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Target Practice

In-depth approach to improving written and mental calculation skills. For 9-11 year olds. 10 PDF workbooks, each with over 100 pages of explanations, tips and timed challenges with target scores. Links to over one hour of teaching video per book.

In-depth approach to improving written and mental calculation skills. For 9-11 year olds. 10 PDF workbooks, each with over 100 pages of explanations, tips and timed challenges with target scores. Links to over one hour of teaching video per book.
Target 3: Multiplying/Dividing by 10, 100 & 1000

Target 3: Multiplying/Dividing by 10, 100 & 1000

Multiplications and divisions of any number by 10, 100 or 1,000 should be performed mentally. If your students have a solid understanding of decimal place value (see the Target 2 workbook) then they will also appreciate how the digits ‘move’ with certain calculations. In the Target 3 workbook, students will first learn to identify numbers with ‘useless zeros’ (those zeros that are often unnecessarily written at the end of decimal numbers). After this, it’s straight into the meat and bones of the workbook: multiplying any number by 10, then dividing any number by 10; followed by the same pattern for 100, then for 1,000. Each calculation is dealt with individually before mixing them together in a 40-question test. Your pupils will also be challenged to select the largest or smallest decimal number from a list and perform one of Target 3’s calculations with it. Finally, they will study what happens when two of these calculations are carried out with the same number, setting the stage for the Target 4 workbook. If a child can recognise what happens to a number when it is divided by 100 then multiplied by 10, they will be ready to answer questions such as 0.07x80. Each Target Practice workbook is divided into ten challenges, with target scores and time limits. The Target Extra section at the back of each book contains several repeat challenges, enabling children to hit that target score should they miss out the first time. This is a colourful 103-page PDF download, with explanation pages for each concept, and quick links to each chapter and the answer pages. Not only that, this Target Practice workbook contains links to 64 minutes of teaching video, created by Catapult (only available to those who purchase the workbook). Target 3’s ten steps are as follows: Target 3a: Useless Zeros Target 3b: Multiplying by 10 Target 3c: Dividing by 10 Target 3d: Multiplying by 100 Target 3e: Dividing by 100 Target 3f: Multiplying by 1,000 Target 3g: Dividing by 1,000 Target 3h: Putting it all Together Target 3i: Comparing Decimals & Calculating Target 3j: Two-Step Calculations The concepts taught in Target 3 will lay the foundations for mental multiplications and divisions involving groups of tens, hundreds and thousands (as well as tenths, hundredths and thousandths): 40x60, 70x0.03, 360÷90 and so on. This will be the theme of the Target 4 workbook. Launch their potential. Trevor Veale Target Practice author Owner and full-time tutor at Catapult Primary school teacher for nine years
Target 1: Speed Tables

Target 1: Speed Tables

Prepare your students for rapid response to the times-tables: one of the key foundations to Maths success. The Target 1 workbook takes pupils from the 2s through to the 12s in five logical steps. You will see that there is no need to memorise times-tables as separate lists. Once these steps are complete, and students reach each target score within the assigned time limits, they will be ready to try the five division challenges - each one mirroring the multiplication tasks. Each Target Practice workbook is divided into ten challenges, with target scores and time limits. The Target Extra section at the back of each book contains several repeat challenges, enabling your students to hit that target score should they miss out the first time. This is a colourful 108-page PDF download, with explanation pages for each concept, and quick links to each chapter and the answer pages. Not only that, this Target Practice workbook contains links to 64 minutes of teaching video, created by Catapult (only available to those who purchase the workbook). Although primarily designed for one-to-one work, these workbooks can be easily employed with small classroom groups. Read through the explanation pages with your students, watch the related video, then set the timer for the challenge. Target 1’s ten steps are as follows: Target 1a: 2s, 10s & 5s Target 1b: 3s & 4s Target 1c: Square Numbers Target 1d: The Easy 11s Target 1e: The Deadly Eleven Target 1f: 2s, 10s & 5s Division Target 1g: 3s & 4s Division Target 1h: Square Numbers Division Target 1i: The Easy 11s Division Target 1j: The Deadly Eleven Division Longer multiplication and division challenges will become a regular reality in your students’ education. Without rapid recall of the tables, struggles will be inevitable. As teachers we must choose the appropriate foundations if we are to expect growth in our children’s mathematical confidence. I strongly recommend starting with this workbook. Launch their potential. Trevor Veale Target Practice author Owner and full-time tutor at Catapult Primary school teacher for nine years
Target 7: Division

