The Drama Studio teaches Creative Drama in Edinburgh in independent classes and within Primary schools. Interactive teaching techniques used to deliver the curriculum, highly motivate students to learn, improving attainment and transforming the learning arena. Teachers increase in confidence as they become skilled in the techniques, developing positive relationships with their students. The approach is guaranteed to ignite Topics and seriously enhance Literacy.
The Drama Studio teaches Creative Drama in Edinburgh in independent classes and within Primary schools. Interactive teaching techniques used to deliver the curriculum, highly motivate students to learn, improving attainment and transforming the learning arena. Teachers increase in confidence as they become skilled in the techniques, developing positive relationships with their students. The approach is guaranteed to ignite Topics and seriously enhance Literacy.
Interactive Classroom Teaching
This extended Interactive lesson is suitable for younger end Primary school children aged 5-7.
The lesson is simple, easy to follow for teachers new to using an Interactive teaching style and can be done in a classroom.
Interactive teaching in the classroom will enhance the learning experience for students, motivating them, stimulating language and modifying behaviour with everyone working together in a practical way. Teachers who try out the techniques never look back and are inspired by the quality of written work, commitment to topics and general enthusiasm.
This story begins with a sensory approach and moves into snowball play technique, described and demonstrated by an experienced teacher on the video included.
The children will embark on an adventure to find a lost mermaid meeting dolphins, jellyfish and an octopus along the way.
Key skills are Mime and Movement, Improvisation, snowball play, visualisation,discussion, literacy embed, story recall and adding an ending.
The teachers can follow through the teaching plan which describes use of Teacher in role allowing for the children to respond and developing characterisation and role-play.
The lessons also come with a plan for development straight into writing skills.
A Help Screen for your smart board is included which is good for recalling the story and also for the writing tasks suggested throughout.
If you want to bring class stories to life then this exciting and practical lesson suitable for a classroom space, then this easy to follow lesson is popular with students and is perfectly designed to inspire imaginative written work.
A great starter game is included - Is That A Ghost Behind Me!
Into the lesson using firstly Configuration Mime to create a spooky forest and leading to the old house itself using visualisation and descriptive language.
This house holds many secrets and the students will consider and enact what these might be. Walking around with a creepy caretaker they will discover strange portraits, hear weird sounds and encounter lifelike statues.
The room at the top holds the greatest intrigue of all. The ghosts there have stories to tell about this place.
The lesson takes teachers through each part if the story, describing the activities and with direct links to good free music tracks.
6 pieces of written work are suggested for teachers to use as follow-ups to the different lesson sections.
This is an easy lesson for teachers who want to explore exciting interactive activities with their students and develop their ideas them further and into Literacy.
10 games demonstrated by an experienced teacher and a class which will be especially useful for Back To School getting to know a new class, observing your students and embedding class rules in a fun way! You will be given a link to the teaching video.
Perseus and The Medusa Lesson Set
Classroom Drama and Interactive Learning is a fantastic way to explore a Topic and to raise Literacy attainment.
This traditional Greek myth has all the makings of an exciting extended storyline for age 9+ and will cover a good term’s work with your class who will have lots of ideas for expansion in addition to the Lesson Plan suggestions.
The students will work together as a class and in groups to enact the story scenes and importantly to give them their own unique creative twist.
Full details, photos and links to a great free music website are all included in the lesson plan.
** Each activity either embeds or follows up with writing. **
The Birth of Hermes- Done as a fantastic whole class Whoosh technique with Teacher’s script within Lesson Plan.
Into Literacy -Cartoon captioned stories.
Athena and Hermes - Improvisation and Presentation in groups building confidence throughout.
Into Literacy - Embedding Scripting.
3.Perseus and the Graeae - Improvisation, Passing The Eye Technique.
Into Literacy-Scripting
The Cave of The Stygian Nymphs - Mirroring, simple but very effective Movement Technique.
Into Literacy -Descriptive Writing
5.The Cave of The Medusa - Statues (Tableaux), Characterisation.
Into Literacy - Character description. Paired scripting, Atmospheric narratives with suggested atmospheric presentation ideas.
Atlas and Andromeda - Still Images, Monster Movement.
Into Literacy - Exciting Accounts of saving Andromeda.
The Olympic Games -Tableaux and Improvisation.
Into Literacy - Reporting the accident at the games.
Back To Seriphus -Improvisation.
Into Literacy - Summary of Main Points in the Myth, caption stories.
Interactive Teacher Training Video over 3 classroom lessons showing experienced teacher with young class (6 years )doing the story of Little Red Riding Hood.
The lesson is suitable for age 5-7.
Interactive classroom teaching produces the most amazing engagement with young children developing creativity and imagination and rolling out into Literacy.
It also promotes early self-confidence and behaviour modification as the children work together in a captivating story, becoming the characters, empathising with them and importantly having the opportunity to add in ideas of their own.
