KS3 Chemistry
Rusting investigation lesson resources
I also have an ICT task free to go with this as well if you want to make it into a longer project to do research in the first week.
presentation and resources
*** Lessons ideal for teaching out of specialism ***
I have done the work so you don’t have to, pick them up and go!
Secondary Science teacher
Normal lady, mummy and friend who loves her job!
GCSE AQA Chemistry Chapter 4 Chemical Calculations
Gas Volume Calculations
Full lesson presentation and built in resources - everything you need for the lesson with NO photocopying! Just download the resource and off you go! Ideal for teaching out of specialism with minimal planning, I have done it all for you.
Lesson hook
Recap and recall questions
Lesson content information
Tasks to complete
Exit task for plenary
I am a secondary science teacher with over 10 years experience teaching up to KS5. I work on making the planning of teaching easier and all my resources have built in tasks with no photocopying!
GCSE AQA Chemistry Chapter 3 Bonding and Structure Whole Topic
3.1 States of matter
3.2 Atoms into ions
3.3 Ionic bonding
3.4 Giant ionic structures
3.5 Covalent bonding
3.6 Structure of simple molecules
3.7 Giant covalent structures
3.8 Fullerenes and graphene
3.9 3.10 Bonding and properties of metals
3.11 3.12 Nanoparticles and their uses
Full lesson presentations and built in resources - everything you need for the lesson with NO photocopying! Just download the resource and off you go! Ideal for teaching out of specialism with minimal planning, I have done it all for you.
Lesson hook
Recap and recall questions
Lesson content information
Tasks to complete
Exit task for plenary
I am a secondary science teacher with over 9 years experience teaching up to KS5. I work on making the planning of teaching easier and all my resources have built in tasks with no photocopying!
GCSE AQA Chemistry Chapter 7 Energy Transfers
7.2 Using energy transfers from reaction
Hand warmers / Self Heating Cans / Cool Packs
Full lesson presentation and built in resources - everything you need for the lesson with NO photocopying! Just download the resource and off you go! Ideal for teaching out of specialism with minimal planning, I have done it all for you.
Lesson hook
Recap and recall questions
Lesson content information
Tasks to complete
Exit task for plenary
I am a head of Chemistry and secondary science teacher with over 10 years experience teaching up to KS5. I work on making the planning of teaching easier and all my resources have built in tasks with no photocopying!
GCSE AQA Chemistry Chapter 5 Chemical Changes
Strong and Weak Acids – Higher Tier
Full lesson presentation and built in resources - everything you need for the lesson with NO photocopying! Just download the resource and off you go! Ideal for teaching out of specialism with minimal planning, I have done it all for you.
Lesson hook
Recap and recall questions
Lesson content information
Tasks to complete
Exit task for plenary
I am a secondary science teacher with over 10 years experience teaching up to KS5. I work on making the planning of teaching easier and all my resources have built in tasks with no photocopying!
GCSE AQA Chemistry Chapter 1 Atomic Structure
1.5 History of the Atom
Full lesson presentation and built in resources - everything you need for the lesson with NO photocopying! Just download the resource and off you go! Ideal for teaching out of specialism with minimal planning, I have done it all for you.
Lesson hook
Recap and recall questions
Lesson content information
Tasks to complete
Exit task for plenary
I am a secondary science teacher with over 9 years experience teaching up to KS5. I work on making the planning of teaching easier and all my resources have built in tasks with no photocopying!
GCSE AQA Chemistry Chapter 5 Chemical Changes Whole Topic
5.1 The Reactivity Series
5.2 Displacement Reactions
5.3 Extracting Metals
5.4-5.6 Making Salts and Required Practical
5.7 Neutralisation and pH
5.8 Strong and Weak Acids
Full lesson presentations and built in resources - everything you need for the lesson with NO photocopying! Just download the resource and off you go! Ideal for teaching out of specialism with minimal planning, I have done it all for you.
Lesson hook
Recap and recall questions
Lesson content information
Tasks to complete
Exit task for plenary
I am a Deputy of Science in a Secondary School with over 10 years experience teaching up to KS5. I work on making the planning of teaching easier and all my resources have built in tasks with no photocopying!
GCSE AQA Chemistry Chapter 5 Chemical Changes
Making salts, general equations, how to make salts in the lab including grade 9 ionic equations and the required practical
Full lesson presentation and built in resources - everything you need for the lesson with NO photocopying! Just download the resource and off you go! Ideal for teaching out of specialism with minimal planning, I have done it all for you.
Lesson hook
Recap and recall questions
Lesson content information
Tasks to complete
Exit task for plenary
I am a secondary science teacher with over 10 years experience teaching up to KS5. I work on making the planning of teaching easier and all my resources have built in tasks with no photocopying!
GCSE AQA Chemistry Chapter 4 Chemical Calculations
Titration Calculations with a cool table way of always knowing what to do!
Full lesson presentation and built in resources - everything you need for the lesson with NO photocopying! Just download the resource and off you go! Ideal for teaching out of specialism with minimal planning, I have done it all for you.
Lesson hook
Recap and recall questions
Lesson content information
Tasks to complete
Exit task for plenary
I am a secondary science teacher with over 10 years experience teaching up to KS5. I work on making the planning of teaching easier and all my resources have built in tasks with no photocopying!