Target 7: Division

Target 7 deals with written division methods. Your students will first discover fast methods for halving numbers and dividing larger numbers by 5, after which they will practise identifying remainders to short divisions at speed. The written short division method (known by many names such as ‘the bus stop method’) is covered. Students will also learn how to give decimal answers instead of remainders. Long division strategies are taught, which will help your students divide by any number that appears as an answer in the times-tables. They will also learn how to simplify a large division so that it gives the same answer. Strategies for dividing by prime numbers are explained as well. At the end of the Target 7 book, children will have their first exposure to word problems. This is because divisions in particular can cause many dilemmas for kids. Do they give a remainder or a decimal in their answer? Do they round their answer up or down to the nearest whole number? It all depends upon the word problem! Each Target Practice workbook is divided into ten challenges, with target scores and time limits. The Target Extra section at the back of each book contains several repeat challenges, enabling your students to hit that target score should they miss out the first time. This is a colourful 118-page PDF download, with explanation pages for each concept, and quick links to each chapter and the answer pages. Not only that, this Target Practice workbook contains links to 72 minutes of teaching video, created by Catapult (only available to those who purchase the workbook). Target 7’s ten steps are as follows: Target 7a: Dividing Tables Target 7b: Halving Target 7c: Dividing by 5 Target 7d: Remainders Target 7e: Short Division Target 7f: Decimal Answers Target 7g: Long Division Target 7h: Solving Divisions by Multiplying Target 7i: When Numbers Don’t Fit Target 7j: Decimals, Remainders or Neither? Launch their potential. Trevor Veale Target Practice author Owner and full-time tutor at Catapult Primary school teacher for nine years
Target 9: Word Problems

Target 9: Word Problems

This workbook will be the first in the Target Practice series dealing with word problems. If your students have mastered the most difficult calculation skills using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, they are now ready to connect these to real-life situations. Target 9 begins by challenging students to recognise sensible answers. Quite often a child will find the correct answer to a difficult calculation. However, it was not the calculation they should have performed. It is therefore important that they are trained to see if an answer makes sense. They will then focus on addition/subtraction vocabulary such as ‘sum’ and ‘difference’, after which they will answer addition/subtraction word problems connected to information tables. Multiplication/division language is explored next (spotting words like ‘product’ or looking for words like ‘each’ or ‘per…’). Children should also be encouraged to recognise which number is divided by which in a word problem (it is not always the greater number by the smaller number). The purposes of these challenges so far is to see if your students choose the appropriate calculations. Only after successfully navigating these challenges should children attempt the multi-step problems: questions that must be solved by several calculations. Target 9 finishes with the one of the most challenging types of word problem: using clues to identify numbers and codes. Each Target Practice workbook is divided into ten challenges, with target scores and time limits. The Target Extra section at the back of each book contains several repeat challenges, enabling your students to hit that target score should they miss out the first time. This is a colourful 122-page PDF download, with explanation pages for each concept, and quick links to each chapter and the answer pages. Not only that, this Target Practice workbook contains links to 77 minutes of teaching video, created by Catapult (only available to those who purchase the workbook). Target 9’s ten steps are as follows: Target 9a: Sensible Answers Target 9b: Addition/Subtraction Vocabulary Target 9c: Information Tables Target 9d: Bus Passenger Problems Target 9e: Multiplication/Division Vocabulary Target 9f: Rows & Columns Target 9g: Putting it all Together Target 9h: Multi-Step Problems Target 9i: Working Backwards Through a Story Target 9j: Clues, Codes & Mystery Numbers Launch their potential. Trevor Veale Target Practice author Owner and full-time tutor at Catapult Primary school teacher for nine years
Target 2: Place Value

