All resources
A-level German | Opfer des Rassismus, Diskrminierung, Vorurteile, Einwanderung
A-level German | Opfer des Rassismus, Diskrminierung, Vorurteile, Einwanderung
German | Mein Tagesablauf | My daily routine
German | Mein Tagesablauf | My daily routine
Word search
Reading task with translation (gap fill)
A level German | Goodbye Lenin resources
A level German | Goodbye Lenin resources
Goodbye Lenin | Leitmotive: Technologie, Weltraum
Goodbye Lenin
Leitmotive: Technologie, Weltraum, Siegmund Jähn
Getting the students ready for the next essay
German - narrow reading, school subjects, school
narrow reading
school topic
school subjects
French resources
German | Mein Handy | Technology topic
German | Mein Handy | Technology topic
Use of mobile phone etc.
Latin | Roman Baths KS3, KS4
Latin | Roman Baths KS3, KS4
a brief intro to Roman Baths
Latin | Worksheets based on Cambridge Latin Course
Latin | Worksheets based on Cambridge Latin Course
German A level
German A level
German | Narrow / Close reading practice questions Mein Tagesablauf | daily routine
German | Narrow / Close reading practice questions Mein Tagesablauf | daily routine
Latin | Irregular verbs | Practice questions
Latin | Irregular verbs | Practice questions
Eduqas GCSE Latin: Roman Civilistaion - Roman Britain
GCSE Latin
Roman Civilisation
ROMAN Britain
A-level German | Immigrants in Germany
A-level German
German | Board games | Speaking practice | REVISION
German | Board games | Speaking practice | REVISION
writing practice German my daily routine
writing practice German my daily routine
GCSE Latin A level Latin grammar Passive voice
GCSE Latin A level Latin grammar Passive voice
A level Latin Literature Ovid Amores
A level Latin Literature Ovid Amores
A level Latin GCSE Latin Subjunctive Active and Passive voice
A level Latin GCSE Latin Subjunctive Active and Passive voice
ut-clauses Latin GCSE A level
ut-clauses Latin GCSE A level