This is a hand drawn Biro pen drawing help sheet focusing on shading, pen types and mark making techniques drawing various sea creatures. Ideal for any still life, animal or sea creature project.
This is a hand drawn shell pencil drawing help sheet aimed at helping students to break down a drawing into more manageable chunks to draw. Followed by shading and marking marking techniques advise. Perfect for any natural forms, animal or still life project.
This is a hand drawn visual aid for any projects looking at natural forms, animals or insects.
The worksheet helps students break down the sections of the drawing into more manageable chunks and instructs on shading and mark making techniques to achieve realism.
This is a hand drawn tropical animal reference help sheet for using pen. It highlights techniques in shading and mark making. This is an ideal resource for any animal or still life based project looking at observational drawing.
This resource is a hand drawn reference point to help with any portraits project. Detailed drawings using various pencil tones to create realistic effects.
This is a hand drawn step by step help sheet on how to draw an eye.
The sheet looks at how to build up the basic shapes of an eye and add tone, detailing different grades of pencil and mark making techniques.
It breaks down the structure into more manageable steps so students understand the shape and form of the drawing rather than just copying an image.
This was designed for introducing a portraits project to KS4 students but has also worked well with more able KS3 groups.
Extension tasks and stretch and challenge advise is also included on the sheet to push your more able students.
Hand drawn pencil drawing hair help sheet, Ideal for helping with observations for portrait projects.
Hair is often over looked when looking at resources for drawing portraits. This sheet covers both long and short hair and how to create realistic effects in pencil for highlights and shadow.
this is a how to draw a nose step by step guide with other nose references to support challenge tasks. Ideal for any portrait project looking at initial observations.
This hand drawn activity exemplar is ideal for observational study tasks. It focuses on using 4 different mediums, pencil, pencil crayon, water colour and pen. Perfect in the stages before introducing developments to show students how to mix mediums.
It also proves useful in quickly facilitating a range of mediums in small sections.
This is a step by step soap carving resource detailing how to sculpt both a dragons eye and dragon head out of soap using everyday house hold utensils.
Finishing with a coffee wash.