These lessons had a significant impact upon the grades our students achieved! The 2018 & 2019 Examiners reports clearly highlights that students who answered the ‘synoptic’ questions well outperformed students who did not.
These lessons provide a clear structure for your students to write towards - ‘The 3-question technique’ .
They include starter activities which cover the AO1 knowledge required for the extended writing question.
All lessons have model answers which clearly demonstrate how to satisfy all 6 marks available.
- Every topic area
- Detailed outline of ALL command words (AO1; AO2 & AO3)
- Meta-cognitive revision tasks throughout
- All the fundamental knowledge your student's will need to succeed!!
- OCR style exam questions
Clear and concise activity to ensure that your students achieve maximum marks.
Vascular Shunt Mechanism
Antagonistic Muscle Pair
Breathing Mechanics
Double Circulatory System
Gas Exchange
In the build up to your final GCSE PE exams, many gains can be made the weekend or even night before the exams. Though, do not over do it - you are ready. I believe in you, and know that we have done all that will be required throughout the course of study.