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Computer Science AQA GCSE Exam question matrix

Computer Science AQA GCSE Exam question matrix

Computer Science AQA GCSE Exam question matrix A breakdown of all past paper questions including specimen papers available from AQA website outlining each topic and showing which past paper questions relate to each topic. Perfect for easily finding questions to use as assessments and can also be given to students to use as a revision tool.
Computer science display periodic table

Computer science display periodic table

Computer Science periodic table wall display of key terms in programming. Wall display for ICT and Computer Science classroom. Key terms and keywords with definitions for programming in Python. Contains 32 key words used in programming with definitions under each one. Grouped together as publisher documents to easily print all 4 groups seperately. PLEASE NOTE: You will recieve 8 documents with this download. 4 documents are the coloured version to be printed out on white paper. The other 4 are black images with transparent text created on Photoshop to allow you to print on coloured paper of your choice. All files are Publisher Documents ready to be printed.
ICT Keyboard shortcut wall display

ICT Keyboard shortcut wall display

Wall display for ICT and Computing classrooms. Printable keyboard with 12 common keyboard shortcuts to go around the keyboard. Shortcuts are most commonly used in Microsoft Office software useful for KS3 and KS4 ICT and computing lessons. Comes as a fully editable document on a powerpoint slide allowing you to alter colours and definitions etc.