Teaching resources aimed for KS1 teachers and children. From activities and games to displays and visual aids.
Any reviews for the resources you download are greatly appreciated.
Happy teaching!
Teaching resources aimed for KS1 teachers and children. From activities and games to displays and visual aids.
Any reviews for the resources you download are greatly appreciated.
Happy teaching!
Maths and Writing differentiated checklists.
2 differentiated levels.
4 pages.
2 pages mention ‘purple polish’ which is part of my schools marking policy. I have included a version that does not include this as I am aware many schools will not use this.
I hope you find this resource useful.
Happy teaching!
A handwriting booklet aimed to promote joined cursive writing using correct joins. Organised in letter families (curly caterpillar letters, ladder letters, one-armed robot letters and zigzag monstser letters) and colour coded to encourage children to recognise the letter families.
Cursive font, without looped joins.
Slides for teaching plural spelling rules over the week, with short 15/20 minute sessions each day. Rules include; adding ‘s’ and ‘es’, changing the ‘y’ for an ‘i’ and adding ‘es’ and changing the ‘f’ for a ‘v’ and adding ‘es’.
Discussion cards to lead circle time discussion about feelings, worries, self-esteem, friendships and more.
Created for PSHE circle time focus for school return after Lockdown 3 (Covid-19) on Monday 8th March 2021.
A collection of worksheets, designed in a booklet, with maths TAF statements outlined at beginning and ‘We are getting better at…’ statements defining worksheets. TAF statements organised by grade (WT, WA, GD) and worksheets ordered accordingly in booklet.
Hope these are helpful.
Slides to support short maths meeting sessions, recapping skills and units children should have already been exposed to. They are very open ended and can be used each day, with the teacher asking different questions and inputting different numbers to make it different each day.
Designed to be part of a maths toolkit for gathering TAF evidence. More information about my pack on my instagram account - saved in highlights.
Can also be used as individual activities.
Resources included in download:
1-100 flashcards
2-digit +/- ones flashcards
2-digit +/-tens flashcards
Counting in 2s word problems flashcards
Counting in 5s word problems flashcards
Counting in 10s word problems flashcards
Shape game (What shape am I?) flashcards
‘Missing number’ number line flashcards
2-digit +/-2-digit flashcards
Multiplication wheels flashcards
Fraction of a number flashcards (including word problems)
TAF pack task cards
TAF pack task cards also include activity resource ideas for recalling number bonds to 10, recalling number bonds within 10, recognising coins and using coins to make the same amount.
All activities talked through on my instagram, account name: teachks1_
Double sided name mats for tables with helpful skill prompts for children to use in their learning.
Print double sided, flipping on short edge. Best printed on card.
Fully editable (I used cursive font but am not sure this will be the font when downloaded as it was uploaded by my school so please check the font and ensure it is suitable ).
A template for providing half term activities for children linked to learning. I use these to consolidate learning at home and it is full of fun, practical ways for children to do this. This is not homework, therefore is not compulsory - I have found some families like to have these little activities to do throughout their time off.
Slides to support teaching of year 1 and year 2 common expception words. Words sorted into groups of spelling patterns. Example of how I am using the slides st the start of the document.
4 different table trophies to fit in IKEA Tolsby Frames (Terrifically Tidy Tabletop, Team Work Champions, Hard Workers and Awesome Attention).
Print 2 copies to create a double sided trophy.
I hope you find this resource useful.
Happy teaching!
A classroom hunt designed for children when transition to a new classroom to support them in learning where new resources and important things are.
A PDF version and a editable version allowing you to change the items on the hunt to suit your classroom and the needs of the children in your class.
I hope you find this resource useful.
Happy teaching!
A simple check-in designed to be completed by the ch with an adult. Designed to inform necessary PSHE areas and ‘check-in’ with all ch at the start of the term (espeically due to extended time away from school due to COVID-19).
I will be using this to influence assembly topic and discuss the ch’s well-being with my TA’s, who are also going to support the ch to complete the surveys (1-to-1).
I hope you find my resources useful.
Happy teaching!
Human Bingo Lockdown Edition.
An activity for children to find other children and fill in the boxed with different names. Created to aid transition from lockdown back to school.
I hope you find this resource useful.
Happy teaching!
A simple bookmark for the children to record words unfamiliar words. This gives them a chance to look the word up themselves and learn the meaning extending their vocabulary. Having the words on the bookmark allows grown ups at home or school to ask the child about the new words they have learnt, giving them chance to use the new information they have learnt and therefore help them to retain it.
Each slide has 6 clues for the children to guess which animal is being described, perfect for animal unit after learning about animals groups, diet and appearance of animals.
Finishes with a ‘your turn’ activity for children to create their own clues to describe an animal, with sentence starter prompts.