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Coastal management

Coastal management

Information hunt lesson (or could work as a carousel) on different hard and soft engineering methods of coastal management. Aimed at KS3, all resources are embedded and the A3 worksheet has a modeled answer and scaffolds for lower ability and challenge tasks for the higher ability.
Importance of Birmingham case study

Importance of Birmingham case study

Suited for AQA GCSE. Students go on an information hunt, gathering information to complete their A3 sheet about the importance of Birmingham. The powerpoint includes answers for a self assessment and recap of the task.
Renewable energy in India

Renewable energy in India

Mini decision making exercise for KS3 (aimed at Year 7) with resources for a carousel activity . Presentation includes recap renewable energy starter, AFL used throughout and clear task instructions were clear differentiated tasks. Looks at Gosaba from Geog.2 textbook.
Urban Issues and Challenges Revision

Urban Issues and Challenges Revision

Revision lesson for AQA Urban Issues and Challenges topic, where students play a game of back to back before creating their own quiz. Whilst students were creating their own quizzes in the style of the Chase, I selected a few students’ questions for the end of the lesson Chase on mini whiteboards. Worked very well and students thoroughly enjoyed the lesson! Used with Year 9 and 11
Urban issues revision sheet

Urban issues revision sheet

Case study revision summary sheet for Urban Issues and Challenges looking at Mumbai, Birmingham, Tianjin Ecocity and sustainable transport in Curitiba. Revision sheets contain case study facts and students are tasked to colour/ highlight the different opportunities and challenges, national and international importance and somewhat more. Ticks all parts of the Urban Issues and Challenges unit
Olympic Regeneration of Stratford KS3

Olympic Regeneration of Stratford KS3

Lesson that focuses on the regeneration of Stratford as a result of the Olympics. Aimed at Yr 7 the lesson looks at Stratford before the Olympics and the need for regeneration, then the lesson moves towards the features of the regeneration, before finishing on how quality of life has improved as a result. Activities include ‘map from memory’ style task of the environmental quality before, embedded Youtube links to prompt discussion and a written task with clear modeling and scaffolding
Distribution of UK urban areas

Distribution of UK urban areas

Meets AQA spec for distribution of UK’s urban area. Plot data on a map worksheet with the presentation showing a step by step method, with clear differentiation. Builds on map skills, data presentation. Scale and examples on worksheet area to actual scale. Data sets are embedded within the presentation.
Amazon Rainforest DME

Amazon Rainforest DME

Aimed at Year 8, a series of 3 lessons based on a DME where students look at different sites in the Amazon Rainforest that are all going to be deforested for large scale industries. Students over the course of the 3 lessons will decide which site to save and why. Lesson 3 concludes with a debate where students have to debate from different stakeholders’ point of view.
Reducing the development gap

Reducing the development gap

Lesson resources for carousel activity or info hunt. Resources focus on how FDI, industrial development and tourism help to reduce the development gap with mini case studies focusing on Africa/China; Malaysia and Jamaica. I had a class discussion which worked really well and students added to their work based on this discussion. Powerpoint includes AQA style exam question with mark scheme responses. Post it note evaluation plenary.
NEE case study- Nigeria

NEE case study- Nigeria

Nigeria used as a case study for a Newly Emerging Economy. Lesson looks at the trading relationships Nigeria has with other African nations and the wider world. Worksheet where students match up the descriptions to the different pie charts based on Nigeria’s trade. The lesson briefly touches the Commonwealth before an information hunt collecting information about 5 African trade blocs’ relationship with Nigeria. Information hunt resources embedded in powerpoint