Target 2: Place Value

There are two key mathematical areas of learning which, if mastered, can enable your students to perform a variety of multiplications and divisions mentally. One is obviously the times-tables (see Target 1). The other is decimal place value. The Target 2 workbook first introduces pupils to the whole number places up to the millions, showing them how to name seven-digit numbers. The main focus of the book then turns to the first three decimal places: tenths, hundredths and thousandths. Upon reaching each of the target scores in the ten challenges, your students will know how many thousandths are in numbers such as 1.523 (the answer is not 3) or the value of the digit in the thousandths’ place (again, not 3). They will understand why 2.6 is greater than 2.599, and that 4.20 is really just 4.2. Each Target Practice workbook is divided into ten challenges, with target scores and time limits. The Target Extra section at the back of each book contains several repeat challenges, enabling pupils to hit that target score should they miss out the first time. This is a colourful 105-page PDF download, with explanation pages for each concept, and quick links to each chapter and the answer pages. Not only that, this Target Practice workbook contains links to 72 minutes of teaching video, created by Catapult (only available to those who purchase the workbook). Target 2’s ten steps are as follows: Target 2a: Naming Large Numbers Target 2b: Changing Words into Digits Target 2c: Tenths Target 2d: Values of Tenths Digits Target 2e: Hundredths Target 2f: Values of Hundredths Digits Target 2g: Thousandths Target 2h: Values of Thousandths Digits Target 2i: Putting it all Together Target 2j: Comparing Decimals A solid understanding of the relationship between each position in our place value system will prepare children for multiplication and division of any number by 10, 100 or 1000 (the theme of the Target 3 workbook). Combining place value understanding with the times-tables will make it much easier for a child to convert 4x6 into 40x60, 400x0.6, 0.4x0.06 and so on (the theme of the Target 4 workbook). Launch their potential. Trevor Veale Target Practice author Owner and full-time tutor at Catapult Primary school teacher for nine years
Target 5: Manipulating Calculations

Target 5: Manipulating Calculations

If 72x8.2 makes 590.4, then what is the answer to 7.2x820? What is 144x8.2? Or 144x16.4? In fact, what is the answer to 590.4÷4.1? The Target 5 workbook deals with a theme that has been very difficult to categorise within the primary Maths curriculum and yet always seems to appear in test papers. **What are the rules of multiplication and division? ** If your students are able to spot relationships between calculations, they do not need to use long, written methods to solve answers. They just need to manipulate numbers. The book begins by looking at answers that appear on a calculator, then asking the children to find calculations that would produce the same answer. This can be done in one of two ways: place value (see Targets 2 & 3) or using the times-tables then estimating the answer (see Targets 1 & 4). Students will also look at long multiplication answers then solve calculations that have different, yet connected answers. They will learn how halving and doubling manipulates the answers to multiplications and divisions. They will look at a list of long multiplications and identify which one produces the largest answer, without doing any multiplying. They will select the correct answer to 707x290÷2.8 from a list of suggested answers, without multiplying or dividing. Each Target Practice workbook is divided into ten challenges, with target scores and time limits. The Target Extra section at the back of each book contains several repeat challenges, enabling your students to hit that target score should they miss out the first time. This is a colourful 117-page PDF download, with explanation pages for each concept, and quick links to each chapter and the answer pages. Not only that, this Target Practice workbook contains links to 82 minutes of teaching video, created by Catapult (only available to those who purchase the workbook). Target 5’s ten steps are as follows: Target 5a: Multiplications with the Same Answer Target 5b: Connected Answers Target 5c: Balancing Multiplications Target 5d: Multiplications using Doubles & Halves Target 5e: Which has the Largest Answer? Target 5f: Divisions with the Same Answer Target 5g: Balancing Divisions Target 5h: Divisions with Connected Answers Target 5i: Divisions using Doubles & Halves Target 5j: Two-Step Calculations Launch their potential. Trevor Veale Target Practice author Owner and full-time tutor at Catapult Primary school teacher for nine years
Target 8: Long Addition & Subtraction

Target 8: Long Addition & Subtraction

After seven books dealing with multiplication and division, a workbook on addition and subtraction may seem somewhat easier. But how quickly do your students add any pair of numbers up to 100? Can they do it mentally? The Target 8 workbook teaches a strategy that simplifies such additions so that there are actually fewer combinations of numbers up to 100 than there are up to 20! 47+26 is really just 60+13. 29+35 is really just 50+14. The book also teaches how to adjust longer additions and subtractions into easier calculations. Your students will learn that 787+564 can be converted into 800+551. They will see that 7,283-1,995 is the same as 7,288-2,000. Written methods for more complex additions and subtractions are also covered. These include the traditional ‘right to left’ methods. However, ‘left to right’ additions and subtractions are also taught (this is how many adults add and subtract large numbers mentally). Each Target Practice workbook is divided into ten challenges, with target scores and time limits. The Target Extra section at the back of each book contains several repeat challenges, enabling your students to hit that target score should they miss out the first time. This is a colourful 131-page PDF download, with explanation pages for each concept, and quick links to each chapter and the answer pages. Not only that, this Target Practice workbook contains links to 73 minutes of teaching video, created by Catapult (only available to those who purchase the workbook). Target 8’s ten steps are as follows: Target 8a: Speed Addition within 20 Target 8b: Speed Addition within 100 Target 8c: Right to Left Addition Target 8d: Left to Right Addition Target 8e: Adjusting Additions Target 8f: Speed Subtraction within 20 Target 8g: Right to Left Subtraction Target 8h: Left to Right Subtraction Target 8i: Adjusting Subtractions Target 8j: Subtracting by Adding Launch their potential. Trevor Veale Target Practice author Owner and full-time tutor at Catapult Primary school teacher for nine years
Target Practice: Calculation Bundle

