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Introduction to Moments

Introduction to Moments

Yet another worksheet for you to introduce moments. Please if you find the information useful or lacking something kindly let me know so that I can improve my teaching. Remember to always harmonize the findings of the learners in these activities. I wish you good viewing
Quantity of Heat

Quantity of Heat

In this handout you will find notes in heat calculations with very good examples. Specific heat and latent heat are the concepts you will find here.
Introduction to Density

Introduction to Density

Just a few activities to introduce density for learners. Drop me a comment if you find the material useful and I welcome any suggestions for improvement.
Current Electricity Activities

Current Electricity Activities

Dear All, this resource has been designed to enhance hands - on skills and promote self judgement on the part of the student. It also helps learner to gain manipulative skills in a laboratory environment. As a Physics teacher I usually advocate for hands - on activities and in their absence I do use computer teaching aids. I hope you find it useful. Andama Wilbert