Teachers will watch how the lessons are presented and observe the formula for successful interactive lessons and be able to incorporate directly into their own teaching. Teachers find that these methods produce quality teaching practice, upskilling teachers in the “how” we present lessons and that the children LOVE the approach responding in a totally natural way, absorbed inside their learning.
The resource features:
Introduction to Interactive Classroom teaching Techniques.
Overview of each lesson - captioned with selected video clip examples.
The full length 3 lessons with teacher Louise and the class.
Detailed Time line so that teachers can skip to the sections they want.
Lesson Plans.
Ideas for follow-ups and into Literacy.
ROMANS PACK (Age range 8+ with a simpler lesson included)
This pack comes with 4 different Roman Lessons as follows:
A Roman Town - Chariots and Rider Game, the lesson is housed within a film-set idea (with the teacher as a famous Director) about Roman times. During the film the shooting locations will be the Forum ( an incident takes place - thief steals from the market place), the Art Gallery (sculpting and painting frescoes), The Baths (mantle of the expert technique), The Roman Theatre - they must create a play scene that goes wrong in the film. The idea that the Roman town is created for a film gives it an interesting and creative dimension so that the students create scenes within scenes with the Director getting involved and having to edit parts etc
Roman Gods - Night At The Museum game with classroom adaptation if in a very small space, sculptor and model mimes for Roman temple, looking at situations for worshipping Gods (passing an exam for example) and selecting the appropriate God, Mount Olympus scenario - Jupiter needs replacing for a while and one of the others will take over but who will he choose? - fun presentations by other Gods for the job, Ceremonial tableaux, Fun Improvisation on the myth of Jupiter Juno and Little Io
Romulus and Remus - A Myth is a brilliant accompaniment to a factual topic. In this lessons the students will have a short introductory script to read and improvise from. Then they will work through the storyline creating it’s scenes in groups using techniques like mime and narration. The story could be made into a short simple play to show to another class or as an Assembly piece.
Romans For Age 6-8 - For younger/less able children a simpler lesson structure Chariots and Riders game, making shapes of Roman Town buildings, occupational mime of Roman jobs and mantle of the expert technique. Selling things at the busy market place and using soundscape ideas to call out the wares on sale. Argument in the marketplace - creating a tense drama within the scene which is always great fun.
All of the lessons will draw on the things that the students are learning about Romans in the class so the teacher can look at the lesson content and just make sure that the students have some knowledge in preparation.
Working interactively like this will greatly increase the student’s learning and understanding of the topic and activities can be followed up with writing (you can embed it within the practicals) and artwork.
Interactive Classroom Teaching
Interactive teaching in the classroom will enhance the learning experience for students, motivating them, stimulating language and modifying behaviour with everyone working together in a practical way. Teachers who try out the techniques never look back and are inspired by the quality of written work, commitment to topics and general enthusiasm.
This series of three lessons (will usually spin out into more) is suitable for age 5-8 years children. The lesson outlines are simple, easy to follow for teachers new to using Interactive teaching techniques and can be done in a classroom.
The lesson takes a group of children into a farmyard setting where they meet various farmyard characters - the Farmer, Pinky the Pig, Danny the sheepdog and sheep, Daisy the cow, Jenny Henny and her hens, the farm horses.
The teachers can follow through the teaching script which allows for the children to respond and to develop characterisation and role-play. There are a few problems in the farmyard for the students to help with, bringing in problem solving to the storyline!
A Help Screen for your smart board is also included. Teachers find this particularly useful to help the children recall the story and with their writing tasks.
The lesson plans highlight ideas for development straight into writing skills.
Great Classroom Games Video
In this teaching video you will see an experienced teacher with a class doing really good classroom games. These are ideal for a Back To School activity with a new class enabling the teacher to observe the students and to engage with them, setting down class ground rules in a fun way.
Students will learn to co-operate and pay attention to detail. Listening and talking when appropriate are key skills as well as recalling from memory and close observation.
The age range taking part in the video is age 5-13 showing that good games can work well across a wide age group.
These are the games and how they are listed alongside the time line so that you can scroll straight to the game you want to learn. The video is subtitled and there is also full Teacher notes included.
Video Time line
00.05 Cars - Students move in pairs as car and driver. Good movement game.
05.08 Is There A Ghost behind Me?- Great game for focus and listening.
09.32 Snowball - Good Drama mime game.
14.52 Good Morning Your Majesty - A disguising your voice game.
18.42 Popcorn- Lots of variations to this focusing game.
21.16 Two Trues and A False - A guessing game and good for getting to know each other.
24.19 Excuses - A trickier game that challenges the older students but video shows a mixed age group.
34.41 The Evolution Game - Evolve from Amoeba to human. Good moving around game in a small space.
37.50 Aeroplanes - Holding breath and humming game, popular.
42.57 Big Chief - Copy cat game with detective guessing who the leader is.