Target Practice: Calculation Bundle

10 Resources
All of the first ten Target Practice workbooks in one bundle! That’s over 1,000 pages with links to over 12 hours of exclusive teaching video made by Catapult. Target Practice is an in-depth Maths series for 9-11 year olds, dealing with each component of the primary school curriculum. The first ten books focus on calculation skills, exploring mental and written methods that will not only speed up their performance but will also deepen their appreciation for calculation principles. Each Target Practice workbook is divided into ten challenges, with target scores and time limits. The Target Extra section at the back of each book contains several repeat challenges, enabling your students to hit that target score should they miss out the first time. They are colourful PDF downloads ranging from 103 pages to 131 pages. There are explanation sections for each concept, and quick links to each chapter and the answer pages. Not only that, each Target Practice workbook contains links to over one hour of teaching video, created by Catapult (only available to those who purchase the workbook). Target 1: Speed Tables (108 pages; 64 minutes of teaching video) Target 2: Place Value (105 pages; 72 minutes) Target 3: Multiplying/Dividing by 10, 100 & 1,000 (103 pages; 64 minutes) Target 4: Multiplying/Dividing Groups of 10, 100 & 1,000 (103 pages; 75 minutes) Target 5: Manipulating Calculations (117 pages; 82 minutes) Target 6: Long Multiplication (115 pages; 74 minutes) Target 7: Division (118 pages; 72 minutes) Target 8: Long Addition & Subtraction (131 pages; 73 minutes) Target 9: Word Problems (122 pages; 77 minutes) Target 10: Decimal Calculations (116 pages; 72 minutes) Learn more about each workbook by clicking the individual workbook links in the shop. Launch their potential. Trevor Veale Target Practice author Owner and full-time tutor at Catapult Primary school teacher for nine years
Target 10: Decimal Calculations

Target 10: Decimal Calculations

Target 10 deals with decimal additions, subtractions, multiplications and divisions. Children will first add and subtract numbers that have matching decimal places, discovering that many can be performed mentally and others, although small numbers, need to be written. After all, decimal numbers can be 3-digit numbers, 4-digit numbers or more. We then deal with the common addition and subtraction mistakes that occur when the two numbers do not have a matching number of decimal digits. For example, children must make sure that the 4 and 2 do not get added together in 13.4+9.92. Decimal multiplication is sometimes too complex for primary school but not always. In Target 10, children will discover that multiplying by 0.5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.25 and 0.75 can be performed quite quickly using one or two alternative calculations. For other decimal multiplications there is the option of estimating an answer then removing the decimal points before replacing it in the final answer. The Lattice method of long multiplication (see Target 6) also allows for decimal multiplication. Finally, we will see that it is possible to divide by certain decimal numbers. Yes, it is possible that your students could answer 393.4÷0.7 or 310.8÷1.4 in a minute or two! Each Target Practice workbook is divided into ten challenges, with target scores and time limits. The Target Extra section at the back of each book contains several repeat challenges, enabling your students to hit that target score should they miss out the first time. This is a colourful 116-page PDF download, with explanation pages for each concept, and quick links to each chapter and the answer pages. Not only that, this Target Practice workbook contains links to 72 minutes of teaching video, created by Catapult (only available to those who purchase the workbook). Target 10’s ten steps are as follows: Target 10a: Adding Matching Decimals Target 10b: Subtracting Matching Decimals Target 10c: Adding Non-Matching Decimals Target 10d: Subtracting Non-Matching Decimals Target 10e: Putting it all Together Target 10f: Special Decimals for Multiplication Target 10g: Multiplying Halves Target 10h: Estimating & Multiplying Decimals Target 10i: Decimals & The Lattice Target 10j: Dividing Decimals Launch their potential. Trevor Veale Target Practice author Owner and full-time tutor at Catapult Primary school teacher for nine years
Target 4: Multiplying/Dividing Groups of 10, 100 & 1000

