up activity! These are low prep and ready to print and go! You can even skip the print step and just display them for students! This is the English Language Version. ASpanish Language Version is also available in my store.
Hispanic Superstitions

Hispanic Superstitions

This Power Point presentation will introduce your students to 7 of the more common superstitions held by Hispanics. Each slide poses a question, in Spanish, that can be discussed by the class before the superstition related to that question is revealed. Once you are happy with the amount of responses you have gotten from the class, you can click to reveal the superstition. Each slide includes several visual supports that appear on your click so that beginning students all the way to advanced students can participate in the same lesson. Discussion questions in English are also included for both before and after the presentation.
Spanish Speaking Prompts - Jobs & Professions

Spanish Speaking Prompts - Jobs & Professions

These speaking prompts are designed to move students from asking/answering basic questions in Spanish to responding to increasingly complicated prompts around the theme of Jobs & Professions. There are 4 categories of prompts that ask students to move between different levels of communication including the presentation of facts, opinions, feelings, and towards complete openness in social situations. Category A – Yes or No Questions, Either/Or Questions Category B – Additional Information Questions Category C – Expressing Opinions and Feelings Category D – Situational Speaking Prompts & Extended Response You may approach these prompts by moving students through them from Categories A-D in a sequential manner, or you may use them as an opportunity for easy differentiation between the various proficiency levels of Novice to Intermediate learners that may be present in your classroom. Although these prompts have been designed as speaking prompts, they can also be used as writing prompts for individual practice, homework, or assessment. Ideas for Usage: -Pair students for one on one practice. -Form small groups and have students interview a student. -Invite a guest speaker or native speaking student to your classroom and have students select questions to ask them during a Q&A session -Have students write additional prompts or variations of existing prompts on the blank cards provided -Pull 1 prompt from each category for a challenging oral proficiency assessment -Have students develop role plays based on the situational prompts This Product Includes -Guide for Educators -15 Category A Prompts -15 Category B Prompts -9 Category C Prompts -6 Category D Prompts -Blank Cards to allow for creation of additional questions if desired
Hispanic Myths & Legends:  El Cadejo

Hispanic Myths & Legends: El Cadejo

This lesson introduces beginning language learners to the legend of El Cadejo (Central America) in a way that promotes using legends to learn about culture in a deep and meaningful way. This lesson asks students to consider some complex ideas and make connections between the products, practices, and beliefs of Hispanics around the world. These activities promote higher-level thinking that would be beyond the grasp of most students in the target language, so the lessons are done in English to make sure they are attainable. These lessons make perfect sub plans as they require no prep and little to no Spanish language production. Students begin by reading the legend of El Cadejo and illustrating the legend to demonstrate comprehension and understanding. Students are then asked to analyze several paintings created by a Guatemalan using the El Cadejo motif and explain the elements that are common to the paintings and the story. Students are then introduced to the Mayan belief of spirit animals. They are given some examples of nahuales (spirit animals) and asked to choose an appropriate animal based on their characteristics. Finally, students will read the lyrics to a song called "El Cadejo" and list words from the song that relate to the legend and support their conclusions with word meanings and rationale. This Product Includes: -El Cadejo Legend (version 1) -Illustration Activity -Art Activity -Mayan Nahual Spirit Animal Activity -Music Lyric Activity
Spanish Vocabulary Sorting Activities

Spanish Vocabulary Sorting Activities

30 different sorting activities (enough to use roughly once a week during the school year) to help Spanish students make connections between words, brainstorm for writing, or practice new vocabulary. Their versatility, ease of use, and the fact that they differentiate themselves make them one of my favorite things to use in my own classroom! Each activity contains 4 different categories which students must complete with words that they know and fit each category. These are a quick, easy way for students to recycle vocabulary that they have previously learned or integrate vocabulary they are currently studying. They can also be used to gauge a student's progress in acquiring language when compared over the school year and they differentiate themselves! These work well as a class starter or closing activity. Once students have completed an activity, it is easy to use their work as a jumping off point for writing tasks or inspiration for oral drill and conversation. Use them when you need a sub plan and ask students to write a paragraph or sentences as a follow up activity! These are low prep and ready to print and go! You can even skip the print step and just display them for students! This is the Spanish Language Version. An English Language Version is also available in my store.
Spanish Sub Plans:  Famous Works of Art

Spanish Sub Plans: Famous Works of Art

These Spanish sub plans can be carried out by any sub while you are out of the classroom. Even better, you won't have to feel guilty that your students aren't learning while you are gone! This set includes 5 full classes of art/culture lessons that are ready to print & go, require no technology, do not require the sub to produce any Spanish, and can be differentiated for any level of Spanish class. Each lesson walks students through the interpretation of a famous work of art by artists Pablo Picasso, Diego Rivera, Joan Miró, Frida Kahlo, and Fernando Botero. Students will work step by step to interpret the art through a series of brainstorming, sorting and categorizing activities. Once they have recorded their own interpretation of the art, they will read a short excerpt that relates the piece of art to something cultural or historical from real life. They will then be asked to think about the art in that new context as they answer some thought provoking questions. Works of Art included in this lesson: -"Guernica" by Pablo Picasso -"Dream of a Sunday Afternoon at Alameda Park" by Diego Rivera -"Tree of Hope, Remain Strong" by Frida Kahlo -"Carnival of Harlequin" by Joan Miró -"Guerilla de Eliseo Velasquez" by Fernando Botero
Spanish Phonics & Pronunciation Activities

Spanish Phonics & Pronunciation Activities

These activities help students learn the basics of Spanish phonics with scaffolded activities that focus on a variety of letter sounds in Spanish. Often taken for granted, instruction in phonics is a great way to jumpstart the listening and pronunciation skills of beginning learners. Each activity targets a different set of letter sounds, beginning with sounds that are easy for native English speakers and progressing to sounds that are more difficult to identify or easy to confuse. Students will listen to the pronunciation of 12 words within each of the 7 activities and are asked to insert the correct letters that are representative of those sounds. Included with each word is also a picture definition so that students can begin to acquire some basic vocabulary. When the activities are complete, they may be added to a notebook or binder as a picture dictionary for students to keep. This Product Includes: -Consonant Sounds Activity 1 (D, F, K, M P, T) -Consonant Sounds Activity 2 (C, H, CH, L, LL) -Consonant Sounds Activity 3 (R, RR, N, Ñ) -Consonant Sounds Activity 4 (G, J, S, Z, B, V) -Vowel Sounds Activity 1 (A, O, U) -Vowel Sounds Activity 2 (E, I) -Vowel Sounds Activity 3 (Diphthongs) -Answer Keys For All Activities
Spanish Prepositional Phrase Activities

Spanish Prepositional Phrase Activities

This download includes 4 activities (Reading, Listening, Writing, & Speaking) to practice and learn common prepositional phrases in Spanish. Students will read sentences and place objects in the correct location on a bookshelf according to what they read and hear. Then, students will describe the locations of items, in Spanish, and orally to a partner.