Lesson 2 of a mini-topic called ‘Agriculture’. Full lesson with a range of activities
Success criteria:
Recall the difference between weather and climate
Describe the LAWS of climate
Explain how each of the LAWS of climate impact farming
Lesson 2 of the Rio de Janeiro case study for Paper 2: Urban Issues and Challenges.
Success criteria:
Summarise key information about social opportunities in Rio de Janeiro
Describe how urban growth has led to improvements in health services, education, water supply and energy
List and justify improvements in order of importance
Answer an exam-style question
There is no printing required for this lesson to be successful. however you may wish to print some activities depending on your group.
Lesson includes a starter, exam practice and a plenary.
7 x word searches:
Urban Issues and Challenges
Changing Economic World x 2
Resource Management
All word searches use the key terms from the AQA specification - perfect for starters or plenaries!
Lesson 3 of the Rio de Janeiro case study for Paper 2: Urban Issues and Challenges.
Success criteria:
Define ‘formal economy’ and ‘informal economy’.
Identify examples of both the formal and informal economy.
Identify the different zones of Rio de Janeiro and their significance for economic growth.
Explain factors that have helped to stimulate economic growth in Rio de Janeiro.
Answer comprehension questions about the Ternium steelworks.
Lesson includes a starter, a range of activities and a plenary.
Lesson 1 of the Rio de Janeiro case study for Paper 2: Urban Issues and Challenges.
Success criteria:
Describe the location of Rio de Janeiro
Define regional, national and international importance
Categorise factors of Rio de Janeiro into regional, national and international importance
Answer an exam-style question
Use the T.E.A. method to describe Rio de Janeiro’s population change over time
Describe the role of migration and natural increase in the growth of Rio de Janeiro
There is no printing required for this lesson to be successful. however you may wish to print some activities depending on your group.
Lesson includes a starter, exam practice and a plenary.
Lesson 3 of a mini-topic called ‘Agriculture’. Full lesson including a range of activities including graphical skills.
Success criteria:
Describe the different types of soil
Explain why soil is important for farming
Describe how different soil types affect each type of farming
Lesson 5 of a mini-topic called ‘Agriculture’. Full lesson including a research task.
Success criteria:
Describe what is meant by the term ‘food miles’
Design a meal and calculate food miles
Describe the impact of high food mileage
19 x word searches:
Tectonic Hazards
Weather Hazards
Climate Change
Tropical Rainforests
Cold Environments
Hot Deserts
Coastal Landscapes x 2
River Landscapes x 2
Glacial Landscapes
Urban Issues and Challenges
Changing Economic World x2
Resource Management
All word searches use the key terms from the AQA specification - perfect for starters or plenaries!
4 x word searches:
Tropical Rainforests
Cold Environemnts
Hot Deserts
Using key terms from the AQA GCSE specification - perfect for starters or plenaries!
3 x word searches:
Tectonic hazards
Weather hazards
Climate change
Using key terms from the AQA GCSE specification - perfect for starters or plenaries!
5 x word searches:
Coastal Landscapes
River Landscapes
Glacial Landscapes
Using key terms from the AQA GCSE specification - perfect for starters or plenaries!
12 x word searches:
Tectonic Hazards
Weather Hazards
Climate Change
Tropical Rainforests
Cold Environments
Hot Deserts
Coastal Landscapes x 2
River Landscapes x 2
Glacial Landscapes
All word searches use the key terms from the AQA specification - perfect for starters or plenaries!