Target 4: Multiplying/Dividing Groups of 10, 100 & 1000

There are many multiplications and divisions that may look complex at first sight but can (and probably should) be performed mentally. These are the calculations that combine basic times-tables with a change in place value: 6x3 becomes 600x3; 32÷8 becomes 3200÷80. In the Target 4 workbook your students will start by changing one number in a times-table to a group of 10 and then learn that the answer to the relevant times-table becomes ten times greater also. This will lead naturally to them being able to make numbers and answers 100 or 1000 times greater. After this, they will learn what happens when both numbers in the multiplication are altered. We then focus on changing some of these numbers into decimals (tenths, hundredths or thousandths) and study what happens to each answer. Students will also study divisions that are connected to basic times-tables facts: can they mentally solve 480÷6, 480÷60 or even 480÷600? Why should they learn these skills? Not only will it save the time of using longer written methods - not only will it sharpen your students’ thinking skills and help them appreciate consistent patterns in calculations - they will also be able to use these facts to ‘round’ numbers in trickier calculations and estimate sensible answers. Each Target Practice workbook is divided into ten challenges, with target scores and time limits. The Target Extra section at the back of each book contains several repeat challenges, enabling pupils to hit that target score should they miss out the first time. This is a colourful 103-page PDF download, with explanation pages for each concept, and quick links to each chapter and the answer pages. Not only that, this Target Practice workbook contains links to 75 minutes of teaching video, created by Catapult (only available to those who purchase the workbook). Target 4’s ten steps are as follows: Target 4a: Back to the Tables Target 4b: Multiplying Groups of 10 Target 4c: Multiplying Groups of 100 & 1,000 Target 4d: When Both Numbers Change Target 4e: Single Digits x Decimals Target 4f: Groups of 100 & 1,000 x Decimals Target 4g: Dividing Groups of 10, 100 & 1,000 Target 4h: Putting it all Together Target 4i: Rounding Target 4j: Estimating Answers Launch their potential. Trevor Veale Target Practice author Owner and full-time tutor at Catapult Primary school teacher for nine years
Target 6: Long Multiplication

Target 6: Long Multiplication

The Target 6 book could also have been named ‘Written Multiplication’. Although your students will come across some very large multiplications in this workbook, which require careful written strategies, there are also many shorter multiplications that require only a bit of writing and can be solved in seconds. The book begins with ‘Fast Methods’: teaching children how to quickly multiply numbers by 5 and 50, then 20 and 25, then 9 and 99 and finally 11. The traditional column method is explained next, although I strongly encourage students to use other strategies whenever neither number in the calculation is a single-digit number. These strategies include the Grid Method, the Double/Half Method (which is connected to the ‘Russian Peasant’ Method), the Factor Pair Method and the Lattice. If your students struggle with the traditional column multiplication method (the method almost all of us use at school) then I urge you to take them slowly through the Target 6 workbook. My own students are now highly confident with long multiplications thanks to these alternatives - particularly the Lattice. Their teachers have also been very impressed by this progress so you can be sure that good schools will encourage the use of these strategies in the classroom. Each Target Practice workbook is divided into ten challenges, with target scores and time limits. The Target Extra section at the back of each book contains several repeat challenges, enabling your students to hit that target score should they miss out the first time. This is a colourful 115-page PDF download, with explanation pages for each concept, and quick links to each chapter and the answer pages. Not only that, this Target Practice workbook contains links to 74 minutes of teaching video, created by Catapult (only available to those who purchase the workbook). Target 6’s ten steps are as follows: Target 6a: Fast Methods: x5, x50 Target 6b: Fast Methods: x20, x25 Target 6c: Fast Methods: x9, x99 Target 6d: Fast Methods: x11 Target 6e: Column Method Target 6f: Grid Method Target 6g: Russian Peasant Method Target 6h: Factor Pair Method Target 6i: Lattice Method Target 6j: Putting it all Together Launch their potential. Trevor Veale Target Practice author Owner and full-time tutor at Catapult Primary school teacher for nine years