GCSE AQA Chemistry Chapter 4 Chemical Calculations Whole Topic
4.1 Mr and Moles
4.2 Equations and Calculations
4.3 Reacting Mass Calculations
4.4 Percentage Yield
4.5 Atom Economy
4.6 Concentration Calculations
4.7 Titration Method
4.8 Titration Calculations
4.9 Gas Volume Calculations
Full lesson presentations and built in resources - everything you need for the lesson with NO photocopying! Just download the resource and off you go! Ideal for teaching out of specialism with minimal planning, I have done it all for you.
Lesson hook
Recap and recall questions
Lesson content information
Tasks to complete
Exit task for plenary
I am a secondary science teacher with over 9 years experience teaching up to KS5. I work on making the planning of teaching easier and all my resources have built in tasks with no photocopying!
GCSE AQA Chemistry Chapter 3 Structure and Bonding
3.11 3.12 Nanoparticles, Uses and Their Properties
Full lesson presentation and built in resources - everything you need for the lesson with NO photocopying! Just download the resource and off you go! Ideal for teaching out of specialism with minimal planning, I have done it all for you.
Lesson hook
Recap and recall questions
Lesson content information
Tasks to complete
Exit task for plenary
I am a secondary science teacher with over 9 years experience teaching up to KS5. I work on making the planning of teaching easier and all my resources have built in tasks with no photocopying!
Really fun Science end of term Christmas research task. Science behind Christmas. I have come up with a few topics that they can choose from. Either in an ICT room or using technology to research and complete a fact sheet etc / group presentation. Enjoy and Merry Christmas!
I am a secondary science teacher with over 9 years experience teaching up to KS5. I work on making the planning of teaching easier and all my resources have built in tasks with no photocopying!
**KS3 Plant Minerals Full Lesson **
Following the activate scheme, but good for any lesson on this topic!
Activate lesson bundles available with discounts :)
Full lesson presentation and built in resources - everything you need for the lesson with NO photocopying! Just download the resource and off you go! Ideal for teaching out of specialism with minimal planning, I have done it all for you.
Lesson hook
Recap and recall questions
Lesson content information
Tasks to complete
Exit task for plenary
I am a secondary science teacher with over 9 years experience teaching up to KS5. I work on making the planning of teaching easier and all my resources have built in tasks with no photocopying!
GCSE AQA Chemistry C4 – C6 Whole Topics MASSIVE Bundle of Complete Lessons
This bundle is PERFECT for non specialist teaching! Has EVERYTHING you need for the whole of C4 to C6
C4 Chemical Calculations
C5 Chemical Changes
C6 Electrolysis
Full lesson presentations and built in resources - everything you need for the lessons with NO photocopying! Just download the resources and off you go! Ideal for teaching out of specialism with minimal planning, I have done it all for you.
Lesson hook
Recap and recall questions
Lesson content information
Tasks to complete
Exit task for plenary
I am a Deputy of Science in a Secondary School with over 10 years experience teaching up to KS5. I work on making the planning of teaching easier and all my resources have built in tasks with no photocopying!
**GCSE AQA Chemistry Chapter 4 Chemical Calculations
What Concentration is and Concentration Calculations**
Full lesson presentation and built in resources - everything you need for the lesson with NO photocopying! Just download the resource and off you go! Ideal for teaching out of specialism with minimal planning, I have done it all for you.
Lesson hook
Recap and recall questions
Lesson content information
Tasks to complete
Exit task for plenary
I am a secondary science teacher with over 10 years experience teaching up to KS5. I work on making the planning of teaching easier and all my resources have built in tasks with no photocopying!
**GCSE AQA Chemistry Chapter 5 Chemical Changes
Displacement Reactions including grade 9 ionic equations **
Full lesson presentation and built in resources - everything you need for the lesson with NO photocopying! Just download the resource and off you go! Ideal for teaching out of specialism with minimal planning, I have done it all for you.
Lesson hook
Recap and recall questions
Lesson content information
Tasks to complete
Exit task for plenary
I am a secondary science teacher with over 10 years experience teaching up to KS5. I work on making the planning of teaching easier and all my resources have built in tasks with no photocopying!
GCSE AQA Chemistry Chapter 2 The Periodic Table
2.5 Explaining Trends in Reactivity
Full lesson presentation and built in resources - everything you need for the lesson with NO photocopying! Just download the resource and off you go! Ideal for teaching out of specialism with minimal planning, I have done it all for you.
Lesson hook
Recap and recall questions
Lesson content information
Tasks to complete
Exit task for plenary
I am a secondary science teacher with over 9 years experience teaching up to KS5. I work on making the planning of teaching easier and all my resources have built in tasks with no photocopying!
Year 7 KS3 Biology
Fertilisation and Baby Development
presentation and resources
*** Lessons ideal for teaching out of specialism ***
I have done the work so you don’t have to, pick them up and go!
Secondary Science teacher
Normal lady, mummy and friend who loves her job!
Year 7 KS3 Chemistry
solutions and solubility
presentation and resources
*** Lessons ideal for teaching out of specialism ***
I have done the work so you don’t have to, pick them up and go!
Secondary Science teacher
Normal lady, mummy and friend who loves her job!
GCSE Chemistry
Metals and Alloys
presentation and resources
*** Lessons ideal for teaching out of specialism ***
I have done the work so you don’t have to, pick them up and go!
Secondary Science teacher, 8 years experience, NQT mentor and examination marker
Normal lady, mummy and friend who loves her job!